Chapter 13 The First Victim Part 2 and 3

The sound the twig sang, stopped the world clock, In time frozen state, all life thoughts fasten time. When time frozen catches fasten thoughts, the world time frozen returns.

When Evelyn's frozen time reached her fasten thoughts, she blinked. An action she regretted, for that single blink had caused the monster her eyes had met, to be lost to them. RUN! Was her single thought. In her haste she turned to see a foggy forest, a foggy forest, where the trees began to peel, in their peel they revealed bloody animals. They were dead, frozen in their fear forever entrenched in the very trees they used to call home. The trees began to wither, but in their withering the dead animals' expressions never changed. As she ran she took a second to look upon their faces, their odd look made her remember an old folk lore story her village used to tell. The story of the judge's forest. A forest filled with the damned! The story told of creatures known as judges who would sentence those which they deemed unfit for life. A story she only thought of as a myth seemed all the more real to her now. But that's just not possible! I know these woods, I have been going into them since I was a child. But as she thought more upon the myths, the more the strange events surrounding the goat, made a lot more since now. Then a thought came to her, If I make it out of here, forget the job, Hell! forget the entire elven empire. I am getting as far away from here as possible. I know about the myths and not a single one of them have a good ending. Just as she finished that thought, she heard a sound that caused her to stop abruptly, thump…thump.., a sound she was all too familiar with,..thumb…thump. She says to herself I know that sound. She lowered her head and said, I think it's the sound of a heart beat. Thump…thump… the sound grew louder, no it was not my own heart beat. Not only was it getting louder, but it was also sounding like it was getting closer. She turned to look to see what seemed to be a giant red glowing heart cased in a rib like shield escaped the surrounding fog. She just stood there in awe of what she was seeing, but the next part reignited the fear she had momentarily set aside during her investigation on the trees. The sound she heard was a sound that could only be heard with dwarven machinery. Buzz..buzzz..thud.etc… that's when she saw it, a child and yet to her was more of a monster then even the mightiest of dragons.

The child just stood there giggling as if she saw Evelyn as nothing more than a playmate. Disturbed by the child's laughter, Evelyn just stared into the blackened eyes of the child, not knowing if running would trigger some short of response. After what seemed to be an eternity but in actuality only a minute had passed, Evelyn began to hear branches in the canopy above snap and crack. All the noise up above made Evelyn realize something very important, that was the fact that there were four children like monsters and if one was in front of her now where were the other three? Not to mention where was the big one? And where was the baby goat? Panic! her mind screamed! RUN! but in her haste to run she decided to cast the only spell she knew, [Bright Sun basic level]. It's a spell all forest elves are made to learn at a young age to help grow the forest. Would it do anything? She did not know nor did she have the time to care; she only hoped it would buy her some time to escape. A mini bright sun suddenly appeared to wake the forest from its foggy entrapment. After casting the spell, she did not stay around to see if it had any effect but just ran for it. She ran till the brink of exhaustion, when exhaustion came to claim her will to flee, she stopped and hid inside some bushes. Inside the bushes she said to herself; what the hell up with this forest? I know for a fact that the barn was not more than a few feet from where I came in. The realization of this fact made her re-think about all the myths, which caused her to come to a conclusion, a conclusion of which she knew that this was real and not fake and that unfortunately she now knew deep down that there was no escape. Surrendering to the despair of her fate she screamed at the top of her lungs: NO I DON'T WANT TO DIE! Just as she said those words the bushes she was hiding in turn razor sharp and like barbie wire it intangible her in its grasp. The sudden pain caused her to yell out! She began to twist and turn in an attempt to escape, but the more she struggled, the more the razor blades hungrily cut and nawd at her tender flesh to drink upon her velvet blood. When she managed to set herself free, she didn't have time to check her injury, for skeletal hands popped out of the forest floor and woodland insects shurge up with them. Not even taking the time to scream she made a run for it, while running and dodging the hands, her wounds dripped their water onto the skeletal hands down below. The insects and hands that feed on her waters, grew into a firenze, A blood firenze! This caused the hands to grow out more frequently, it made the insect never cease in their pursuit, it made the once milky fog become like a crimson sunset.

As she fled through the crimson fog the crows hidden away in the trees took their turns in swooping down to take a bite. The forest was relentless in its torturers, never giving her a moment of solace for if she stopped, the hand would grab hold, the insect would feast, the crows would take bigger chunks. At some point something had to give, and that something would soon make itself known for it was herself for one; she was only a mortal and thus could not keep up the pace for very long. Losing blood, energy exhausted she had nothing left to run with, in this state of delirium she tripped over a tree root sticking out of the ground, taking this chance a crow swooped down and pecked out her left eye! As she screamed in pain it only encouraged the other crows to swood down and begin to peck at her open wounds, she tossed and turned on the floor as she was being pecked alive screaming at the top of her lungs until she rolled into hole in the ground. when she hit the bottom of the hole she didn't move, or more likely couldn't move. She was in so much pain and exhausted, so she just laid there, silently weeping. In that state she didn't notice that the world around her was eerily silent. That silence was finally broken when she said why me? What did I do to deserve this? Her questions were of course met with silence and after a while of laying there she finally got some strength to turn on her belly and start to crawl until she came upon a small pool of water, she desperately wanted to drink anything at this point. when she arrived at the pool of water, she saw her own reflection, she saw her missing eye her bloody body, she no longer look like a hot generic forest elf, no, no, she looked like a piece of meat that went through a blender. while silently weeping to herself she put her mouth to the water to drink, when she saw her reflection expression didn't change or match her movements, instead it just stared back at her while it reach out beyond the water to grab her, of course Evelyn was to self absorb in what she was seeing that the action her reflection was doing went un notice to her. Just right when it was about to grab her Evelyn heard a voice that broke her out of the weird trance she in. The word she heard where; nothing, you did nothing wrong. Shock was the only expression she could make for she did not expect an answer to her question. She turned form the pool to see a giant black orb with a red glow outline, floating just a few feet in front of her. The glow was so bright she had to simi cover her eye with her hand to continue to look at it. As she looked more at it she saw that someone was sitting on the orb. The bright glow started to die down as if to tell her to get a better look at the person. When she looked upon the child with a scythe sitting on the orb with a crow on her shoulder. In the crow beck he held her left eye, this was enough to finally break her mind. She didn't say anything, not even screamed, she just fell to her knees with lifeless eyes.

Hehe looks like we finally broke you, but I do believe I should thank you for my new toy. For she was sitting on the Bright Sun that Evelyn had created in her attempt to escape. She had captured and corrupted it to fit her twisted sense of fun. It's a shame that my other sister didn't get a chance to play with you, but now that you are in the perfect state of mind my master would like to meet with you. As she finished talking the fog lifted and out came the goat and his puppets all together. As they approached her the oni puppets said not fair Scythe why do you get to be the last one to play with our new toy. Scythe responded hey even tanky here didn't get to do her chase scene, so don't feel too bad, Batty. Hey, my name is not batty! And mine is not tanky! Well, I'm not scythe! The one with the warglaive just stood in the back like some emo kid and didn't say anything. Will you all stop arguing please, I am trying to talk to our friend here. Listen Evelyn, I do apologize that I have to kill you. You were just unlucky and saw me at the wrong time, and I can't let the others know about me just yet. Having said that dont worry I will use your death in the most efficient way I can. I will make it look like you died to some random monster of the forest and when they input a lock down from entering the forest for a while, no one else will hopefully catch me in the forest for some time now. Also don't worry about your younger siblings, I will take care of them. So you can at least die with that peace of mind. See aren't I just the best! The whole time the goat was talking Evelyn made no response either verbally or physically. No, not one action until the goat mentioned her siblings, her younger brother and sister. Life returned to her eyes at that very moment all the fear she carried turned into pure hatred. She gave a hateful glare at the goat and said don't you dare touch them and also if you're really a judes like in those stories wouldn't killing innocent blood like mine corrupt your own purpose? sigh look here girly do you know how lage our world is? It's so large that the god of death made it so that we could kill millions of innocent beings before succumbing under ture corruption. On this small island continent alone the amount of creatures that live here is like 1 to 2 billion. Don't even get me started on the main content and not this, back water place that can't even handle a few tribes of green skin orcs! HA do you even know the true name of this world and not the one the uppity elves call it? Its true name is…. Her eyes went wide with shock when she heard the world's true name, for its true name was that of a taboo for no one would ever mention that name, for it was the name of an old fallen god. As for not touching your family, I say HA what can you do about it in your state? look here I dont plan on killing them or turning them into my eternal undead severents ok. I will find a way for them to enter into the mansion severice, to get them a job much like yours. Now time to see you off, O Aria come here… um master who Aria? said the four sisters. It's the name I decide to call you my scythe wielding magician. Now give her a quick death and let your oni sister give her corpse a whack. Hey, why don't we three get official names? Now, Now, don't fret, I am still thinking about them. Coming up with a name is tough when you want to give one with importance. O then what does Aria mean? It means lioness and great vocals. In other words I like your voice and your ferocity. A! Now's not the time to be blushing and showing off! I know that's what you want to do, but right now I ask you to please end her life. Kay, she then set her black sun upon poor Evelyn, as it gulf her entire being, Evelyn glare mad hatred at the poor goat, who just stared back, like he was innocent in all this.