Hikari's Stand Against The Hidden Mist Swordsmen (1)

Several days after the successful operation against the Kirigakure's supply depots, the dynamics on the battlefield began to shift.

Kirigakure, reeling from the loss of critical resources and mounting casualties, stemming from the loss of the Hozuki clan Patriarch and the information his brain provided to their enemies, thanks to Hikari, adopted a seemingly more aggressive and 'desperate' strategy of warfare.

Their tactics grew bolder, fueled by a combination of necessity and also the emotional toll of their setbacks in the eyes of Konoha's side leaders.

Therefore, today, a significant, largest Kirigakure force so far, including two members of the revered Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, that were on this sub-front, launched another concentrated attack on a section of Konoha's frontlines.

Recognizing the severity of the threat, Hikari quickly gathered a substantial group of Konoha shinobi to form a quick response unit, as he was also close to the breakthrough at that time, whereas Isamu Sumi and Ryosuke Gekko stayed back to keep their own front lines stable.

Hikari led his large contingent of Konoha shinobi through the dense jungle, moving strategically toward the location where Kirigakure's forces were reported to be advancing.

The thick foliage provided both cover and challenge, demanding careful navigation and vigilant sensing to avoid ambushes or getting separated.

As they pushed forward, the sounds of the jungle were gradually overtaken by the distant echoes of battle—clashing metal, shouts, and the unique sounds of various jutsu being deployed.

Hikari maintained a brisk pace, understanding that timing was critical to intercept Kirigakure's group effectively and prevent them from gaining further ground.

The Konoha shinobi were a mix of veterans and younger fighters, all drawn together by the urgency of the situation and Hikari's leadership.

As they neared the anticipated point of contact, Hikari issued commands, positioning his forces for optimal impact.

He organized them into several flanks, designed to envelop the enemy and create multiple fronts, complicating the Kirigakure shinobi's ability to maintain a cohesive defense.

Finally, the dense greenery gave way to a clearer area where the Kirigakure forces were momentarily regrouping. Hikari, spotting the enemy, signaled his troops to prepare.

With a deep breath, he led the charge, initiating the confrontation with a well-coordinated assault.

The Konoha ninjas burst through the underbrush, launching a surprise attack that capitalized on the momentary disarray among the Kirigakure troops.

As the battle ensued, Hikari found himself in the thick of combat, directly engaging the Kirigakure shinobi. His movements were precise and calculated, designed to push through the enemy lines and reach the two Swordsmen of the Mist.

Each step forward was contested fiercely, but Hikari's strategic approach and his shinobi's commitment kept the momentum in their favor.

As the battle raged on, Hikari scanned the chaos with his Byakugan, its enhanced vision cutting through the melee to identify key targets.

His eyes locked onto two figures, he recognized vaguely from his knowledge of the original story, wielding large, distinctive swords—Raiga Kurosuki and Jinin Akebino, members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

They were cutting a swath through the Konoha forces, their prowess as Swordsmen evident in the efficiency and brutality of their attacks.

With a grim determination, Hikari maneuvered through the battlefield, dodging incoming attacks and countering with precise strikes. His focus was singular: confront these more powerful foes and turn the tide of the battle.

As he approached, the sounds of battle seemed to fade into the background, his concentration honing in on Raiga and Jinin.

Raiga, known for his unpredictable fighting style and the use of his sword, Kiba – the Thunder Swords, was a dangerous foe. His ability to generate electricity made him particularly lethal in close combat.

On the other side, Jinin wielded the Kabutowari, a blunt blade paired with a massive hammer, capable of breaking through any defense.

As Hikari stepped into the clearing where the two Swordsmen were engaged with Konoha shinobi, his arrival drew their attention.

Raiga's eyes lit up with wild glee, while Jinin assessed Hikari with a more calculated gaze. The air around them crackled with the tension of imminent battle.

They had heard confirmations about the young shinobi who had taken down the Hozuki clan patriarch, but seeing him in person—a mere 13-year-old from the Hyuga clan—was startling.

Raiga, with his wild and reckless demeanor, couldn't help but laugh, a sharp, mocking sound that echoed slightly over the din of battle,

"So, you're the kid who took down that guy? Konoha really has changed, huh? Sending kids out to do a man's work...", He taunted, his voice laced with disbelief and amusement.

Jinin, more composed but equally skeptical, eyed Hikari critically, "Never thought I'd see a Hyuga leading the charge like this. You folks are usually in the back, lending a hand. What's going on, kid? Konoha running out of real fighters?"

Hikari met their stares unflinchingly, his face an impassive mask that gave nothing away. His voice, when he spoke, was cold and precise, "Underestimating your opponent based on age or clan is a fatal error...", He stated flatly, "You'll find that out soon enough. You'll end up just like the Hozuki clan Patriarch. The two of you are nowhere near my opponents even jointly."

And he truly wasn't particularly overwhelmed by their individual prowess at his current level of skill, and he felt like even only two of them couldn't possibly threaten him at all right now.

However, the combined might of all these 7 Swordsmen, renowned for their coordination and their legendary status within Kirigakure, might pose a formidable challenge to him indeed.

Yet, it was their mystical blades that captured Hikari's interest even more than the Swordsmen themselves.

For example, Raiga's Thunder Swords, crackling with raw electrical energy, and Jinin's Kabutowari, known for its ability to smash through defenses deemed impenetrable, were not just tools of war but relics of shinobi history.

Their origins were pretty much shrouded in mystery, and the extent of their full capabilities was something that Hikari was always keen to explore in the past.

However, Hikari, equipped with knowledge extracted from the Hozuki Patriarch's memories, now also gained unprecedented insights into the origins of Kirigakure's legendary Seven Swords. These details were previously unknown even in the original story of his past life.

For example, Hikari learned that the First Mizukage, Byakuren, was not only a formidable village founder, the reason the Kirigakure existed at all, and a great fighter, who could wield all 7 swords at the same time but also an exceptional craftsman who personally forged them in the first place.

According to the memories Hikari accessed, Byakuren was a very intelligent individual and used advanced, possibly ancient technology combined with unique materials and minerals available only in the Land of Water to create them.

These components were likely processed using sophisticated techniques that could manipulate their inherent properties to enhance their lethality and durability.

Furthermore, Byakuren used the Yin Release, allowing him to infuse the swords with unique capabilities that transcended ordinary weapon crafting.

He used it to imbue the swords with various special properties and to glue them together and make them into finished products. 

Additionally, Hikari thought that for multiple models it could be that even fuinjutsu was used, and for the most famous Samehada, even the Yang Release was probably used.

Hikari then learned that historically Byakuren was already an old man by the time he became Mizukage. So, he needed to pass his swords on to someone worthy.

When no other swordsman was skilled enough to wield all seven swords like himself, Byakuren selected seven disciples with the greatest talent that his country had to offer.

Even those who weren't ninja turned from their lives as samurai or mercenaries to be given the chance to learn from him. He taught them to each master one of the blades that would become their inheritance and would, however, take the secrets of their creation to his grave.

It was during the First Shinobi World War that they made their presence known. They sharpened their teeth in honor of their master and terrified their enemies, were brutal and merciless to their enemies and their swordsmanship put even most samurai to shame.

By the war's end, they were recognized worldwide as the infamous Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

Just as the seven swords fell to them, it became tradition for the swords to be passed from one generation to the next as their wielders died in battle.

The Swordsmen never retired from their service and were committed to only knowing a life of battle.

Those who aspired to become one of Swordsmen would sharpen their teeth themselves to symbolize their ambition and commitment to that cause.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen continued to plague the other hidden villages in each war and the sight of them together on the battlefield was often synonymous with Kirigakure's victory.

Meanwhile, with Byakugan active, Hikari didn't just see the two swordsmen in front of him; he analyzed their chakra flow, their stance, and the slight twitches in their muscles that preceded movement. 

However, as the tension between Hikari and the two Swordsmen reached its peak, and the clash seemed imminent, a sudden twist occurred that rarely took Hikari completely by surprise.

Both Raiga and Jinin, with swift, almost imperceptible gestures, activated hidden mechanisms within their swords.

These were not merely ornate or traditional features but intricate command systems embedded within the weapons themselves.

To Hikari's astonishment, the activation of these commands summoned two additional figures to the battlefield, one done by each of them.

One 'arrival' was Kushimaru Kuriarare, known for his merciless use of the long, needle-like sword "Nuibari," which could sew enemies together in a grotesque tapestry of death.

The other was a wielder of "Shibuki", the predecessor of Jinpachi Munashi from the original story. He understood from the Hozuki Patriarch's intelligence that he was called "Fumetsu".

Raiga's smirk widened as he observed Hikari's reactions, the young Hyuga's poised readiness contrasting sharply with the casual demeanor of the Mist Swordsmen.

"Yes, we the 'Seven Swordsman' are known to be quite brazen and bold, but make no mistake, when it comes to the strategic interest of our village, we don't take chances...", Raiga declared, his voice laced with a hint of respect and intrigue.

"We've seen what you're capable of, boy. Taking down the Hozuki clan patriarch by a river, that's no small feat, there are not many people in our village who could do that...", Raiga continued, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and seriousness, "Jinin and I alone indeed might not cut it against someone of your caliber. That's why we set up this little... welcome committee. You've just walked into our trap, Hyuga-boy, time for payback."