The Bloody Night part 6  

As Lanthios revealed his name with a creepy smile, he just stared at Ashtine waiting for a response. While feeling a little unnerving form being stared at so intently Ashtine said, oh I'am sorry I also forgot to interduce ourselves! My full name is Mu Ashtine and my guardian's name is Nonreth Mirabasher. Of course, this didn't come to a surprise to Lanthios for he already knew their names form his last life. As they died during a forced elemental summoning ritual that summoned a monstrosity that nearly destroyed a city. Now why would Lanthios remember the names of some two-bit summoner? Well, that would be because that elemental they summon was the first "real test run" the royals Elf's made him fight. Ohm I already knew they were sold off as slaves but I never knew they were sold off this soon and by the pig mercenary group, no less! I just found a diamond in the rough for sure! Ugh Lanthios you there? Asked Ashtine with a concerning expression. OH! Ya, responded Lanthios after reminiscing old memories for a minute, when he came back to reality and said to the girls, now sign the contract for you have no idea just how grand of a future you've just walked into.

A little doubtfully about that future this Lanthios mention Ashtine looked to her guardian who simple said princess I know you're looking at me for guides but remember this decision is one you'll have to make on your own. All I can tell you is, think of all the alternatives and decide the future you desire for you and our people. With closed eyes Ashtine went into deep thought for a minute when Lanthios said I know that you unsure but I promise I'am on your side. She didn't believe for a second that this stranger of death was on her side but what other choice did she have? Be sold off? Stay in this cage and hope all the human die fighting outside? Or take death hand and forge her own future even if that requires her to yet still be a slave just in another form, a slave to death. Taking in a few deep breaths she calmed her mind and made her choice, when she opens her eyes that shined with sheer determinations, she proudly said I will sign, and procced to bite her index finger and sign her name.

Good! Yelled Lanthios and with the contract signed in blood the magical paper folded itself up and screamed away in the shape of a teal flaming soul. Ashtine ask what just happened? I don't feel any different. Lanthios replied with you shouldn't feel any different and now's not the time to worry about that. It's time to get your girls out of here, and with that lanthios called over Paul who was just waiting outside the tent to bust them out of the cage. When Ashtine saw Paul, a knight in full armor, she immediately froze up and looked at Lanthios with a questioning gaze. In which he responds, don't worry he with me, his one of my many subordinates. What's with that look? Do you think I can free you only using this rat body? Those are steel chains and special anti-beast men enchants. With this new revelation Ashtine did come down a bit but still cautiously look at the knight. As Paul freed them form their shackles with a few mighty swings of his sword, however when it came time to remove the blind fold on miss Nonreth she said wait I want the first thing I see to be the princes so can you please face me towards her, after all I haven't seen her in weeks now or anything for that matter apparently the men did like the way my eyes glared at them when... well you know, at least they didn't touch the princes and that what really matters. After finally getting the chance to see the princess again with her own eyes the two girls hugged and cried for a few minutes before Lanthios said look as much as I don't what to break up such a touching scene were really running short on time here. As the girl were putting themselves back together the group started to leave when Ashtine asked what about the others that are here? A little annoyed Lanthios said what others? And better yet even if there are why should we help them? And before you say to me "why don't you make a contract with them". I don't want to in truth you have the best potential then all the others here. "potential" now what does he mean by that? Thought, Nonreth to herself but she knew it was not the time to ask anything that may stir the waters so she'll keep quiet about it for now anyway. This of course went by unnoticed by Ashtine as she was too young to catch such nuances of it. Ashtine responded to lanthios question by saying then if that the case, then why not just free them to help cause a distraction, after all you can't have enough chaos in a situation like this. You don't even have to protect them just give them the chance to grab a better future like you did for me.

Now thinking on what Ashtine said had merit, he was more worried that it might incite the enemy more, after all their "treasures" are escaping. But after giving it so more thought he decided to go with Ashtine on this one and told Paul to free the others. As the other women left their cages, they stood by the medium size rat as if waiting for something. Ashtine then nudged Lanthios causing him to sigh, he then got on Paul shoulder and looked onto the group of women made up of monster girls form cyclops to goblins to beast men to humans, to various ages to sizes and said I know not what you have been though! Nor I'm I going to offer you sweet words of comfort! But what I can offer you an opportunity! An opportunity to make a choice in how you want to grasp your own future to live or to die is in your own hands now! You can either fight for it or runaway the choice is yours but you are free now! With that Lanthios and the two Gnalls left the tent, leaving the women up to their own devices.

As soon as they left the tent the two girls were immediately hit with the smell of blood and the noise of battle. Their eyes gave feast to a scene of crows feasting on the fallen, while weirdos were drinking the blood pools that were forming. While getting lost in the sensation of war Lanthios had to slap them both back to reality and sigh tiredly and said damn battle beast men! While smoothing the area where they were slapped Lanthios said now get on Paul lion horse and let's get out of here while they are still fighting my subordinate!