Chasing Trouble (Part 1)

Later that day, after staying at his office with an order not to interrupt him while working for three hours and then later meeting with a couple of people, Matthew called Olivia to see if she would come and stay at his pad.

But Olivia said that she can't because she is busy with work and if she stays at his pad there is a high possibility that he would distract her and she won't be able to finish anything.

But Matthew was adamant, instead of convincing her to stay in his apartment, he decided to come to her instead. But he didn't tell her until he was already in the lobby of her apartment building.

Olivia used to live in a shabby apartment unit when she was still in college. Matthew had always been persistently persuading her to move into a much safer and better apartment because he doesn't feel comfortable with her living in that run-down apartment that was located in an unsafe environment. He was worried about her safety.

But Olivia said that even if she wanted to, she can't. Even when she was working as a part-time model and was a scholar at the university, her income was only enough to support her daily expenses and her education.

Matthew suggested that he pay for her apartment but Olivia strongly refused saying that it is not right. She would not feel comfortable about it. Seeing that Olivia was adamant in refusing his help, Matthew, though reluctant, let go of the idea. Instead, he secretly made a background check on Olivia's neighbors and then he talked to them and threatened them that if they ever disturb or cause harm to Olivia, they would answer to him.

Matthew even paid Olivia's neighbors to look after her and report to him if there was someone bothering her or if she was in trouble.

And as if it was not enough, he also hired a security detail to ensure her safety but Olivia doesn't know about it since the security detail Matthew hired was always hiding in the dark.

When Olivia graduated, Matthew insisted again for her to move out of that run-down apartment and this time, he would not say no as an answer especially when he noticed that Olivia had taken an interest in criminal cases. At that time, Olivia was already hired as a journalist and was still working as a part-time model.

Olivia seemed to have a fetish for uncovering hidden stories behind cases that involved high-profile criminals who were dangerous. That is why Matthew will not let her continue staying in her run-down apartment.

Olivia knew that Matthew was right. So she started looking for a safer apartment that she could afford. But Matthew was ahead of her and had already found an apartment for her.

And that apartment was located in a luxurious apartment complex.

When Olivia found out about it, she instantly refused it saying that she could not afford it but Matthew had already paid for it which made her furious.

Olivia has always been an independent woman ever since she was fifteen. She doesn't want to depend on Matthew, especially on material things. But Matthew countered her and said that it was not like she was depending on him, it was just him making sure that she was safe and comfortable. It was him taking responsibility for her as her boyfriend.

To make Olivia feel better, Matthew offered that she could pay him what she could afford as rent for the apartment. Olivia thought about it and found a couple of points where Matthew was right.

After a series of convincing, Olivia finally conceded though reluctantly. She accepted Matthew's offer but she made it clear that she would pay him for rent and that would be the last thing that she will be accepting from Matthew.

But of course, it didn't happen because as their relationship progressed, Matthew would spoil her to no end. He would always buy her food and things that Olivia thought were unnecessary. But she cannot refuse them because they were already bought.

Since then, Olivia had lived in that apartment for years now and was paying rent on Matthew. What she did not know is that Matthew was saving the money she was giving him for the rent for their future. But of course, Matthew will not tell her that.

Matthew tapped his feet on the glistening marbled floor of the lobby as he waited for the elevator door to open. There were a total of six elevators in that building and in time, two of them opened. He took the empty one and pressed the number ten which was the floor where Olivia's apartment was located. He personally chose a corner unit on the tenth floor so that Olivia would have a great view of the city and the mountain that was on the other side of the city.

He could have chosen a higher-level apartment but he knew that Olivia would not be comfortable at such a high altitude.

He watched the numbers above the elevator door as it changed while going up. It didn't take him long to reach the tenth floor with the elevator all on his own. When the door opened he saw a grumpy-looking old lady waiting for the elevator. He had seen the old lady a couple of times as she was also a resident of the building that lives on the same floor as Olivia.

"Good evening, Mrs. Spears," Matthew greeted the old lady but the latter only snorted in response. Matthew was not oblivious to Mrs. Spears' dislike of him and Olivia simply because she had noticed that the two always spend the night together at Olivia's apartment.

Mrs. Spears was one of the few old ladies who remained conventional. She strongly abhorred an unmarried man and woman living under the same roof. Although Olivia and Matthew were not living together yet, Mrs. Spears had already considered that they were.

Matthew just chuckled and ignored the woman's grumpiness because he had gotten used to it. He continued walking the hallway until he stopped in front of an apartment door with the number 1008 attached to it.

He smirked and pressed the doorbell even though he knew the passcode of Olivia's smart lock system. He was the one who installed it after all.

The door is opened by Olivia who has a playful scowl on her face. Matthew could understand the scowl. She was not expecting him until a couple of minutes ago and now he pressed the doorbell even though he knew the passcode just to get her to open the door for him. He was just teasing her because he loves getting a reaction from her. He loved it when she was smiling, when she was laughing, when she was scowling, when she was frowning or when she was confused, when she was surprised or when she was shocked.

The only expression he hated seeing on her beautiful face was whenever she was sad, worried, or scared.

"Hey," Matthew greeted her with a smile that could instantly make any woman swoon. But that smile was reserved for the only woman in his life except for his mother. The love of his life.

Olivia opened her mouth to say something but Matthew was quick to lean forward and claimed her lips for a kiss. His kiss was deep and passionate. Olivia was quick to recover from the shock at the sudden kiss and return his kisses with equal fervor. Matthew's kiss was enough to make Olivia dizzy when she pulled away to catch her breath.

Matthew had a satisfied smile on his lips when he saw that Olivia momentarily lost her composure after the kiss that they shared. His goal was achieved. Olivia had forgotten about his sudden arrival and pressed the doorbell.

When Olivia opened her eyes, she saw Matthew gazing at her lovingly, she smiled and said, "Hi,"

Matthew still has one of his hands wrapped around Olivia's waist. He raised his other hand that was holding a paper bag and said, "I brought dinner,"

Olivia pulled away and looked at the paper bag where she could see the logo on it. She raised a brow. "Did you cook it?" She asked even though she already knew that Matthew just bought it because he doesn't know how to cook anything except for fried eggs.

Matthew managed to live by eating foods that her mother cooked and delivered to him. Or when Olivia was at his apartment or if he was in her apartment, she would cook for him. But if it was not possible, he eats take-out foods from their favorite restaurant. But if he doesn't feel like eating take-out foods, he would just eat salad and fruits which were the only foods he knew how to make.

Matthew chuckled. "Poisoning you is not on my list, babe,"

Olivia smiled and then she opened the door wider. "Come in," She said, and then she walked inside the apartment with Matthew following behind her.

Olivia's apartment was not as huge as the others. It was just enough for her and Matthew. But its aesthetics were obviously luxurious and sophisticated. It has two rooms, a kitchen, dining, living room, home office, a small area for the gym, bathrooms, and a laundry area since Olivia prefers to do the washing on her own.

It has a minimalist design. There was not too much furniture, just those that Olivia would need. There were a couple of indoor plants to make the apartment alive and neutral. It was cozy and elegant at the same time. Though luxurious, it looked like a home, unlike other luxurious apartment units that looked more like model units than a home.

Olivia heads straight toward the kitchen. She opened the cupboards to take out plates and utensils. Though she didn't know that Matthew was coming until a couple of minutes ago with food, she hadn't prepared anything for dinner yet even though she was already hungry. She was so busy with work that she could not stop.

If Matthew didn't come, she might have skipped dinner for the night.

While Olivia was busy getting the plates and utensils, Matthew was in the dining room and placed the paper bag on the table. But his eyes were focused on Olivia.

The apartment was an open plan so there were no walls separating the kitchen and dining room. Matthew could only see Olivia's back but he could sense that something was wrong. Something is bothering her. Though she kissed him back earlier and smiled at him, when she turned around, it was as if he could see the aura that surrounded her and he could tell when she was not alright.

And he could already tell why. Something happened at work.