Three More Boards (Part 1)

The following week, Olivia kept herself busy finding dirt on Jove Latimer. Her attempt to get information from the undercover cops failed so she resorted to a long and arduous way. But that doesn't mean she had already given up on trying to reach out to the undercover cops. She was still trying to reach out to them using different disguises or alibis.

Olivia searched agency news, media, press releases, events, social media, and research in the past few months and even years about Jove Latimer. She had also used her contacts in the media who had worked with Jove Latimer before.

Olivia realized that finding dirt on a man who had portrayed himself as a saint was close to impossible. Every news, press release, and interview about Jove Latimer shows that he is nothing but a good man.

Even the people she knew in the media see Jove Latimer as if he cannot even kill a mosquito. Some even said that Jove Latimer should run for the presidency. It was a comment that made Olivia scoff internally.

If Bardwell is suspecting Jove Latimer to be a dirty man, that means he is.

Bardwell might be an adroit bully which always annoys Olivia, but she really has good instincts. Her intuition was…borderline inhumane…as Sasha would put it. There were only a few times that her instinct fails and that includes Talon Boneville's case but even Olivia was suspicious about that case. Her instinct tells her that Talon Boneville's case is not just a case of suicide.

But as much as she wanted to continue digging through Boneville's case, Bardwell wouldn't allow her. After all, she has to focus on Latimer's case. But that doesn't mean she will stop. She still thinks that Boneville's case might be linked to her vigilante theory.

Olivia was barely in her office. She was avoiding being seen by Bardwell sitting in her cubicle because Bardwell might think that she hasn't found any clue about why Jove Latimer was being investigated. Though it was true.

So Olivia was always outside the office or was anywhere as long as there was a chair and table where she could search for information about Jove Latimer's dirt on her laptop. But she knew that searching the news agency, the media outlet or social media is not enough. She was also meeting or rather, ambushing people who have worked with Jove Latimer to ask them questions about what they knew about the man.

Olivia was being discreet though. She avoided asking questions that would make the people she was asking think that she was suspicious about Jove Latimer's character. She made it sound as if she was just curious about Jove Latimer. Her assignment is classified after all. And besides, the last thing she needs is people accusing her of slandering a man that the people view as a saint.

If Olivia is not everywhere, she is in her apartment surrounded by papers.

Just like she is when the door of her apartment opened to reveal her boyfriend.

"Hi, babe!" Olivia heard Matthew's joyful voice as if he was so happy to be there which in fact was true. Matthew was always looking forward to the end of the day when they could finally see each other and spend some time together, even if it was just for dinner. That explains why he always greets her happily.

Olivia who was standing in front of a rolling board looked in the direction where Matthew is and smiled, "Hey," She said and then looked back at the board in front of her. She didn't see Matthew's face fall because of her lack of attention to him.

"Uhm…so you gave up your vigilante theory for this story?" Olivia heard Matthew say. She felt him start walking carefully toward her because her papers were scattered on the floor and he was avoiding stepping on them or else she'll get pissed.

Olivia frowned and turned her head to the side where Matthew was already standing. "Huh? What are you talking about?" She asked with a frown on her forehead. She was holding a pen marker that she was playing with in her hand.

Matthew looked down at her and then he gestured at the three rolling boards in front of them. "These boards," He said.

Olivia grinned at him. "Oh, I bought them," The boards were not yet there the last time Matthew visited her apartment so she was not surprised that he asked. Though she was spending her nights at Matthew's pad, these past three days, she was the one who was going to his pad instead of him picking her up.

She already has three boards but they were in her office where news clips and photos related to her vigilante theory are still pinned on them. But she cannot remove them or she'll be lost in her vigilante theory.

But while she was searching about Jove Latimer, she was starting to find pieces of information that could be helpful in her assignment but she got nowhere to put them. So she bought three new boards and placed them in her living room.

"Of course," Matthew shook his head and sighed, making her chuckle. "So, any development?" Matthew asked after a while as he scanned the three boards.

"Yes!" Olivia answered with excitement evident in her voice. Then she saw Matthew step forward so that he could take a closer look at what was pinned on the board. "Oh, be careful with the papers," Olivia said, talking about the papers that were scattered on the floor that Matthew seemed to have forgotten for a while.

But Matthew didn't. He looked at her and smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, babe," He said and then he took one step closer to the board while successfully avoiding stepping on the papers that were littered on the floor.

"What's this?" Matthew asked as he pointed at the board.

Olivia looked at the board where Matthew was pointing and saw that he was pointing at the photo of Jove Latimer's biggest hospital which is located in District 3. She took a closer step to the board while also avoiding stepping on the papers and stood beside Matthew.

"I think I am starting to find Latimer's dirt. Though I am not sure if this is the reason why those cops are investigating him. It could be something else. You know. But who knows," Olivia ended her sentence with a shrug. She was not certain of her theory because she doesn't have solid proof for it.

Matthew tilted his head and looked at her. "So?" He urged her to continue.

Olivia stared at the board where photos of Jove Latimer's hospitals and other companies were pinned. "I find some of his company to be suspicious,"

Matthew looked back at the board and pointed at two particular photos. "Like his hospitals and pharmaceutical company,"

"Yes," Olivia nodded her head. Then she added, "I found out that his hospital in district 3 has the most patients admitted due to an outbreak a few years ago," Then Olivia looked at the other board and pointed at the photos and news clips that were pinned on it since she cannot move closer there. "And then, a few months later, his pharmaceutical company developed a cure for that disease…" her voice trailed off as she looked at Matthew. "...which I thought to be very suspicious. Or do you think I was just overthinking and it was just a coincidence,"

Matthew just stared at her with an indescribable look on his face. Then he nodded his head and said, "Yes, but–"

But Olivia had already opened her mouth to speak again, "But if you would think about it, the outbreak centered at District 3 where his biggest hospital and his pharmaceutical company were. If there was anyone who benefited a lot from this…it is Jove Latimer's company. Right?" She nodded her head as if urging Matthew to second her theory.

"Yeah…" Matthew opened his mouth to say with uncertainty.

Olivia sees that as either he found that her theory is making sense or she is not making sense at all. So Olivia continued to try and convince him more. "So…I dig for more information about his pharmaceutical company," She said as she turned her head to look at the third board.

But before she could say something, Matthew beat her into it. "Wait, babe. How did you find all of this?" He asked, pointing at all the photos on the board.

Olivia turned to face him and said, "My sources. The media. Social media. Press Releases. My contacts. Not to mention Latimer Corp gave us a lot of information about his companies on their website. I just had to put all the information together and find connections," Then she turned and looked at the board as if she was seeing something in there that Matthew cannot see.

Olivia is not certain if she is on the right path. Her theory is just based on her assumptions and her assumptions were based on all the pieces of information that she gathered and put together. She is not sure if it is really the reason why Jove Latimer is being investigated. But there were some key points that made her think that maybe her theory does have some sense after all.

"Okay," Matthew mumbled as he nodded his head.

Olivia looked at the ground searching for something until her eyes landed on a piece of paper. She leaned down to pick it up and then she pinned it to the vacant spot on the board. "So, this is the list of the drugs that were developed by Latimer's pharmaceutical company. Among these drugs are these opioids," She said as she looked at the list, and then she turned and saw the grim expression on her boyfriend's face which she had expected.