Securing The Promise From The Patriarch

Hinome soon made her way back into the lobby, but now also transformed in appearance. She had changed into elegant, mostly white robes, a traditional attire that highlighted her unmistakable Hyuga clan affiliation.

The refinement of her outfit marked the significance of the upcoming meeting with the Patriarch.

And white was her favorite color, Hikari noted a long time ago, probably due to her profession. 

Hikari's eyes met Hinome as she re-entered, offering her a nod of appreciation. This small gesture, seemingly insignificant, caused Hinome to blush and fidget slightly under his gaze, revealing her nervous anticipation.

Despite the change in her clothing, some things remained constant—her shoulder-length dark brown hair that always seemed a touch disheveled, her striking Hyuga clan bright eyes, and her symmetrically pretty face that bore the youthful glow of collagen.

Her physique had matured into a graceful 'S-shape,' emblematic of her transition into young womanhood. The heavy bangs that framed her face still discreetly covered the Cursed Seal.

"Let's go, Hinome. Just be yourself. My relationship with the Patriarch is quite strong; he's always been friendly towards me, so I expect he'll be the same with you...", Hikari said, signaling for them to head out.

His words, confident and reassuring, seemed to ease some of Hinome's apprehension. She nodded in response, her thoughts still swirling but comforted by Hikari's steady presence.

As they made their way out of the compound, walking side by side, Hinome found herself observing Hikari with a sense of wonder.

It was astonishing to see how much he had changed over the past year. Puberty had ushered in a rapid growth spurt, and now, despite being two years her junior, Hikari stood taller than Hinome.

She speculated about his eventual height, given his already impressive stature that belied his young age of only thirteen.

Hikari's appearance was distinguished by his traditional dark blue Hyuga robes, a color that matched the hue of his slightly unkempt, short hair—an unusual trait for a member of the Hyuga clan, known for their meticulousness.

Overall his mature-like stature and demeanor, along with his elegant attire, added to the aura of maturity that surrounded him, making him seem at least a few years older than he was.

Opting to leave any attendants behind, Hikari and Hinome made their way alone through the Main Branch area towards the Patriarch's Estate. This journey was particularly significant for Hinome, marking her first venture along this path within the heart of the clan's territory.

Her previous experiences within the Main Branch living area had been limited to visits with Hikari to see his sensei, Takumi, the Fifth Elder, and his family.

Those visits, facilitated by Hikari's close relationship with Takumi, had, however, also unintentionally and subtly altered how the Main Branch perceived her even more, showing her as some kind of Hikari's companion and thereby further elevating her status even more.

As they moved through the estate, Hinome took the opportunity to observe her surroundings, taking in the elegant architecture.

Meanwhile, all the Main Branch members they came across, greeted Hikari with deference, but they also addressed Hinome with a respectful "Hinome-san," acknowledging her presumed closeness to Hikari.

This shift in their behavior brought a mix of embarrassment and pride to Hinome. It was a stark contrast to her earlier perceptions of the Main Branch, which had been colored by their usual slight 'looking down' on the members of the Side Branch.

Being with Hikari had transformed Hinome's relationship with the Main Branch in subtle yet profound ways both internally and externally.

Although her prior scorn for the Main Branch had softened, thanks to her association with Hikari himself, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the newfound respect. Those who would've probably secretly disdained her before had now to be very courteous.

Arriving at the grandiose entrance of the Patriarch's Estate, Hinome couldn't help but gaze in awe. Then led by the Patriarch's attendants, they made their way through the opulent corridors and soon entered an elegantly appointed reception room, where the Patriarch awaited their arrival.

At the sight of them, the Patriarch rose from his seat at the dining table, greeting them with a warm, welcoming smile.

"Hikari-kun, it seems that you really brought an interesting guest to me today...", The Patriarch remarked, his voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and amusement as he looked at Hikari in a slightly 'meaningful' kind of way.

His eyes, gentle yet penetrating, settled on Hinome, acknowledging her presence with an openness that belied the usual rigidities of clan hierarchy.

"Patriarch-sama, my name is Hinome. I'm honored to meet you.", Hinome said, her voice steady and composed but imbued with respect. She also executed a slight bow afterward. 

"Ha-ha, no need to be so formal, Hinome-chan. Hikari should have mentioned how close we are. And frankly, I've been wanting to meet you for quite some time as well, given your remarkable contributions to our clan's medical and scientific body of knowledge and ability.",

"It's just that you've always been so engrossed in your work at the Third Estate alongside Hikari-kun, and I didn't want to interrupt you two. Hikari has often spoken of the different, crucial research you're undertaking... But now that we're here, please, let's sit...", The Patriarch said with a warm and inviting tone.

As she took her seat beside Hikari, with the Patriarch positioned across from them, Hinome felt a wave of satisfaction and relief upon hearing the Patriarch express respect for her abilities and contributions, recognizing her for not being merely someone close to Hikari.

"So, Hikari-kun, what exactly is the nature of your relationship with Hinome-chan? And why did you feel it necessary to bring her along today?", The Patriarch inquired, his voice carrying a teasing undertone, accompanied by a knowing smile. He had already surmised the essence of the situation the moment he was informed of Hikari's chosen companion for the visit.

"Ahem, our relationship... It's somewhat special as you probably guessed already...", Hikari began, his tone shifting to one that was not entirely natural for him. It was unclear whether this slight deviation from his usual demeanor was a strategic act to lend credibility to their relationship in the eyes of the Patriarch or if it stemmed from genuine embarrassment.

"And, if it's not too much to ask, I'd appreciate it if you could keep an eye on her affairs while I'm away during this war...", He added, the request underscored by a subtle yet earnest concern for Hinome's well-being during his absence.

Beside him, Hinome's reaction was even more visibly marked by embarrassment. At Hikari's words, she instinctively lowered her head, allowing her bangs to fall further over her face.

"Haha, I'm truly pleased for you, Hikari-kun. It's a wonderful development, especially since you are both of a marriageable age. There's no need for any embarrassment...", The Patriarch chuckled, his tone warm and filled with a genuine sense of joy. The atmosphere lightened considerably as he continued,

"Well then, Hikari, you have my promise. I will take special care to look after Hinome-chan's well-being in your absence. This way, you two can proceed with your marriage as soon as you return and the war is over...",

His words, laced with encouragement and a hint of playful urging, visibly lifted the mood for Hikari then as he just wanted that promise whereas Hinome got even more embarrassed. 

Internally, the Patriarch was elated by this development. He had long considered the idea of Hikari entering into an early marriage, especially now that Hikari finally had reached an age considered appropriate for marriage realizations within the traditions of all major clans.

However, understanding the nuances of timing and respect for Hikari's priorities, he had refrained from broaching the subject directly in front of him. The fact that Hikari had initiated this conversation himself now was, hence, a truly welcome turn of events for the Patriarch.

Additionally, the prospect of specifically Hinome herself becoming Hikari's marriage partner was a highly favorable development in the eyes of the Patriarch considered since a long time ago. So, even if they didn't bring this matter themselves, the Patriarch himself would've started promoting this kind of union between the two of them a few years into the future.

From the standpoint of the entire clan higher-ups, Hinome represented the most suitable match for Hikari. Her Byakugan was considered to have the highest level of 'purity' next to Hikari's, a trait the Patriarch held in highest esteem.

Despite Hinome's focus on leveraging her extraordinary genetic gifts towards research and scientific pursuits, the inherent purity of her Byakugan remained undiminished in the Patriarch's evaluation and it couldn't be questioned. It was also a very rare and highly advanced special ability that didn't appear many times in the past. 

The potential union between Hikari and Hinome, in the Patriarch's view, therefore, promised to produce offspring with exceptionally strong genetics, perhaps surpassing even Hikari's. 

One of the Patriarch's fundamental responsibilities, in every shinobi clan, was to oversee the maintenance and enhancement of the clan's bloodline purity, as well as its overall prosperity and advancement. The union of two such genetically endowed individuals as Hikari and Hinome aligned perfectly with these objectives, promising significant positive development. 

In the Patriarch's, the clan's main matchmaker's eyes, he saw no more fitting match for Hinome other than Hikari, and similarly, no one more deserving of Hikari than Hinome.

As the meal progressed and the conversation flowed casually under the Patriarch's improved mood, Hinome found herself reflecting on her fortunate circumstances.

Her meeting with Hikari had not only been a turning point in her personal life but also a pivotal shift in her destiny within the clan.

With her sharp intellect, she fully grasped the implications of her unique position as a Side Branch member endowed with significant talent and Byakugan purity.

In the Hyuga clan, while Side Branch members typically had the freedom to choose their partners from within the Side Branch or even from outside the clan, if the Patriarch approved it, such freedom came with its conditions. Those who did not display notable talent or purity of Byakugan were granted this leniency.

However, for those like Hinome, who possessed exceptional bloodline-based abilities and genetic traits, their fate in the matters of marriage was traditionally not in their own hands.

Within the order of the Hyuga clan, the Main Branch consistently sought to maintain and enhance its supremacy, particularly through the strategic marriage 'acquisition' of the most talented members from the Side Branch every generation. This practice was a calculated effort to preserve the Main Branch's genetic excellence and superiority up to indefinitely.

As for the specific Main Branch, they were to marry, it was usually determined by whom the Patriarch deemed most fitting in the end and who could offer the most in the intricate political battles within the Main Branch itself between the different lineages at that time.

This understanding was not lost on Hinome. She recognized that, in a world where Hikari didn't exist or where she hadn't met Hikari whom she also wanted to marry herself, whom she actually liked, and whom he liked to a certain extent back, her fate would have likely been sealed by the clan's elders, chosen to enhance the Main Branch's genetic pool rather than to secure her personal happiness.

Realizing this, Hinome couldn't help but view Hikari with an even deeper sense of gratitude and affection. His influence had not only hypothetically saved her entire personal freedom but also significantly altered her standing and future within the clan dynamics upwards.

Meanwhile, as the meal progressed, the conversation navigated effortlessly through various topics—from Hinome's various groundbreaking research in the past or the ongoing research to the broader preparations of the Hyuga clan for the imminent conflict alongside Hikari's expected significant role in it.

Eventually, the time came for Hinome and Hikari to take their leave. The impending war lent a sense of urgency to their departure, as each member of the clan, including the Patriarch, was deeply involved in the extensive preparations required for the challenges ahead.

With respectful farewells exchanged, Hinome and Hikari left the Patriarch's Estate, making their way back to their residence.