The Start Of Cellular Research With Hinome

The next morning, buoyed by the high spirits from his breakthrough, Hikari completed his pre-afternoon training with ease.

It wasn't long after when one of his attendants approached him with news that brightened his mood further—the newly procured expensive equipment he and Hinome had been eagerly awaiting had secretly arrived at the compound during the night.

It had also already been delivered to Hinome's research room within the residence by now.

Acknowledging the update with a nod, Hikari made his way to the newly established main research room, curious and excited to see the new tools that would push their work forward.

Upon entering, he found Hinome already there, deeply engrossed in examining the equipment 'from head to toe' in detail.

She was clad in her white research coat and using other similar necessities like masks and gloves. Alongside her were a few members of her research team, all of them focused on the newly arrived tools.

Without needing any explicit instruction, after seeing him, they all saluted and addressed him respectfully after which they quickly gathered their notes and materials, making their way out of the room.

Their departure was orderly and swift, leaving Hikari and Hinome alone amid the array of new equipment that filled the space.

The equipment that arrived was specifically designed to advance cellular research, a field that required precision, delicacy, and a deep understanding of biological processes.

Among the various tools and devices, there were sophisticated cell extractors, designed for the delicate task of isolating cells without damaging them.

Additionally, there were incubators, providing the perfect environment for cell cultivation and multiplication, mimicking the conditions necessary for growth outside the human body.

There were only a few pieces of such technology in the current shinobi world, made by a few special engineers, different equipment, and parts from all around the world, making it nearly impossible for anyone who was not of Hikari's current status and wealth to acquire them.

And it involved Hikari keeping tabs on them and following it all even months before he became the Third Elder in preparation.

The centerpiece of the new equipment, however, was a set of human-sized tanks. These tanks were designed with versatility in mind, capable of holding entire human bodies for advanced research and experimentation if the need arose in the future or something unexpected happened during their cellular multiplication phase requiring future analysis. 

As Hikari and Hinome went over each piece of equipment, their interactions remained strictly professional, tactfully avoiding any mention of the personal moment they had shared the day before. Their focus was on the specifications, functions, and quality of the tools before them.

They discussed the potential applications and how each device could be integrated into their current research projects, particularly how they could be used in conjunction with Hinome's unique microscopic Byakugan vision.

Hinome's ability, which had recently advanced to reach the cellular vision level, when combined with the advanced microscopes that were part of the equipment, opened up new possibilities for their research.

These microscopes could magnify her vision further, allowing for unprecedented detail in their study of cells and their structures.

The scene in the research room was one of intense concentration and mutual respect for each other's high expertise.

As they moved from one piece of equipment to the next, there was a palpable sense of excitement about the potential these tools represented. 

"For now, your focus should be on extracting and then successfully multiplying the cells of those chakra-infused mice...", Hikari directed, his tone serious yet encouraging,

"I believe it's still premature to proceed with human experimentation at least for a few years. However, our ultimate goal is clear – the successful transplantation of foreign cells from individuals with desired characteristics into our own bodies."

Hinome nodded, her expression determined, "I understand. The first step is mastering the process with the mice. By ensuring we can control cell growth and replication in them, we're laying the groundwork for more complex procedures."

"And with those tanks, we can move towards larger-scale experiments. Initially for the mice, ensuring we can monitor and adjust the environment to suit the needs of different cell types."

Hikari nodded, "Right. And the advanced microscopes, combined with your Byakugan, will give us a rare insight into the process at a cellular level. Observing how chakra influences cell behavior in real-time will be invaluable."

"Our approach...", Hinome continued, "Will be methodical. We'll document each variation in the process, analyzing how different chakra natures affect cell viability and growth. This data will be crucial when we eventually transition to human cells."

Hikari nodded and concluded, "Once we've perfected the technique with mice, we'll have a solid foundation for moving on to the next phase with humans. Your unique ability to see at the cellular level will be key in identifying and selecting the ideal cells for transplantation.",

"However, it's important to remember that all of these efforts, while groundbreaking, cannot fully substitute for actual genetic research...", Hikari added thoughtfully,

"True transformation of our bloodlines and destinies hinges on our understanding and manipulation at the genetic level. So, alongside this work, you should continue to refine your vision and explore that domain as well.",

Hikari was well aware that genetic research was almost non-existent in their world, in a slight contrast to the cellular-level insights they could piece together from scattered sources over months of diligent searching, their vision, and clan's and Konoha's internet medical records.

"The cellular work we're undertaking is crucial as the first step, the building block, and a less favorable alternative if needed, but unlocking the secrets of genetics could offer us the keys to fundamentally altering our bloodlines, enabling us to potentially bypass all kinds of natural limitations..."

Hinome absorbed his words, understanding the immense challenge and opportunity they represented,

"So, I'll dedicate part of my research to developing techniques for genetic analysis and manipulation. My Byakugan's ability to see at a microscopic level could also be crucial in identifying genetic markers and alterations in the future when it gets even more powerful."

Hikari and Hinome were setting their sights on discoveries that could redefine the very essence of shinobi capabilities, guided by a blend of Hikari's knowledge from another world and the unique powers of Hinome's eyes.

Soon after imparting these thoughts and setting the stage for the ambitious path ahead, Hikari excused himself from the room, leaving Hinome to her work.

His departure was a silent acknowledgment of his trust in her abilities and her dedication to their shared goals. Hinome, now alone with the equipment and her thoughts, felt a surge of motivation fueled by the enormity of the task ahead and the confidence placed in her by Hikari.

She inwardly vowed to not disappoint him and in the future, and with her research, to create a reality in which the two of them could truly break through their natural confines and truly be open with one another, in this kind of troubled and dangerous world, without any fear for their future, and unexpected outcomes, that were always on Hikari's mind since a young age, for some reason, in her observation and her deep silent understanding of him over the years.