Lies And Disappointment

When Matthew left Timothy's apartment, he instantly received a message from Olivia telling him that she was about to go to a restaurant to meet one of the undercover cops from Bardwell's list. He had expected that this day would come…that Olivia will be successful in convincing one of those undercover cops to meet her. He just didn't expect it to be this soon. Guess he underestimated his girlfriend's persuasiveness.

If there is one thing that he was glad about Olivia's message is the fact that she sent him a message. Megan made Olivia promise that she should inform them if she is going to meet those undercover cops and she did.

After reading her message, Matthew felt a mix of frustration and agitation. But he cannot bring himself to get mad at Olivia. It was her job and it was in her nature to not stop until she gets what she wants. He cannot do anything about it…he doesn't want her to change because he loves her the way she is.

If there is anything he can do, that is to make sure that she is safe.

And that he did.

Instead of going to her apartment, Matthew went to the address that Olivia sent him. He doesn't know if Olivia was expecting him to follow her or not knowing that she is aware of how overprotective he is of her.

When Matthew arrived at the address of the restaurant, he couldn't help but curse internally.

Why not? The restaurant is located in a very inconspicuous place. He doesn't even know that there was a restaurant in that place. On his way, he even doubts if he was going in the right direction.

He was pissed that his girlfriend chose that place but then he thought that his girlfriend has every reason to choose that place and he understands that. She was going to meet an undercover cop and though she lied about the reason for meeting him, their topic should not be talked about in a crowded place.

Matthew parked far from the restaurant so that Olivia will not notice him. Though the security details that he assigned to watch over her were there as well, he would feel much more at ease if he was there to personally ensure Olivia's safety.

Matthew didn't wait for long because Olivia's meeting with the undercover cop barely took fifteen minutes. When he saw the cop leave the place, and made sure that Olivia is leaving as well, he left the place to go to her apartment and pretend that he was waiting for him just like he told her when she told him that he will be meeting one of the undercover cops.

Matthew left it to her security details to watch over her as she drove home.

"Hi, babe," Matthew greeted Olivia as soon as she entered her apartment. He stood up from the sofa where he was sitting for just a couple of minutes before Olivia arrived. He just made it seem that he has been waiting for her for over an hour.

Matthew reached Olivia, he stood in front of her and placed his hands on the sides of her waist. "I was calling you," He said and then he pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her. Though he knew that she was safe and meeting with that undercover cop doesn't really put her in danger, he still needed to feel her to make sure that she is safe.

It was true though while waiting for Olivia outside the restaurant, he tried to call her just to make it seem that he was inquiring about her whereabouts and if she is fine alone. Though he was already expecting that Olivia will not answer his call.

And as if Olivia felt what he needed, she returned his hug and even tightened it though her hands were still holding her bag. She rested her head on his chest and Matthew instantly felt her breath on his neck. It was enough to make him feel at ease. "Oh, I'm sorry. I got caught up with work and when I realized the time, I rushed home without even looking at my phone," Olivia said.

Matthew understands what she meant when she said 'work'.

After a while, Olivia pulled away and looked up at Matthew's face. "Have you been waiting for long?" She asked and reached to cup his cheeks with one hand.

Matthew shook his head and closed his eyes to feel her touch. "No, I just got here. I was calling to tell you that I am picking you up but you were not answering so I go straight here," He lied. It was part of the reason why he closed his eyes because he was afraid that Olivia will see that he was lying.

Matthew opened his eyes and looked down at her. He noticed that exhausted look on her face with a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "Is everything okay?" He asked even though he already knew the answer.

Olivia sighed heavily. "I…I talked to one of the undercover cops that are investigating Jove Latimer," She said even though she had already informed Matthew about that. It was something that Matthew was grateful for. Olivia doesn't hide anything from him. "I'm sorry. Did I worry you?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah," Matthew answered.

Olivia pursed her lips. Her eyes were instantly filled with guilt. "I love you," She said.

Matthew smiled and leaned forward to kiss her on her lips. When he pulled away, his lips still hover over her lips and he said, "I love you too, Liv…so much," Their foreheads were touching each other.

Olivia asked as their forehead remained attached. Her eyes were closed as Matthew watched her lips move when she asked, "Have you eaten?"

"No. I was waiting for you," Matthew replied. He had gotten used to eating dinner or breakfast with Olivia. And even if he is alone, he is longing for her presence. He knew that the only solution to that is if they lived together. He had suggested multiple times for them to move in together but Olivia always says that she is not yet ready. That makes him think proposing to her is too early even if they both knew and admitted that there is no one else they want to spend the rest of their lives with but each other.

It has been four years and Matthew is still madly in love with her. He knew that Olivia was the same. He could see and feel it. He cannot wait for the days that they will be spending time together as husband and wife.

He will make sure that they will always eat breakfast and dinner together. If possible, even lunch. He will make sure that they sleep together and wake up together in the same bed. He will treat her like a princess if not a queen. He will make sure that she is always happy and safe.

If she wants to continue her job, he will let her.

He will wait for her. He will always wait for her.

Olivia pulled away and said, "Let me cook something,"

But Matthew did not let go of her. "No. You are tired already. Let's just order takeout and then eat it in my pad. You need to rest early," He said as he stared lovingly down at her.

Olivia's face immediately softens. She looks tired yet still beautiful. "Okay," She nodded her head.

A few minutes later, Matthew is already driving back to his pad. He just let Olivia change her clothes in her apartment. Her apartment is still in an organized mess which he was taking advantage of. He is not letting Olivia sleep in her apartment.

Olivia insisted on taking her laptop and some work but Matthew refused. He always does. There is a reason why he is not letting Olivia stay in her apartment apart from him wanting to have her in his bed. And that is, he wanted her away from work so that she could rest.

Matthew had already ordered their dinner at Sadie's and will be delivered to his pad.

His car was already entering the garage of his apartment when Olivia suddenly reached for his hand and squeezed it. "One of these days, I'll make it up to you," She said, making Matthew look at her.

He stared at her for a moment before he smiled and said, "Of course, you will,"

Olivia smiled a beautiful smile. Her eyes were tired but for Matthew, she could still smile beautifully. "Just tell me what you want," She said.

Matthew parked his car in his garage and once the car had stopped, he turned to face her and said, "You know what I want, babe," He said with a mischievous smile.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Seriously!"

Matthew laughed and said, "I am serious!" Then he turned off the engine of his car.

Olivia shook her head. "Yeah, right!" She said and then she opened the door of the car and stepped out.