Cave part 2  

When one's feverish eyes shine with the brightness of one's self worth collide with those eyes that wish to steal it, one will continue to shrine ever more, while the other is forever dimmed into nothing. —writings by Philosopher Puppet.

Tanky in her delusional sense of need for self validation, ran full speed shield up right into the horde of green men. Unleashing the skill [dash], with a towering shield in hand she knocked the first group back and a few into the air, before they have time to recover she then casted her second skill [Absolute wall] the skill entered her foes tiny minds and enraging them all to attack her and her alone, seeing how close they were, she casted her third skill [Dark Ground] ushering forward a sea of black flame onto their tiny green feet liting them aflame. The rush of black flames did little to stop their momentum for they were not of the right mind. With melted flesh and splintered bones they rushed forward to slam themselves into her shield, some used their tiny fist, others used fallen tree branches, but most used each other missing limbs that were chopped up from tankies continuing sword swipes. She had killed many but for each she killed, she enraged many more. The horde grew to the point where she had to use a Fourth skill [Certain Block] with the activation of that skill she let out a scream to for assistance in which her sister didn't disappoint. Aria said are you finlay done being willful my sister..hehehe. K my turn! she then got off her mini sun and set it forth, she then yelled the words [Eclipsing sun]! A Dark mini sun rose into the sky and unleashed a powerful heatwave that instantly vaporized the already half melted green skins around her tank sister. Upon reaching her tank sister she noticed that although her shield took most of the damage, her sister still took quite the beating, she guessed that her life steal just couldn't keep up to the little green bastard damage. While standing behind her shield all beaten up, she was about to thank her sister for the asset when a dark shadow film-like substance embraced her for a few seconds before disappearing. She thought to herself, umm must have been Aria [Darken Heal] skill. While she was thinking that, Aria continue to toss out spell left and right, she would raise some of the dead green guys to fight each other, she would cast shadow bolts randomly, hell she would even trap some in her bard traps, all while giving off that sinister smile like she was enjoying the show. But tanky did not understand where her sister was getting all the satisfaction from since all the weird green creatures were not showing any fear at all, in fact they were moving much like Aria zombified servant pets. Heck it wasn't just the lack of fear that was confusing her, but also their sense of pain, and morally. Their will to fight was just too strikingly abnormal to her, coupled with the fact that they can keep fighting even with melted limbs. Even with all these signs troubling her she just shook it off to the fact that maybe it's just how these creatures are. While she was having her inner monologue her other sister Glaive was busy freeing the cage rat man to see what they would do. To her surprise the rat did not attack her instead tried to make a beeline for the exit, But when the little green guys saw this, they immediately stopped attacking tanking or Aria and ran right up to the ratmen and just started biting them, like some hungry ravanges horde. The ratmen could do nothing but scream, and scream they did. O! The sound they gave was like that of dying puppies being slowing tortured to death. Of course these sounds were but noises to sister glaive who just continued to use her active dancing skills to weave in and out of the group of ratmen and the green monsters. while she was killing their back lines, her oni sister started her mace dance of death. She smashed her way in and out of the horde with no less grace than her glaive sister. After about 5 minutes the battle cries in the chamber slowly started to die down, until all that was left was silence. However the silence did last long as a bigger green skin creature that was standing in the back finally decided to move forward with his two fish men guards, however something caught the sister's attention and that was the fact that the supposed boss mob was acting the same way the other mobs were. The fight couldn't even be described as one since they moved in a roboot stiff matter that just soaks up the damage the sister threw at it, to them their opponents level and life tier or like rank didn't matter for they were no stronger than a normal zombie only bigger. With one big swift swiper with her glave to the back of the green one head, it led onto the floor headless and motion less, while their master required the fish men bodies intact it didn't matter because Aria can heal corpses with her [corpse heal] ability so they simply removed their head as well. Finally able to receive a brief pause in battling they all rejoiced at a job well done and were about to call their master for praise when Aria said; hey guys we need to finish investigating this area first at least before reporting to master, otherwise instead of praising you, he's going to reprimand you! We know that sister but look sister we already found this "fishmen" our master wanted! I know but that's what confuses me, he said they should be at the last chamber and that they should be able to put up some sort of fight, but they died way too easily. Let's keep looking around first, ok sister. They all "whaled" in complaint, but begrudgingly they did what they were told for they didn't not wish to hurt their chance in receiving better names or even receiving more praises. So they started with corpses before moving onto the actual chamber itself but before they could even get that far they noticed a particular pattern. The pattern was not only that their enemy were fighting like undead left on autopilot but that the growths on their back weren't just a ball of deformed skin tissue, no the little green guy were housing some type of black substance under their skin, while the big one housed a more complete form of development it being that of some black mass they had no way to identify without consulting the master. while the ratmen only started showing symptoms of the growth. But before they could come to any different conclusion Aria noticed something odd about the ancient floor they were standing one. The floor had groves cut out like mini tunnels like a drainage path. She pondered for a quick second about what could be draining? She soon got the answer to her question when her eyes glanced at the dozens of bodies all on the floor, and it hit her! Of course it could only be one thing! The blood but it was not only just the blood but also the black substance, and they were mixing together flowing down the same direction. while following the flow she called for her sister and they all continued deeper in, until they came upon a pool. A pool of blood and black goo! while staring at this "pool" Aria looked further ahead and saw what lay behind it. It was a path to the next chamber, she was sure of it. But now the question was how to cross this mini pool? she didn't have to think that long, for as she was thinking of a way the cave began to shake and crackle while the pool started to contract and expand! All the blood, all the black swirled as one into a circular egg. A few seconds later the egg popped with the sounds of a thousand drums as if harling its arrival into the world. The liquid and egg shells flinged forward to stop in mid air as if time had stopped. In the center of the egg stood a creature only known as the Blood beast!