Flight and Fight: Disabling Kirigakure’s Supply Chains

Over the following days, Hikari utilized the sensitive intelligence extracted from the Hozuki Patriarch's brain to orchestrate a set of strategic moves against Kirigakure with his forces.

Recognizing that the enemy also knew about the loss of the Hozuki Patriarch and might change some of their tactics, he acted swiftly to capitalize on the information before Kirigakure could adjust its defenses.

For example, one thing was taking advantage of some of their operational maneuvers and locating 'weak points' on the battlefield to gain advantage through concentrated force.

The biggest approach with that was figuring out where there were enemy 'sensors' missing broadly to target those areas and damage the enemy with the element of surprise as well.

So, the war generally turned more 'bloody' and serious as the 'testing each other' phase got over, and Kirigakure also began to respond more aggressively to try and avenge their losses, albeit with limited success.

However, leveraging the detailed intelligence obtained from the Hozuki Patriarch, Hikari also identified the most crucial opportunity: striking directly at Kirigakure's shinobi supply chains deep behind enemy lines.

He had pinpointed the exact locations of these supply depots, which were critical for supporting Kirigakure's operations on the continental front. Given the complexity and scale of these supply networks, they were not easily movable or replaceable, making them perfect targets for a disruptive strike.

However, the operation posed significant risks. Penetrating deep into enemy territory required stealth and careful maneuvering, especially since Hikari would need to mask his chakra continuously to avoid detection—a challenging feat over great distances and prolonged durations even for him.

Recognizing the risks of ground infiltration, as he didn't want to risk his life even in the slightest for this object, and the need for a stealthy approach, Hikari devised an alternative plan involving Isamu Sumi, the Sumi clan head, and his Super Beast Imitating Drawing.

Hikari was well aware of the strategic advantages that Isamu Sumi's unique jutsu could offer, particularly the ability to create ink creatures capable of flight by utilizing Yang Release in reality along with some 'secret sauce'.

This capability was crucial for their current operation, as it provided a method to bypass the treacherous and heavily monitored terrain between the front lines and Kirigakure's supply chains relatively quickly.

Hikari had been aware of Isamu's capabilities even before their deployment to the front, understanding the immense value of aerial mobility in ninja operations—especially for covert insertions and extractions.

Given the significance of this advantage, they had taken meticulous steps to keep Isamu's identity and abilities hidden from the enemy. This secrecy was maintained to ensure that when the time came, they could leverage the element of surprise to its fullest extent.

Flying, after all, was not just a rare skill but a game-changer in the realm of ninja warfare, where speed and the element of surprise could decisively shift the outcomes of skirmishes and major battles alike.

Therefore, presently, in the dense undergrowth of the jungle terrain, Hikari arranged a covert meeting with Isamu Sumi, the head of the small but historically significant Sumi clan, known for their mastery of ink-based jutsus.

Like the Hatake clan, the Sumi clan was relatively small, comprising a tight-knit group of shinobi who specialized in their unique hijutsu, which had been passed down through generations. Isamu, at the age of 45, carried the weight of his clan's legacy visibly.

Isamu had a scholarly appearance, marked by his slightly graying hair tied back neatly to keep it out of his face while he worked with his inks and scrolls.

His eyes, often narrowed in concentration, reflected a lifetime of meticulous skill and an acute attention to detail that was crucial for his art.

His attire was practical, consisting of a dark robe that was splattered with flecks of ink, a testament to his frequent use of his clan's techniques.

As Hikari approached the designated meeting spot, Isamu greeted him with a respectful bow and an earnest, "Vice-Commander-sama!", His voice held a tone of deference mixed with readiness, indicating his preparedness to engage in whatever mission lay ahead. 

As Hikari observed Isamu next, his thoughts wandered, 'This is probably another unfortunate individual that fell in this war dubiously due to Danzo or Hiruzen, in order to gobble up his small clan later as well into Root or Konoha regular shinobi force and essentially destroy their autonomy for unitary Konoha, just like Hatake clan also suffered in the original series too...',

'However, this time, I inadvertently saved all those small clans by bringing them into our grand coalition to fight back. Does that make me some kind of a 'good guy' and their 'savior' then...', Hikari mused internally, a hint of irony and joking in his thought.

Clearing his thoughts and focusing on the immediate mission, Hikari addressed Isamu with a sharp, purposeful tone, "Isamu-san, are you fully aware of the mission's objectives? Are you really prepared and capable of executing it?", His eyes searched Isamu's for certainty and readiness, critical for the success of their sensitive operation.

After all, Hikari was always primarily concerned with his own life's safety, and he didn't want to endanger it for anything in this world. And he just saw a few days ago that having a bunch of individually weaker enemies on him could still push him to run for his life. And having the entire enemy frontline against him, on the ground, was the worst possible outcome for him. 

"Yes, Vice-Commander-sama, I am fully aware of our mission objectives...", Isamu responded with a calm resolve, "I am prepared and fully capable of executing it. The technique I will use can transport us stealthily and swiftly to the target location. We can avoid detection and accomplish our objectives with precision.",

He was ready to prove himself to their Faction and Hikari who was definitely one of the unofficial leaders of it despite him being more than 30 years younger than Isamu himself.

Isamu continued, delving into the tactical aspects of their plan, "Enemy sensory ninjas are generally more proficient at detecting movements across the ground, utilizing the earth as a conduit for their chakra.",

"They're not as adept at sensing at higher altitudes, especially if they are not focused or expecting the threat to come from that direction...", He explained, outlining the strategic advantage of their aerial approach.

"Our flying bird will move swiftly, far above the typical sensory baseline vertical range, which will help us evade detection even more...", Isamu elaborated, "With your Byakugan, you'll also be able to scout the best routes for us to take increasing our chances of success even more."

He then addressed the potential scenario of enemy detection, "However, even if we are spotted and the enemy becomes alerted, they won't be able to reach us easily. If needed, I can increase our altitude quickly and pull us out of their range.",

"But, in general, once we're behind enemy lines, we'll destroy their logistical depots rapidly and then retreat before they have time to mount a significant response."

Hikari nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting a strategic understanding of their plan. "Excellent analysis, Isamu-san. Let's proceed immediately...", He said concisely, his voice imbued with determination. Ready to execute their mission without further delay, he stood by as Isamu prepared the jutsu.

Isamu unrolled a large scroll and carefully dipped his brush into a pot of chakra-infused ink. With precise strokes, he drew the outline of a medium-sized eagle. The lines flowed seamlessly, filled with his expert knowledge and chakra. Once the drawing was complete, Isamu lifted his brush from the scroll, and the ink began to shimmer with life-like energy.

In moments, the eagle illustration lifted off the paper, expanding and taking on a life-size, three-dimensional form.

It flapped its wings gracefully, hovering just above the ground, ready to obey Isamu's commands. With a nod from Isamu, the ink eagle lowered itself to the ground, poised for them to mount next.

"Let's go, Isamu-San...", Hikari declared, stepping forward to climb onto the back of the ink-created eagle. Once securely aboard, Isamu also joined him, and with a final check of their equipment, Isamu directed the eagle to ascend swiftly into the sky. They moved silently and quickly, blending into the sky as they headed toward their targets deep behind enemy lines.

Aloft on the back of the ink eagle, Hikari, and Isamu soared through the sky, their forms mere shadows against the vast expanse above. As they flew, Hikari continuously scanned the terrain below with his Byakugan, ensuring their path remained clear of enemy detection.

The landscape rolled by beneath them—a tapestry of dense jungle and the occasional clearing, a testament to the rugged terrain of the Land of Water's continental regions.

After a swift and uneventful flight, they reached their primary target: a series of covert logistical depots used by Kirigakure to support their forward operations.

These were strategically placed to be out of sight, deep within the jungle, but no match for Hikari's penetrating vision. Isamu steadied the eagle above each depot in turn, allowing Hikari to execute their mission.

Using a combination of explosive tags and precise chakra strikes, Hikari systematically destroyed the supply caches. Each explosion sent up plumes of smoke and debris, marking the destruction of vital enemy resources. With each successful strike, the potential for Kirigakure to sustain its front-line troops dwindled significantly.

Once the depots were neutralized, they swiftly turned back toward their lines. As they retraced their flight path, Hikari kept vigilant, his Byakugan sweeping the landscape below and the airspace around them.

It was during this return journey that he noticed a sudden shift in the chakra landscape—a large group of Kirigakure shinobi had realized their presence and mobilized to intercept.

"Isamu-san, increase our altitude just in case. They've finally sensed us somehow...", Hikari instructed calmly. Without hesitation, Isamu commanded the ink eagle to ascend sharply.

The higher they flew, the thinner the air became, and the less effective the sensory techniques of the pursuers.

Their swift ascent allowed them to evade any further detection or confrontation. As they climbed higher and sped away, the risk of engagement dropped off rapidly.

Soon, they were nothing more than a speck in the sky, out of reach and heading safely back toward their own territory.

The mission was a resounding success. Not only had they struck a critical blow to the enemy's supply lines, but they had also demonstrated the efficacy of using unconventional tactics and the element of surprise in warfare.

As they neared their own lines, both Hikari and Isamu knew they had significantly weakened Kirigakure's operational capabilities in their sector, all without a direct confrontation as well.