The Bloody Night part 8  

As Lanthios and company left the burning camp behind, John who now took command of what was left of the surviving forces, sat behind the heavy new rapidly built fortified inner walls of the emergence center that he had the men built with great sacrifices, using anything they could find that was sturdy. With bloody birds feasting on the dead and out of control undead monster roaming about with crazy cannibal that somehow retained enough sanity not to kill each other, As John was regrouping the men and reassuring them that they will make it out of this alive, hell he even promised that the next round drinks were on him, the men cheered at this, for they cling onto anything that would even for a second distract them form all the moans and roars happening just behind their rashly built defense. while pondering on what to do next the surviving captains walked into the make shift tent and said to John "look the walls won't hold for long" and what makes the situation even worse is that the few mages we have station on the wall are running out of mana! John relied with, "I know" but what else can we do? I know that you guys are strong and can probably hold your own against a few low ranks undead but what about our turned brothers? Now that's a different matter entirely, for they are not mindless like the monster! Sure, they are crazy but crazy is not stupid. And without Leon here to make a plan I....

Bam! That enough said captain Aaron, look we all know you're not Leon and you'll never be! Sure, he was a great strategist but a lousy fighter! He died for his lack of combat skill, which you have in spade compare to him! You were always meant to be our chief's weapon while Leon was the brain. Now suck it up and let's go kill some freaks! But... Just to set up the walls alone I lead so many to their deaths...BAM! Look I know what you're thinking, you're saying in your mind you're not ready to lead and that the weight of such a responsibility is heavier than you thought, but hell your never ready, you go when you're ready enough! Now stop being a baby and man up! Our great chief put you in charge because he believed in your ability! Are you going to disappoint that amount of trust he has in you! Besides we all understand that you got your position by merit of strength alone and not leadership, so lean on us for the heavy thinking more often! I... BAM! Aaron slammed a sword on the table and said to John "pick it up!"

As john held his sword he took a deep breath, with closed eyes he let his mind race with all his fears, but he only let it go until the count of 10, for when he opened his eyes the fear was gone, for he realized that in that moment that fear... fear was a choice one had to embrace in order to let it thrive. With his fear now in the back of his mind, the weight of his sword felt lighter than it had ever been. As he looks on to his fellow captains, he said gather the rest of your squads, for we are going to open the gates! All the captain in the room cheered, with morale high a group of 30 men stood just behind the medium sized wood gets that their mage spent most of their mana to enchant with enough power to hold off the monster raging blows. With wall wailing and cricking, bird crying, the moon at its highest point, as chilling wind blew John stood at the front and said to his men, when that door opens mage use the last of your mana to send the strongest fire balls you can! Archer fire off your best arrows, while you swordsmen up in front with me and your captains for we will hold the line! Sir! Look out! One of the archers yelled as he shot a cannibal in the head. The cannibals are climbing over the walls! The rashly built fences are starting to collapse! It looks like fancy speeches will have to wait! Men open the doors!

As the door opens, the scarlet light was on the side of the men for on the other side of the gate was per darkness, but within that darkness the men could see the hungry eyes that shined like burning stars! As those eyes charge in like a moving flood of stars from the great unfathomable skies, the mage Capitan order the remain 4 mages with her to fire all that was left and like a flame thrower that was set free until the gas was empty, burned away the stars. But how can a fire keep at bay the stars? A rolling giant razor bear came ramming through the Fiery torrent followed behind by little goblin zombified monster! With shield down the 15 swordsmen including 3 captains and John held the line while the 10 archers and their one captain rain death form above!

As stars faded more rose up to fill the void, cannibals didn't waste this opportunity and came in droves behind the zombified monsters. As the fighting continued John looked around to see the men dying one by one while his captain each fighting their own respectable undead monster, the mage was fighting a spider bear, while the archer was fighting an acid spitting giant black serpent, then he saw his own melee captains in combat with big hobgoblins and grotesque Pig Beetles. With not wanting to waste John look to his own opponent the rolling spike bear with sheer annoyance. With sword raised his brush along the sword width with his fingers, as burning white flames coated his glowing enchanted steel sword, he raised it with both hands above his head and with a strength unknown he slashed down ward towards the now charging razor bear! As the flame made contact with the razor bear hard steal skin, the bear steals skin that he was so proud of in life was but like soft tofu to the burning blade! As the bear was split down the middle it two half the flaming line didn't just stop at just killing the bear, for it continued cutting down a line through all the monster behind it! Without letting fatigued catch up, John roar like a lion and charged back up to those gates!