Chapter 12 First Victim 

Now time to get back before I get busted..

The warglaive manikin says: hehehe it's too late for that master… it seems a little fairy has come out to play.. O…distant noise crunch…

POV Evelyn

A few hours earlier.

It's already been a few minutes, I better check up on that weird looking goat. I wonder why Jack was very insistent that I keep checking up on it every few hours? I mean it's not like anything can happen to it in the barn, right? Yup just like I thought, I was worried for nothing it's fine, but why does he keep glaring at the cat? Um.. o now it's walking around the barn. What a curious little fella. Wait a minute, how did he get out of his mom's stable? Should I put him back in?... Na I mean he should be fine, it's not like he can get out or anything, beside once he gets bored of looking around he should head back to his mother. Since I will come back every few minutes to check up on him anyway, he should be fine. And If he's not back in his stable in the next hour or so then I will just have to lock him in the stable. In the meantime I need to sweep the trash the storm carried here. A few moments later.. Bam.. What was that noise! Did it come from inside the barn? O please be a fine little goat please, please. O No where is he! He was not with his mom, or in the other stables, O just where did you go little goat! Should I ask for help? O but if I do they'll have my head! I gotta find him! I can't afford to lose this job too, in fact not only will I lose my job, once word gets out that I can't even watch a baby goat, everyone will think I am to incompetent and no one will hire me. Sigh, that damn goat! eh? Is that a hole in the barn wall… when did that get there?... OH NO please don't tell me he got out through that!

Evelyn ran outside as fast as she could only to just barely catch sight of a tiny teal color goat marrying making its way towards the forest. Seeing that caused her to run even faster while screaming, oh no you don't you dam goat, are you trying get yourself killed? And more importantly get me fired! Even though she knew the forest area around the lord's personal mansions didn't contain any high level monsters, for he had the guards routinely clear them out every so often. It didn't mean they didn't contain monsters that were a threat to a newborn, especially to a goat which was widely used only as life stock or commoner mounts since they didn't have much magical powers.

As she chased the goat she saw that he had stopped moving and began to talk.. This freakish scene had caused her to stop dead in her tracks and hide behind a big tree, to observe. Since when could a goat talk! Much less a baby one to boot! I need to report this to the lord as quickly as possible! Just as Evelyn was having her internal monologue, the wind suddenly changed direction, the earth beneath her feet shook, the trees started to wane, the birds in the air coward before her, the mana in the area screamed in horror, as a vortex of per vile formed. Out of the vortex came out a horrored creature, she had never heard of or seen before in her life. The being radiated an aura of pure unnatural evil, It sent shivers down her spine, It caused the very depths of her soul to plead in terror. What made matters worse was that the creature she couldn't even begin to describe appeared right next to the goat! She didn't know what to do. She thought to herself, should she try to help it? Could she even help? Should she sacrifice the goat and get away herself? Would her master understand her choice? She had so many questions running through her head that she only stopped thinking when the creature finally started to make a move. She just stared, jaw dropping, as the creature stood up and its chest opened up like a closet, in which then it proceeded to drop what she believed to be body parts, weapons and flesh of some kind. Still in a dazed state, she then bore witness to the birth of 4 new strange creatures that formed out of the mound of flesh.

Creepy in their Joyce laughter, haunting in appearance, innocent born from falsehoods, children! Was the only word she could describe them as. But this brought her no sense of comfort for she had felt an instinctually deeper fear of them, down to her very bones. Right before her fear reached its zenith, she heard one of the children speak. It spoke in a loving voice right to its master. Which to her surprise was the very goat she was trying to bring back. However the words spoken induced all her fears into a single action, an action in which she took as a single step back… crunch was the only noise the world heard.