Three More Boards (Part 2)

Olivia knows that there are a lot of social and ethical issues surrounding the use of opioids and it is no secret to them that it is one of the most abused drugs in the country. And though one needs a prescription to be able to purchase the drug, some managed to smuggle it and sell it illegally.

Olivia ignored the grim expression on Matthew's face for now. She took a step closer to Matthew and in a low voice, as if afraid that someone might hear her, she said, "Matt, I found out that some of these opioids were sold in the black market in large quantities,"

The frown on Matthew's forehead deepened as he asked, "How did you get access to the black market?"

Olivia looked at Matthew flatly and said, "It was you who taught me," It was right though, everything she knew about computers, she learned from Matthew. In her line of work, it was an edge if she knew a thing or two about accessing the data of a system or computer. It was illegal…yes. But it was also useful. Not that she was using it to harm people.

Matthew sighed and this time, Olivia could already see that he was starting to get frustrated, "Babe, they were smuggled," Matthew said and Olivia knew that. So she said, "Could be. But what if Latimer is supplying them?" She said looking up at Matthew.

"Look, the biggest supplier of these opioids in the black market goes by the name…" Olivia trailed as she looked around her searching for another piece of paper because she forgot the name that she was about to say.

Finally, her eyes landed on the paper that is still on the tray of her printer. The information was still fresh and she had only just printed it a couple of minutes before Matthew arrived.

Olivia picked up the paper with a photo of a man from the printer tray. The man was probably in his early to late fifties. His dark brown hair was short to the sides and longer on top. He was dressed in a black shirt with white and a black coat. The photo was taken outside what looked like a train station but Olivia was not sure because the background was blurred. Under the photo were the man's name and the little information she found about him.

"Leonid," Olivia read the name as she pinned it on the board. She stared at it for a while before she spoke again, "I just needed to find the identity of this man and maybe find out if he is connected to Latimer," Though there was already information on the printout, it was the only information that can be found in public records though not in government records because she doubts if Leonid is his real name.

Matthew grabbed her shoulders and turned her body so that she was facing him. His face was marred with worry. "Babe, you do realize that you are stepping on dangerous ground, right?" He said.

Olivia stared at him and in a low voice she said, "I know…" Then she lowered her head and in a much lower voice as if she was just talking to herself, she repeated, "I know…"

When Olivia realized the possibility that Jove Latimer might be involved in selling opioids that were developed by his own company in the black market, she knew that she was in trouble. She knew that Jove Latimer might also be involved with that man whose name was Leonid. A man who is using an alias and is known in the black market is a dangerous man.

That means she is dealing with dangerous people.

Olivia suddenly remembered what Mr. Fernsby warned her about. She is dealing with dangerous people and putting herself in danger. Fernby's warning to her just made Olivia's theories even more possible.

First, she is suspecting that Jove Latimer is involved or probably the person behind the outbreak years ago because he is the one who most benefited from it. Secondly, she is suspecting that Jove Latimer is involved in circulating opioids in the black market.

"Fuck! Why did Bardwell put you in this?" Matthew hissed, making Olivia look up at him.

She knew that he would react that way. She knew that he would start to worry ten times more than he normally did. So she started to become guilty. "Babe…" She reached out to cup his cheeks. She was hoping that Matthew would not tell her to stop although she knew that internally he would want her to stop.

Who would want to see their girlfriend put themselves in trouble?

Olivia knows that she is putting herself in danger but she just cannot stop. It is not in her nature to stop. It is not just about promotion even though she was rooting for it but it was about self-fulfillment.

She felt satisfied and it boosted her self-esteem whenever she saw her name as the writer of a story that made it a headline.

"Okay. Okay. But…please. Let me put details on you," Matthew said imploringly.

"Matthew!" Olivia protested on instinct but she bit her lower lip when she realized that she was being self-centered.

Olivia knows that she is always in danger because of the nature of her job and Matthew worries about her. He always worries about her. But she cannot be selfish and think only about herself and what she wants. She should be thankful enough that Matthew is not stopping her from doing her passion even though he was worried about her. The least she could do is let him do something that will make him worry less.

"Liv! You are not just dealing with murder or homicide or kidnapping here! You know who those people are in the black market. There is a possibility…a huge possibility that you are dealing with an organized crime group which you shouldn't be just for the sake of a story! You are not a cop, Liv! You are not working with a team. No one is going to back you up here. Just Bardwell. But what can she do? Can her sharp tongue save you if you were caught and brought to an abandoned warehouse to be tortured? You cannot even protect yourself! So just please…let me protect you," Matthew started in a frustrated tone but in the end, his voice wavered and sounded as if he was begging in a soft and broken tone.

Matthew closed the distance between them and put his hands on the sides of her neck. He looked down at her with his worried-filled face as he continued, "Babe…if something happens to you…I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life. I'll die if I lose you. I promised to take care of you…to protect you. So please, let me do just that…" Matthew's voice was weak and vulnerable as he begged Olivia to let him protect her.

Olivia's heart breaks seeing him so worried about her. She doesn't mean to make him worried. If only she could stop making him worried, she would. But that would mean she has to stop working or change her career. That is the last thing on her mind.

If there is anything she could do, is to let him do what makes him less worried. So she nodded her head and said, "Okay," She wrapped her arms around his waist and rest her head on his chest, "I'm sorry for the trouble,"

Matthew put his arms around her shoulders and scoffed. "You are not a trouble. What Bardwell put you through is trouble. My priority is your safety, so don't apologize for it," he said and then he kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you…for everything," Olivia just said. She cannot count how much Matthew had already done for her. With the nature of her job, she doubts if she would still be alive or at least remained unharmed. But Matthew kept her safe. She knew that he was always watching her back so she was always safe.

And she cannot thank him enough for that.

"I am doing this because I love you. I cannot live without you," Matthew said as he tightened his arms around Olivia.

Olivia didn't say it but she knew that Matthew knew that she cannot live without him as well. She loves him so much but sometimes, she feels like she doesn't deserve him. Matthew is so good to her. He is her everything and she doesn't know what she would do if he leaves her or if he suddenly said that he doesn't want her anymore.

Sometimes, she is afraid that because of the troubles she is putting herself into, Matthew will get tired of her and leave her. She had already considered changing careers but she just cannot bring herself to it especially when Matthew always shows his full support to her even if he is not a hundred percent happy about her career.

Olivia thinks of a way to make it up to him and suddenly remembers his suggestion that they move in together. She knew that Matthew wants that not just because he wanted to be with her if they are not working. He wants to go home to her. He wants to sleep with her in his arms and wake up with her in his arms still. He wants to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with her. But on top of that, she knew that Matthew wants that because it will make him feel more at ease about her safety.

Olivia wants that too and more.

But should she just agree to it even though she wants more?