As lanthios and company left the prison tent behind they happen to stumble onto the crater left behind by Leon suicidal explosion. As Lanthios observed the crater, the scarlet light of the moon shined on the burned corpse of Leon in which stood forever engraved in a tomb of coral black, with the remains of his enemies flushing out the blacken reef. What made the whole seen even more abhorrent was that Andrew cat like eyes were crystalized to forever be staring in an instance hunger expression. With a smile so chilling it sent Ashtine into a hypothermic state in which the intense heat coming out of the carter did little to thaw. Lanthios got off the Lion-horse and ran right up to black statue and used his twisted magic to give it life once more! But how can such powerful magics go unnoticed? For not too far away Baysan who was amidst fighting Lawrence felt the chill in the air and looked towards were Leon crater was and pondered to himself, was Leon sacrifice not enough? Just what is over there?
As the blacken statue began to stir, the corpses wrapped around him disintegrated into black sands, As the black sands rolled with the wind's the statue eyes burst opened in a Fiery orange color, with tears that looked like hot magma running down its chick it said in a painful tone, "why I'm I still alive"! Lanthios then replied in a harsh tone, "you are mistaking, for you are not alive." "You are in fact very much dead". Then is this the afterlife replied Leon. To which Lanthios said, "NO!" for you are still amongst the living yet you are not! It hurts, why did you bring me back like this? To be a monster ask Leon. Isn't this what you wanted? I have searched your soul, and have found that you wanted to atone for you sins, Haha! Do you really think killing yourself would resolve all your sins you had in life? Well, no I didn't... Haha, or did you think that someone like you deserves to atone with normal circumstance? Now that would be too easy! Well, I mean... HAHA! YOU MEAN WHAT! Lanthios yelled while rushing up to the charcoal stature face. Finding himself at a loss of words, Leon Burning eyes just stared into those teal flame eyes until Lanthios broke the silence by saying, look! That blacken coral skin of yours, is your new prison! It represents your sins! If you want to be free of it and return to a somewhat normal human body then you must earn it! As a Judge of death, I Lanthios have granted you the opportunity your soul longer for! Now whether or not you can actually atone for what you have done is up to you. I... I understand but... couldn't I have just atoned for it in the afterlife? HA! And how do you expect to make up for it in if the god of reincarnation removed your memories and sent you back here as something else? Or in fact any of the other gods, for that matter! whether it be death himself or the god of life, the chances of you actual atoning is very unlikely. Even if you were sent straight to this world hell, sure you would be in pain, but how does being in eternal torment actual atone for anything? It's not like your helping anyone other than getting over yourself guilt, by saying I deserve this or that. NO! I say if you truly wish to make amends then get up and either help those you've wronged or use this opportunity to change your destiny and become something more, something your soul longed for but never achieved for whatever reason. And you can start by helping those girls we just freed from your formal prison.
As Leon stood there absorbing the words of Lanthios he slowly breath in and out, the cold air burning is way down his now crispy lungs and body. After taking a few to recollect himself he said you right, even if I do feel pain with every breath, and motion, it is a small price to pay for all the Life's I have ruined. Good replied Lanthios, now as I was saying about the girls from earlier, they are most likely going to follow me and my friends here out of the camp, you can start your atonement by protecting them on our journey out of here. Look I say this with as much care as I can, do not be discourage for they will not be able to recognize you now, for obvious reason. However, they are beast men after all so I can't say with 100% certainty that one of them won't be able to find out with just the small of clues or hints, so if you wish to keep your real identity a secret, I suggest you don't talk more than you need to. Only tell them not to attack you for you are the servant of Lanthios the talking rat you ladies meant before. On that note it's important that you know you are actual much stronger than when you were alive, I know that may be hard to believe giving you frail looking body, but your peak rank 2 monster now! In others words you as strong as your chieftain that's fighting my other servant at the moment. If you still don't believe me let me read out your stats:
// MAX Rank 2 Unit
⥺Name: LEON⭄
TITLES → MASOCHIST ^. ^ [ the more pain the user is in the stronger he gets plus +1 to all stats up to a maximum of 50 per day]
Blissing → None
Monster Specie → Molten Puppet
Monster Rarity → Rare Elite
LVL → {LVL 200/200} {XP=MAX}
HP → 1200
MP → 800
VIT → 120
STR → 80
AlG → 400
INT → 320
Skills ⇕
Final slash, quick thrust, flame breath, molten punch, sword dance of the torment flames, All Intermediate level
Pain share [share his pain with everyone around him in a few feet radius],
Weapon Enchant [turns any weapon the user is holding into molten fire]
Fire immunity All Intermediate level
Puppet control [can summon a group of 4 other molten puppets that were in tomb with the user in death] {they are max rank 1 and cannot level up and can only be summon once a day when killed}
WOW is this really me now? But Dammit why did I have to become a Masochist? Just why? As the realization of his new "Title" Leon falls to his knees and complains himself for he dares not voice his complaints to his new master, but speaking of new master... he turned to Lanthios and asked with silent anger hidden in is voice: was all this you're doing? Lanthios of course felt Leon silent anger but replied as if he didn't notice anything and admitted straight up like it was the most natural thing to him. He then said before Leon could say anything, I know your angary but you came with an army to steal the women of this forest. That is something I cannot allow under any circumstance. Surely you can understand that! And besides you do know I could at any time remove your memories, right? This sent a cold chill down Leon's molten back! Lanthios then continued and said, the very fact that you still have them was me being mercifully. I could have just made you a mindless puppet, even though that would be no different than if the god of reincarnation got a hold of you but meh. You are very lucky that I'm giving you the chance you ask for in repentance. So, I suggest you calm down and think. Remember that all this happened because of yours and your friend's choices.
Leon with all his intellect came to the conclusion that his new master had a point; it was all his fault and that he did ask for a way to atone. After calming down his anger a little, his thoughts ran back to his stats and when he thought about his passive skill puppet control and read the description again, he said to himself, it looks like we all get to atone in some way or another...right Andrew. Right after he finished speaking those words softly to himself a figure with crystalized eyes popped out of the dark recess of his soul.