The Blood Beast

The beast towering in its size, easily doubled the small size of the sisters. This abomination was formed from the mixing of the creature whose blood was made to make it. It took the legs of the big green one, it stole the fins off the fishmen for its spiny back, its snout was received by the ratmen along with their teeth and tail. Its arms were formed by the black ooze to a sharpening degree, It breathed out gray smoke from its gills, The tail it was gifted with turned bone sharp, like a nailed filled bat. Its red hot transparent skin dripped like hot candle wax, its glowing beating heart thumbed louder than any drum, its yellow glowing rectangle pupils eyes were just as sinister as their master. The creature stood up from its bloody crib and gave a fighting roar that made the empty eggs shells and bloody drops in the air collapse back into the floor.

The sisters watching all this unfold all thought at the same time. AWWW, it's so cute I want it for a pet. Hey Aria do you think once we kill it the master will let us keep it? I don't know sisters but I want it just as much as you. We can ask after we report back, but before that we need to come up with a plan. There's no way this thing is below rank 2, hell it might be close to rank 3. But didn't we just kill a bunch of rank 2 just now? Ya but those don't count sisters they were, but zombies left on auto pilot anyone could have killed them. Anyways tanky up front it's making a move! It made another mighty roar in which after its dripping blood skin took the shape of small blood hounds that rushed at the sister. Aria responded by summoning an army of her own by raising five of the little green men and five of the ratmen. Seeing that's all aria summoned tanky asked; what aria that it? Where are the others?? Hey, just because my storage can hold a hundred souls doesn't mean I can control a hundred at one time, not to mention I am still controlling a few crittens outside and adding onto that these creatures are of a higher life order than those crittens, so it takes even more concentration to control them. Right now my limit is five critten with ten of these beings, I had to cut my connection with about fifteen crittens outside for this. Anyway let my slave worry about the small blood clones the big guy charging! Oni! help tanky brace the impact! Boom! Hold it! Glaivey ambush it now! Popping out of the shadows behind the blood beast, Glaivey was about to use her [ambush] skill when the beast moved like it was expecting that sneak attack used Blood control to form a shield behind it back blocking glaive attack, not checking whether he sister attack failed or not aria summoned her barb trap to intangle the beast, while the beast was tangled the barbie cut into its weak transparent flesh and allows load of blood to fall, a suspicious amount to be sure, while that was going on, Oni took advantage of the situation and charge up her shout skill with her brave heart to further increase her and her sisters strength, with that done she leaped over her wall of a sister shield and brought her mace down hard on the beast head. However her heavy hit was but nothing to the beast's thick skull, it simply replied to her attack with a sinister smile. This action enraged Oni and she yelled at the top of her none existing lungs; I'll smash you! While laughing at Oni's display of affection he continues his claw attack on Tanky. Tanky, not wanting to just take the heavy below one after another, raised her chainsaw sword and buzzed off one of the blood beast fingers! HA that what you get for laughing at me! said Oni. When it reeled back in pain Glaivey took this chance to unleash a number of rogue dances one after another on its body. Blood spilled like a fountain! Enraged by the sister's persistence in trying to kill it, it let out another roared and used an unknown blood spell, in which it drove right into the bloody floor, but what was a pool not long ago, was now a mighty lake. Confused with the situation the sister panicked, thinking that it was trying to escape so Aria cast her [eclipsing sun] to see if that would drive it out. The light of the sun let up the cave, but no monster could be seen hell even her slaves and the blood clone mysterious vanished. Still standing there puzzled for a bit until the blood on the floor started to swirl and bloody hands popped out to grab the sister, once grab the blood started to condense on them, to intraped them in a giant densely packed blood bubble, a [Blood Prison] one could say. Aria said, is it trying to drown us? Well, it will be disappointed, because we don't have lungs XD. As if enraged by what Aria just said, the blood in the bubble started to spin violently, while the blood pressure in turn was also getting heavier and heavier. You just had to say something snarky didn't you sister! Meh, it's all good sisters. Why is that? They ask together. This is why! Aria put her hands together and all became still, with a questioning look they looked to Aria, which she happily explained I stole his blood control spell, it wasn't hard the creature has just been born and doesn't know how to control his mana just yet. Now time to show it how to really use it! Now with the blood bubble under her control she willed it to collapse and force out the beast from within the blood, but that wasn't the only thing to shock the Beast for when he was pulled out he immediately found himself stuck in a barb trap in the center of a big iron spike coffin! Aria yelled [Iron maiden]! {An iron maiden made out of iron from all the blood combined with blood control magic!} Unable to escape the barb trap it could do nothing as it watched the iron coffin close, but Aria was not done because she knew that its life was through the blood, and life was in the blood. So without hesitation she poured the rest of her mana into making another [Eclipsing sun]. However, looking at her sun, she knew that even this wouldn't be enough for what she had planned, but then she remembered that there was still another remaining sun that she had made earlier and hit her. If she combines the two suns into one super star it might be enough. Even she knew this could be dangerous to do since she didn't have the relevant skills for it but she had to give it a try otherwise there was no way they were going to kill it, if it can become one with the blood non-stop. So with zell determination she focused her mind to combine the two sun, of course while she was busy doing that the beast was thrashing about inside the madin with it wrapped up and impaled in several places and screaming at the top of its lungs. Out of desperation it punched and clawed at the iron doors even trying to naw it way out even at the cost of several of its spike teeth, with each punch, huge dents were made, each claw left huge marks, from the outside it looked like it could escape any minute. Just when it looked like it could manage to get its snout out with half a claw, Aria finished the New spell! she say in a laughing voice haha [Dying Star]