Chapter 11 Priest Puppet 

Beep Boop.. inserting priest soul…loading…done! Unit ready to summon. Nice but I best wait till I am alone in the woods or something, I don't want to cause an animal stampede in the barn. Speaking of leaving this barn, here comes the lord of the mansion now, or in more accurate terms my lover's new "father". Sir Greham

POV Greham

So this is the new attrition to my fine establishment. Umm what an interesting fur color. If nothing else he will make a nice fur coat for my daughter's first birthday,coming up. Sir I know you want something special for her but we really can't lose the only male goat of his breed right now. After all, no other ranch in your whole territory has another male or female to spare. I know Jack I wasn't being serious. I already planned for her to make a spirit beast contract. I will hold a contest with all the spirit beast breeders in my territory in the coming days. Among all those beasts I will select the rarest or the strongest to be my daughters first companion. As you say my lord, but aren't you worried they will hold their best for the up incoming beast auction, that the lord of the forest is preparing for? Sigh what "lord of the forest" that fat Duke of an imbecile who sells off his people to please the human noble around his territory, is no elf lord in my eyes. Be that as it may sir, he knows the humans love to buy the spirit beast that only we can breed here in the forest. True humans do love our shadow panthers and rock bear beasts. I think they prefer our wind drakes or forest apes. Either way it will pose a problem, I will most likely have to prize away one of my family magic artifacts, in order to spice things up a bit. Sigh I really wish we didn't need humans to hold off the orc and troll tribes in the east. If that were the case the elven king wouldn't have to "look the other way" with what the "lord of the forest" is doing. Which reminds me, Jack, did you hire extra security for the mansion as I ask? You and I both know that Duke is not above kidnapping, what he perceives to be of lesser nobility. To him it's just better quality life stock. Don't worry sir I doubled the guards, and installed more magic array sensors. Good, hopefully it will be enough. Sir if you don't mind me asking why would the Duke bother kidnapping a child less than one years old? Well for multiple reasons but mainly because he's probably extremely low in stock of elven children, Seeing that we can only have kids once every 25 years. Even then one can't start having kids until reaching adulthood and that doesn't even happen until you reach 100 years of age. The only other way for him to get children would be to head to the capital where the tree of life produces elven children every 5 to 10 years, but those kids are considered purest of purebred and are under heavy guard. If he tried anything and the king found out, he wouldn't let him off no matter the cost. I get that sir but why do they have to be kids? Simple jack it's because human nobles are a disgusting bunch. O… well on another note, I think I have an idea sir! What? Why not give your daughter this goat? …Are you high on weeps? Jack! Now, now hear me out k, one a goat of his breed gets huge right? He will make a perfect mount for her! Two look at his fur design, I believe it must be very rare for his kind. Lastly i'm not saying to have her make a contract with it, just her play with it from time to time. I mean it can't hurt to bond with it… actually now that I think about it, if it's rare won't the "lord" come for it? Um maybe, but come on it's a goat. Even if it's rare he won't bother trying to steal that. He will most likely go after the spirit beast the other ranchers are getting ready for the auction. Boom…Boom… damn this rain, sir let's head back into the mansion the goat will still be here tomorrow. Yes, just make sure that Evelyn takes good care of it tonight, I don't want it dying suddenly overnight.

POV Lanthios

Finally, I didn't think they would ever leave. Baa… ugh no mom I don't need any more milk right now. Now where's the exit to this barn? Sigh system can you find an exit route I've been searching for 30 minutes now. Beep Boop… Sorry user Lanthios, I'm not that kind of system. How about asking black cat that's been watching for a while now? Black cat? O I see it! Hey you noisy cat, can you please tell me where I can leave this barn? Hisss! Did that dirty bitch just hiss at me? I swear at some point I am going to kill that cat and put its soul in a mouse. Well any other ideas? Beep Boop…calculating….sorry nope…but on the bright side it stopped raining outside. I know! Wait a minute I remember seeing a loose board on the barn wall. I think I can break it using my dash and ram skills, even if they are basic. [2 hours later] Ah, found it! Time to use my skills…Bam… yes I made a big enough hole! Now I just need to make sure no one sees me sneak out…. Shit why are all the other goats looking at me! Maaaa! Baaa! O great now they're prostrating before me. I sure hope no one is seeing this. I better make a break for it, before the noise alerts anyone. Hopefully I'll make it back before the next caretaker comes in to check up on me. Wow! [Narrator] what laid before him was the sight of darken skies, layered in misty clouds, green film filled the world's light, while the grass hid their icy stones, the forest trees unaccountable in their numbers raised high in the sky, while the howling wind carried the light sparkes to and fro.[end] I will never get tired of this view, even though I've seen it for thousands of years. Now only if I can do something about all these darn crows. Well whatever they should leave me well enough alone, for now anyway…. I better head a little ways into the forest just to be safe when I summon my puppet. Well this looks like a good enough spot, though I'm not more than 30 yards into the forest, but hey i'm a baby, I don't want to be a snack to a predator. Alright system, summon my puppet please. Beep Boop.. understood..printing program… done. Wow, it's so beautiful! It's long gated hound mouth with super sharp rusty teeth. Are so cool along with its long body housing little doll head on the top, next to its spiky spine, their little head are feminine with long fluffy plastic looking ears with long black suits for eyes, with all shorts of little devil horns on their forehead, aw they even come with a red rusty color halo. O look at their tiny weapon sticking out from the main puppets ribs/stomach. I might change out its metal sharp claw hands later, but then again they have thumbs…O why is it tail a saw blade?? That's not stealthy or is it? O that's a nice little gimmick, it can control its wild black hair covering its head like strings. I wonder what that ability is used for…Um its six wild swirly neon eyes need some work… um so it can rearrange its body anyway it wants to. The skin colors tan with a hint of rust sprinkled through might need to be swapped out with a different two tone color later. The black shadow chain cuff loosely wrapped around its reist gives it a nice "broke out", something feeling. The height isn't too bad standing at eight feet long and two feet wide. Kinda bizarre looking when standing, but on all fours its look makes a little bit more sense, it does have to store so many extra parts or weapons. Plus it has 4 mini four feet tall puppets inside it. I guess it summons them from within its body? Or maybe it summons their soul from somewhere? Meh doesn't matter, for now your name will be priest puppet, or no better yet father puppet, yes since it brings honor to his class and he has kids it's perfect. Also I didn't catch his real name so….oops..meh. Anyway father, summon your kids, I will have them guard around the barn and I want you to hide in my shadow. With a Growl… metallic noise… Father responds Yes, master. Dam that one creepy smile and voice! I love it!

Father then proceeded to have his chest cavity expand like magic, in which came out a sizable mound of flesh and a set of four manikin parts fell to the floor. Well that wasn't what I was expecting… I thought they would crawl out of his body or something… I guess it makes sense that they need to be assembled… They then began to put themselves together to form four small headless silhouettes. Once they managed to stand they then grabbed their heads off the back of their father.

Once completed they stood at 4ft exactly. Three looked identical except for their horns and weapon of choice. One had ram horns with glowing teal color edge warglaives, the egg shell type weapon. Another had oni horns with a big club with spikes. The third one had a broken curved devil horn with a rusty chainsaw sword… It also came with a neat manikin bone rib shield with a beating heart in the middle… The last one is a little different then the other three in that she has a red orb in the center of her waist in a glass case, while her weapon of choice is a skull/spine scythe staff that has two glowing teal eyes with a magic circle inside them. She must be the mage of the group. They're perfect, except for the fact that they're naked! Meh I'll play dress up with them later when I no longer need a lot of fear points. After all, them looking like plane fleshy rusty manikin adds to the fear factor. I should probably look up their individual stats but I spent too much time out here already.