The Inn 

After returning back to town he went straight to the closest inn he could find, all while making sure no one followed him. After all, he just suddenly appeared in town, what adventure wouldn't know what he used to achieve such a scene? It had to be either a very rare magic spell [Teleport] but seeing as the man was a priest and not a mage and no one else appeared with him it couldn't be that or at the very least unlikely.

With spell scrolls costing as much as they do it is not hard to see why people would want to follow after such an easy target that has no real offensive power. Either way, his worries were unfounded since everyone was panicking at the fact that a mountain that used to be there suddenly vanished without a trace, so this little stunt of his went virtually unnoticed by the more unsavory types. However, little did he know a little mouse rat saw the whole thing and even felt an unexplained pull towards the man.

As if he was carrying something that the rats felt was vaguely familiar with. When the rat turned to chase after the man, if one were to look closely at its side you would see that one-half of its body was in the process of rotting away with a weird white-black color outline with oozing teal reddish boils. As the priest walked through the busy street he eventually came across the best inn/bar in town called the Angry Lion [picture in comments].

It had two very angry-looking giant lion men statues standing at each side of the big gate door as if to guard it, each carrying one of the biggest two-sided axes one could find, as well as a long katana-type sword Hollister around their waist. They are dressed in the most beautiful magic plate armor that would make any warrior envious. The plate chest had a design of a pissed-off-looking lion face downed in gold and silver. The building itself looked like it was designed after the Gothic church archetype style of building work. After standing there for a second minute to take in the view, he decided to wander inside and went straight to the bar to buy the cheapest beer money could buy.

While drinking his cheap ale, the bartender started scrutinizing this new patron and came to a realization. That this disgruntled man must have some juicy information about something. So, he did what all experienced bartenders do best and that is getting some juice information that he can hope to sell later. He gave a slit hand gesture and a man came over and started up a conversation with the priest. A generic hoodlum comes and sits down and says, Yo bro, mind if I join you for a quick drink? The priest just looks at him and then back at his drink. Hit me with another please, and proceed to chug the drink down.

Yo bro, did you see what happened to that mountain? The priest just nods. I was in the forest when it happened. Oh bro that must have been rough, did you see what could have caused it? Being a little tipsy he responds by saying no I just saw some white black flames and some teal-reddish liquid coming off the mountain. But have you heard anything about the town sending out a team to investigate the cause? Na bro, I haven't heard anything about that, but I doubt they would at this time anyway considering it's almost dusk. Why does it being dusk matter? Doesn't the town have really powerful leaders or guards? Or just pay for strong adventures to enter the forest. Yo bro you must be new to town, to ask such a question.

Ya, I just arrived late yesterday, then joined a party this morning on a "quest" to enter the forest to do some "gathering". [I may be tipsy, but I am not that drunk to tell a stranger what we really did in the forest]. Um, I see, well to make a long story short, at dusk is when the forest really comes alive. You see at dusk, the undead begin to wake up in mass to patrol the forest. It doesn't need to be said that even the best team needs time to rest, while waves of never-ending undead don't need to.

The reason why this happens goes back a really long time ago, apparently a very powerful beast in the mythical rank cursed that forest and made it his home. You see legend has it, that it had the power to control the damned. Really now? Must have been some strong monster. Must have taken a lot of manpower and controlled spirit beast to bring it down. Sorry bro I wouldn't know, in fact no one knows or the people higher up the ladder are keeping the rest of the story a secret.

[Um... maybe I should head to the local church later to find out more]. Hey by the way, does this monster have a name? I mean aren't all mythical beasts and above recorded in history? Um... you know bro if I remember right, I believe the title they gave it was something like... The Blood Lion, as to why they gave it that title I don't know. As for its actual name, I don't know that either. You can try asking the town nobles, assuming they will even give you the time of day. As for anything related to history, being a priest yourself I think you know where to go for that information.

[as I thought I really should head to the church later] Um... I have one more question, if there are so many undead so close to this town, why don't they ever invade it? Ah that one easy, you see this town used to belong to the elves. Though you couldn't tell by looking at it, after all the town has gone through many changes since we humans took it over during the dusk wars. Anyway, that mythical beast was very fond of the elves that used to live here. So, it made it so the undead wouldn't attack this town or any full-blooded elf that wandered into the forest.

In fact, the elves would run into the forest in times of war, from what I heard. You probably don't know, but the forest used to surround this town on all sides. The only way to stop the undead from spawning and make it so we could occupy it was to deforest most of it and burn the soil into glass or use a mass amount of holy magic to cleanse the land. Um, that's a very interesting story, but how do you know an elf can enter the woods? Haven't they been extinct or enslaved after their empire fell? Um… man I don't know it's just an old story from a long time ago. Um… I see thanks pal for the information here the next drink is on me.

After drinking for a bit, the priest got up to leave, when the hoodlum said, leaving already, why not stay longer next drinks on me, you look like you could use another. No thanks, I need to get some sleep. It's been a rough day. Um... All right, catch you later, tsk... [this guy had no useful info or wasn't drunk enough to lose his lips] As the priest was leaving another shady patron at the bar who overheard the conversation, had a shocked look on his face and didn't waste any time and ran out of the bar and disappeared in the crowded streets.