Between War and Bonds: Hikari's Resolution

Upon leaving the Patriarch's Estate, Hikari made his way back to his residence, the Third Estate, through the Main Branch living area at large.

Entering his house, he passed by guards and attendants, each offering him a respectful nod or salute.

However, as soon as he stepped into the lobby of his estate, he noticed Hinome waiting for him, her presence there was patient and expectant.

"It is as I predicted, Hinome, the Third Ninja World War is about to start...", Hikari announced right away as he approached her,

"What I wanted to tell you earlier...", Hikari continued speaking, shifting to a more immediate concern next,

"Is that I want to take you to meet the Patriarch alongside me, now. Go change your attire if you wish; I'm ready to leave immediately. He should be waiting for us already...",

His tone conveyed the slight urgency of the meeting, underscoring the significance of Hinome's presence there for some reason.

Upon hearing Hikari's words, Hinome's initial reaction was a slight tightening of her fists, an involuntary response to the conclusive realization that Hikari would likely soon depart for the battlefield, as he had hinted to her earlier. 

However, her thoughts quickly shifted as she processed the second part of Hikari's statement. The invitation to meet the Patriarch, especially at such a critical juncture, piqued her curiosity and introduced a layer of confusion.

Why now, after all this time spent primarily within the confines of her laboratory and other areas within the Third Estate, was she being brought into such a pivotal meeting?

This was a significant deviation from her usual role, which had been focused on research and the internal affairs of the estate.

"Don't worry about me, I promise I will be fine. You know about my strength and how thoughtful I am. I'll also be protected by all the other clansmen on the front at all times...", Hikari reassured Hinome, his voice softening as he addressed her instinctive concerns.

Yet, his expression shifted to a more serious demeanor as he continued, addressing a different matter.

"It's you who are still very weak in terms of actual fighting capability. That's why I need to speak with the Patriarch now—to ensure you're taken care of best in my absence... You should understand the implication we'll have to present there...", He sighed, but allowed a slight smile to break through at the end for some reason, despite the gravity of his words.

His statement essentially hinted at positioning Hinome in a manner that would secure her the utmost protection and care within the clan—by suggesting a partnership between them of a 'special' kind of nature.

This strategy was designed to afford Hinome a level of safety and status, inside the clan, close to his own, reflecting Hikari's deep concern for her well-being and his determination to see her safeguarded against the constantly heightening tensions and his near departure.

This approach was the most strategic move Hikari could devise. Hinome's unparalleled value to him through her research, almost on the existential levels for his dreams and purpose for living in this world, combined with the increasingly volatile political landscape within the village, necessitated a robust protective measure.

By suggesting a partnership of significant nature, Hikari aimed to compel the Patriarch to ensure Hinome's safety against any potential threats, employing whatever means necessary, once he was called to the battlefield and could no longer offer his protection to her directly.

Moreover, Hikari's insistence on involving the Patriarch specifically stemmed from the fact that he was subtly aware that the Patriarch harbored some kind of an ancient and hidden weapon unique to their clan, a power that only he could probably wield, for a very long time. 

Hinome's reaction was a complex mix of emotions upon grasping Hikari's intentions. Initial surprise swiftly gave way to a subtle blush, a silent acknowledgment of the depth of his concern for her well-being.

Mixed feelings swirled within her—embarrassment, gratitude, joy, and a thrill of excitement. Despite her self-sufficiency and resilience, nurtured from a young age, Hinome couldn't help but feel moved by Hikari's protective gesture, especially since she had harbored feelings for him for quite some time.

The implications of Hikari's strategy were not lost on her. In the traditional and hierarchical society of the Hyuga clan, Hikari's decision to present her as his partner carried significant weight. It couldn't be just a protective measure standalone; it was also a declaration that could set the course for her future.

In the eyes of the clan, this act was tantamount to a promise of marriage, binding and irrevocable due to the weight of tradition.

Hinome's understanding of the clan's customs added layers to her reaction—knowing also that the Patriarch played a pivotal role in managing the marriage unions within the clan meant that Hikari's request would virtually guarantee their eventual marriage, barring any unforeseen circumstances.

"I understand... I will get ready right away, wait for me here...", Hinome managed to say, her voice betraying a hint of a stutter, revealing her inner turmoil and embarrassment.

As she spoke, she turned quickly, perhaps a bit too eagerly, to hide the flush of her cheeks from Hikari's observant eyes.

With hurried steps that echoed her racing heart, she moved toward her own room to change her attire and gather her thoughts.

Her swift departure was a silent dance of emotions—embarrassment, anticipation, and a deep-seated respect for the gravity of the meeting ahead.

Hikari watched Hinome's hurried departure with a mixture of amusement and a slight shake of his head. He was acutely aware of the implications his decision to present Hinome as his partner would have on their futures.

By initiating this step, he was essentially setting the path toward their inevitable marriage, whether it happened in five years or ten.

He understood that the Patriarch and the Hyuga clan elders would be more than supportive of this union, eager to see the continuation of his bloodline, especially given his unique talents and his status as the last member of his lineage.

The current tense situation within Konoha and the looming threat of war had, until now, postponed any discussions regarding his marital future.

However, Hikari recognized that by bringing Hinome into this context himself, he was opening the door to these conversations sooner than they might have naturally arisen.

Despite the gravity of their external circumstances, Hikari's decision to present Hinome in such a significant manner indicated his acceptance, if not outright approval, of the idea of marrying her eventually.

She was, after all, the closest person to him in this world, making her the best possible choice for a partner.

Yet, Hikari's primary focus remained on his long-term ambitions which were the guiding force of his life, and he was determined not to let anything, including his impending marriage, distract him from these goals.

He was prepared to embrace his future with Hinome, but only after achieving the level of power he always sought.

Until then, he viewed the formalization of their union as a distant milestone, one that he would reach only after fulfilling his ambitious quest for strength, thereby also ensuring their long-term safety and prosperity in this kind of truly dangerous and unpredictable world.