27. Denial

"Dhian, there's something I want to talk about."

Dhian turned around in surprise as she was about to enter her class after serving her sentence, the girl was confused because Arka immediately restrained her.


"We'll talk behind the back," said Arka.

Dhian nodded. "Can I keep my bag first?"

"Okay, I will go ahead and wait for you."

Dhian walked into her classroom in a hurry, the girl quickly went to meet Arka at the back of her classroom after placing her bag on the chair.

Dhian also met Arka who was standing against the wall with his hand in his pants pocket and one foot on the wall.

"Arka..." Dhian called softly.

"Dhian.. has come apparently, so.. what were you thinking when I invited you here?"

Dhian looked down. "I don't know."

"First, I will explain the beginning of a problem. Dhian, I don't blame you. You know if Calvin tries to bring you closer to Mr. Felix, right?"

Dhian looked down. "Yes..."

"Calvin shouldn't have done this because he knows that his best friend, Dara, likes Mr. Felix. This is called betrayal, but actually Calvin is not wrong because you and Mr. Felix like each other. Even so, Dara is angry with Calvin because of this. You understand, Djian?"

Dhian nodded. "But why does Calvin have to do this, I feel bad for the girl."

"Calvin feels the same way, Dhian. But it's already been done, Calvin still wants you to be close to Mr. Felix. Since it's like this, will you still avoid Mr. Felix? Even though you know what Calvin did for you? Don't waste it This opportunity, Dhian. Also think about how Calvin will feel if his struggles don't succeed at all, at least by talking to Mr. Felix alone."

Dhian looked thoughtful, she wasn't sure about the advice Arka gave her. Two women who were prettier than she liked Felix and she was just an ordinary girl, there was no way she could compete with a more perfect woman.

But Dhian doesn't want to disappoint Calvin after what he did for her, everything went awry. But Dhian must still choose, will continue to avoid or do things according to Calvin's wishes.

"Dhian? I won't force you-"

"No, I'll try to do it."





During break time, Arka didn't invite Dhian to the canteen, because Arka gave Dhian free time to meet Felix and talk alone.

Arka immediately went to the canteen alone, to meet his friends who had ordered food.

"Where's Dhian?"

"Looks like meeting Mr. Felix."

"Huh? Really? Are you sure?"

"Why so surprised? Isn't this what you wanted?"

Calvin nodded, he didn't care anymore about Dara who was angry with him. After all, Dara doesn't match up with Felix, there are many other men who are more compatible with this girl.

"Thank goodness, I thought yesterday was a flop."

Arka snorted. "Don't overdo it."

"Why are you helping Dhian?" asked Niel confused.

"We know how Dhian's attitude is, she can't possibly do it himself. Just watch, before that Dhian was embarrassed to meet Mr. Felix."

Keano frowned. "But if I look better... your way is wrong, Dgian is even more embarrassed."

"Really? Then why all of a sudden?"

"I think Dhian knows your plan and feels guilty if she is not close to Mr. Felix."

"May be..."

Meanwhile, in one of the classrooms, Dhian is still hesitant to go to meet Felix. Unknowingly Dhian's feet twitched nervously and made some students uncomfortable with Dhian's behavior.

"Hey, shut up!"

A man who was watching his friend playing a game suddenly threw a crumpled roll of paper, a surprised Dhian couldn't do anything and chose to go straight out of the classroom.

"Not usually..."

"Why? Want to bully her?"


Now Dhian was standing in front of Felix's door, the girl wanted to knock on the door but hesitated. Dhian confused what to do after all that happened.

"Dhian? What are you doing in front of my room?"

Dhian turned her body back in surprise, there Felix stood walking up to her with Maya.

Dhian just remembered that Maya claimed to be Felix's fiancé, Dhian was confused as to why Felix could like her even though the man already had a fiancé.

Dhian must finish this properly, maybe Calvin and the others don't know the facts about this, even though they always see Felix and Maya together.

"I have something to say, sir."

Dhian glanced at Maya who was staring at her sharply, Dhian gulped hee saliva roughly, afraid that Maya would be angry with her.

"I want to talk about something, so... just the two of you..."

Felix glanced at Maya. "Miss Maya?"

"Ah Sorry, I'll let you guys talk, maybe Dhian wants to consult with you."

Maya smiled sweetly at Felix, but the woman glared at Dhian while walking past Dhian by bumping into her shoulder.

"Sorry for Mrs. Maya's behavior, she is still too unstable as a teacher."

Dhian nodded, while Felix opened the door to his room and invited Dhian to enter his room.

"Sit down, Dhian."

Dhian nodded. "Sorry if I brought personal matters to school, sir."

"No, I also always try to talk to you when it's a personal matter."

"And sorry for always avoiding me, but what do you want to say every time you talk to me?"



"I actually want to be honest after knowing your feelings, I also have the same feelings as you."

"Yes, I know..."

"You know?"

Dian nodded. "After everyone found out my feelings for you, Calvin said you liked me too."

"Isn't this a coincidence? We have the same feelings, so-"

"I'm very grateful that you want to reciprocate my feelings. But, I will eliminate my feelings for you." Dhian said while clenching her shaking hands.

"Why? We like each other and can be together-"

"I know."

"So?" Felix asked confused.

"Sorry I can't tell you my reasons, sir. Thanks for everything, please release your feelings for me too."


Dhian stood up and bowed slightly, the girl then smiled before finally leaving Felix's room.


Dhian turned around. "Please, don't like me anymore..."