Cave Dungeon 

Master, my servants have located the cave a few ways from the enemy camp. What are your next instructions? Excellent work Aria, now listen the cave is a mini world dungeon with only like three floors and two twin fishmen creatures as its boss. I need you and your sister to clear this cave lair and bring me back the two twin corpses. You shouldn't have a problem clearing it as it is one of the lowest dungeons in existence. In case you're wondering my beautiful little witch, a dungeon is formed when a group of evil a line monsters hold up in a location for a certain period of time. The dark miasma of the world is slowly drawn to those particular monsters and eventually transforms not only the monster but also the terrain. Now the difficulty of natural dungeons vary a lot because of various reason like monster type, their life rank, location and so on, but I don't have time to go into detail about that stuff so for now you just need to know you won't be fighting higher than rank 2 monster in there or find traps of any kind it pretty straight forward. Understood master but what of unnatural dungeons? Right now you just need to know that those dungeons are controlled by big kingdoms and empires, to make a long story short they capture evil creatures and make their own dungeons in their territory to train and farm xp. Thank you for the explanation master but one more thing don't we also count as evil line creatures? Yes we do, which is why we can make dungeons ourselves. Anyway you don't have to worry about that stuff right now, just clear it without being seen by the humans and retrieve the target corpse. As for the other monster corps, turn them into undead but leave them there. Lastly, should you meet anything unexpected or are discovered by humans, flee at all cost but don't lead them back to the barn! O! And engrave my emblem somewhere there!O! Don't forget to report back anything you find you do not understand.

POV: Sisters

Waa! Why can't I be the team leader? It's not fair that Aria gets to be team led! I am the tank, it should be me! Well, the master picked me over you for multiple reasons. O like what sis? well one I can make undead like him, two I found the damn places, and lastly who else could he trust?? oni? Misses smashy! or misses quite type back there who hardly talks? or you that have yet to prove your ability? Hey I take offense to that I didn't get to do much when we were scaring the little elf women. O really didn't you get blinded and lose sight of the target? Aria iam going to hit you! Now calm down, look instead of getting all up and puffy. Why not use this chance to prove to the master your usefulness and maybe he might name you. {The three sisters in unison} A name!... Right, seeing now that you're all motivated, let's head inside, but I do have to say this "dungeon" entrance leaves much to be desired. It's pretty lame, it's just some lame white trees upside down in the ground and a big hole leading underground. Well whatever get in formation! tanky in front, glaive next, then me then lastly slow oni. Hey i'm not slow… o big buggy to smash hehehe. Sigh..hey Aria why don't you send some of your severtants to check things out ahead? Sorry no can do, most are out watching the humans or are in various locations spying out the lands. I only had two to spare and they were killed as soon as they entered the dungeon prior to when I first found it. But don't you control like over 100? Ya and? Do you know how large the elven forest is??? How many do you think I lose a day just scouting out the terrain? I see your point, sorry for asking. Anyway, eye head tanky were entering the first large chamber. Holy cow! damn! so cool! umm! [narrator] The chamber they entered is what some would describe to be from the hollow dark, for darkness was not all that laid before them but light, but this light did not give off its brightness, no warm could be felt from this light, no for its was the color of miasma, purple which though gave light also swallowed it with great fever. This fire let up the chamber walls that were carved from ancient ruins of unknown origin. While strange little green skin monsters laid in the dozens on the chamber floor covered in huge bumps and growths just stared up at the chamber ceiling, as if just wishing one of those loose hanging stagnite would just fall and present them with the sweet release they so desperately wish for. While some wished for death, others thirst for freedom, for those strange small rat men looking creatures were wrapped in metal chains sealed off by giant blackened tree roots in a bottle like prison. Looks like they won't be putting up much of a fight right sister! HA this will be easy! Wait sister tank! Something isn't right! What do you mean? Those creatures though are tier 1 and should be easy, are giving me strange vibs, I mean can't you feel how thick the miasma in here is? I feel like it is strengthening us and if that ture how much more for them who have been here for years! I fear that though they may be tier 1 they may have the strength of that or close to that of tier 2 so be careful and don't let your guard down. SMASH!!!! NO! wait Oni sis… At that very moment when the green creatures heard the scream, they all turned and looked, the second their eyes meant Aria eyes, she knew this was going to get crazy.