Chasing Trouble (Part 2)

When Olivia returned, he didn't even bother to wait. He asked in a casual tone, "Is there something wrong?" Olivia placed the plates on the table and looked at him, not even surprised at his question. "You seemed…not fine," Matthew added when their eyes met.

Olivia smiled at him. "I'm fine. I'll tell you after dinner," She said, and then she took the paper bag and looked inside. "What's this?"

Satisfied with her answer, Matthew smiled and took the paper bag from her, and pulled out the food boxes that were inside. "This is new from Sadie's. Sadie was certain that you would like it," He said as he opened the two boxes for Olivia to see.

Sadie was one of Matthew's friends who owned a restaurant named Sadie's. Olivia had met Sadie a lot of times and instantly got close to her because of Sadie's bubbly personality. Just like Nic and Megan, Matthew also grew up with Sadie.

Sadie was one of Megan's best friends but unlike Megan, Sadie has a lighter personality. Olivia had been to Sadie's a couple of times but most of the time, she was with Matthew. Sadie seemed to love serving Olivia her dishes because Olivia doesn't hold back on her comments and suggestions. If it was an honest review that Sadie wants, she would definitely get it from Olivia.

But Olivia seemed to love anything that Sadie cooked as she never had a negative comment about it.

Olivia's eyes widened in glee and her mouth ran dry when she opened the first box and found it filled with barbeque spare ribs. She opened the other box and found mixed vegetables to go along with the spare ribs.

Olivia was a foodie. She was once asked what she would be if she was not a journalist or a model. Her answer was a food blogger.

She bit her lower lip and raised her head to look at Matthew who was standing beside her. "Have you tried it?" She asked. She knew that the food in front of her wasn't on Sadie's menu so she hadn't tried it before. She was excited to try it.

Matthew smiled when he saw the excitement in Olivia's eyes. He shook his head and said, "Not yet. I want to try it together with you,"

Olivia seemed touched by his words. She pursed her lips and embraced him on his side. "That is one of the many reasons why I love you," She said then she kissed his cheeks.

Matthew turned his body so that he was facing her and he could wrap his arms around her waist. "You know I love doing things that will make you love me more," He said.

When it comes to their affections, Matthew and Olivia have always been transparent. They always tell and show each other how much they love each other.

"I think this will go well with the wine I bought last time," Olivia said.

"Mmm…I'll get it," Matthew kissed the tip of her nose and then he left her to get the wine that Olivia was talking about in the kitchen. "By the way, there is something I want to talk to you about," Matthew said while searching for the bottle of wine.

Olivia, who was preparing the table for their dinner, looked at him and nodded her head. "Okay," She said.

Matthew came back with a bottle of wine with a beautiful classic label on one of his hands and wine glasses on the other. "But not after you told me what is bothering you," He said as he placed the wine bottle and glasses on the table.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders and said, "Fine with me,"

Matthew pulled a chair for Olivia who murmured a silent thank you with a smile. Then Matthew sat on the chair across from Olivia.

The couple enjoyed the enchanting smoky, peppery, and bacon flavor of the pork ribs. They enjoyed it while occasionally sipping their wine.

Matthew listens as Olivia shares her thoughts about the dish because he promised to send Sadie Olivia's review about the dish. But just as always, Olivia has nothing but good reviews of Sadie's dishes.

She just cannot seem to stop pointing out how every herb and spice was mixed well together. As she talks, Matthew just stares at her, listening but at the same time admiring her beauty despite her mouth being full and there being barbeque sauce on the corner of her lips.

Since she was at home, Olivia didn't wear any makeup as she had already removed it as soon as she came home. She had also changed into a comfortable shirt that seemed like it needed a couple of stitches but she didn't mind. She loves wearing old and torn clothes as she feels more comfortable in them. Even when she was at Matthew's pad, she preferred to wear his ragged clothes to sleep.

As soon as they finished eating, Matthew didn't waste time and asked, "So, what is bothering you?" They were still sitting at the table and can't seem to stand up yet to clean up their plates.

"It is not actually bothering me," Olivia shrugs her shoulders.

Matthew raised a brow because he doesn't believe it. "Then what is with that face?" He pointed out the subtle frown on Olivia's face and slightly pursed lips. It was Olivia's look whenever there was something that she cannot get out of her mind.

Olivia sighed and then said, "Well…remember Talon Bonneville's case?" She asked although she knew that Matthew knew about it. Whenever there was a case that she was following, she always talked about it to Matthew and in the past weeks, Talon Bonneville's case was always brought up whenever Matthew would ask her about her work.

"Yeah, you said it was closed already," Matthew nodded his head. Olivia had called him earlier that day when he was at his mother's dance school to inform him about that. He had to console her over the phone because he knew that she would feel down.

Matthew knew that Olivia believed that Talon Bonneville's case was not just a simple murder case. She believed that there was a twisted story behind his death and she would not stop until she uncovered it. But unfortunately, it turns out that Talon Bonneville's case was not just a simple murder but a suicide case.

Matthew heard the disappointment in Olivia's voice when she called and he has half the mind to go to her and make her feel better. But Olivia said that she had to go to the office to report to her chief and then start writing her last and final article about Talon Bonneville's case before they published it in the newspaper and internet. If Nic didn't drag him to the underground facility, he would have already gone to Olivia and brought her a slice of cake and coffee to make her feel better.

Olivia nodded her head. "Yes. Do you know what happened?" She asked to see Matthew shake his head. Even if he already knows what happened, he still pretends not to know so that Olivia could continue talking.

"Apparently, he killed himself," Olivia said even though she had already told Matthew about it earlier that day. But Matthew remained attentive to her which is why he noticed that Olivia doesn't seem down as he expected her to be. In fact, Olivia looked a little…excited?

"You mean like, he committed suicide?" Matthew urged her as he continued to watch her facial expression.

"Yeah," Olivia nodded her head.

"Wow," Matthew looked speechless. Then he asked, "How did your chief take it?" He knew that it was her chief who assigned her to follow that case because he knew that Olivia has a fetish for brain teaser cases. Once Olivia's chief thought that a case had a twisted story behind it, she would immediately send Olivia to cover the case in the hope that she could find something for people to talk about.

Olivia pursed her lips again. Then she leaned back and said, "It's not as if we could change the fact that he committed suicide," Then she leaned forward, this time her facial expression had fully changed into excitement and for some reason, Matthew didn't like it.

It was the look in Olivia's eyes that said she was about to chase trouble.

And he was right.

"But I found something else," Olivia said.

Matthew frowned but internally, he was already making a strategy on how to heighten Olivia's security without her noticing. "What?" He asked.

Excitement had fully taken over Olivia. She hastily stood from her chair sending the chair backward which made a screeching sound on the floor but she didn't seem to mind. She walked around the table and grabbed Matthew's wrist.

All the while, Matthew was just watching her.

"Come here," Olivia said as she pulled Matthew up from his chair and dragged him towards his office.

Olivia unceremoniously pushed the door open and then pulled Matthew inside.

"Woah! Babe! What's this?" Matthew has a gobsmacked expression on his face as soon as he sees what Olivia wanted him to see.

In the eye of an outsider, Olivia's office was a mess. But for Olivia and Matthew who know her…papers, books, magazines, and old newspapers that were scattered around were Olivia's definition of organized. At least to her workplace.

No one is allowed to touch anything, not even Matthew because if one piece of paper or even a pin or clip was misplaced, that would mean trouble. To Olivia, every paper, every pin, every clip means something. Though the meaning was not written, it was in her head. It was as if she already created a pattern or a map with the help of those things and if one was misplaced, she would lose her pattern.

And that's trouble for the one who misplaced it and for Olivia because when it comes to messing with her job, her temper is scary. She was like a dormant volcano…beautiful, and silent but when she reached her limit, she would explode and create a catastrophe.

This time, Olivia's definition of organized was equal to a catastrophe. While one of the walls only has two huge windows and the other wall was a wall-to-wall bookshelf, the walls opposite them were not a peaceful sight.

One of the walls in Olivia's office was a huge pinboard that is filled with news clips, printouts, and pictures. There were pins and strings that were connecting the pictures, clips, and printouts.

Then on the other wall, there was supposed to be wall art but it cannot be seen anymore because of the four rolling whiteboards. The last time Matthew was there, there was only one rolling whiteboard. How did Olivia manage to get all those boards up on the tenth floor of the building? He would have to ask her later.