Mother-Daughter Bonding (Part 2)

"Now my mouth is starting to water," Belle said upon hearing how Olivia describes the steak that Sadie cooked for her.

Olivia chuckled and said, "You should try that, Mom,"

Belle looked up at Sadie. "Is it on the menu?"

Sadie grinned widely and looked at Olivia before looking back at Belle. "Thanks to Liv, it is now,"

Olivia was touched that Sadie trusts her criticisms enough to put the food that she judged on the restaurant's menu.

"Great! I'll have that. How about you?" Belle asked Olivia.

"As much as I love your steak, I am craving your lemon chicken," Olivia said to Sadie.

"Great! Anything else?" Sadie asked enthusiastically.

Olivia pursed her lips. "You know. This feels weird that the owner of the restaurant is taking our orders,"

"Oh, hush! I always take your orders!" Sadie rolled her eyes.

"And I am still amazed by it," Olivia shook her head laughing. Sadie is probably the most humble person Olivia has ever met.

Sadie took Olivia and Belle's other orders which didn't take long because they were

already familiar with Sadie's menu and they already knew what they wanted to eat.

Once Sadie left the two, Belle turned to Olivia and narrowed her eyes at her. "So, tell me about your current assignment,"

Olivia sighed internally. She had expected that Belle would ask her but she hoped that she should have waited for them to at least finish their meal.

"How did you know?" Olivia asked even though she already knew the answer. She avoided looking into Belle's eyes because she was looking at her as if she knew everything that she is up to.

Belle's eyes softened when she saw how uncomfortable Olivia became. She reached for Olivia's hands which were fidgeting at the top of the table. "Matthew is worried about you. And it looks like it was really something if Sadie mentioned it," She said in a soft tone.

Olivia had gotten used to Belle's two sides. One moment she was cold and calculating, then one moment she was soft, sweet, and charming.

Matthew said that the loss of her mother and sister was what made Belle that way.

Olivia felt her chest tighten. She knew that her job is making Matthew always worry about her and she felt guilty that now Matthew's mother is worried about him because of her. She lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry that I am making Matthew worried,"

Olivia felt Belle squeeze her hands. "It is not about that," Belle said and when Olivia looked up, she saw that Belle was looking at her with concern. "We are worried about you Liv and it is not your fault,"

Olivia pursed her lips. "Well, in a way, it is," She thought that Matthew and Belle could always say that it was not her fault that they worry about her but it really is. If she just chose a mundane job then they wouldn't have to worry about her. But unfortunately, a mundane kind of job is not for her.

But Belle instantly squashed her thoughts as if she could read her mind. "Liv, you can just quit your job and sit lazily on your couch all day every day and Matthew will still worry about you. We will all worry about you because we care for you. You are a daughter to me. Do not doubt that,"

If Olivia's chest was tightening earlier, this time she felt her heart melt. "Thank you," She said in a soft voice. She never doubted that Matthew and Belle genuinely cared for her. In fact, even Matthew's brother, father, and friends care for her. She could feel it by the way they randomly send her a message to check on her or just invite her to eat somewhere or go shopping or hug her when they see her.

Well, except for Matthew's father. But she shows that he cares for her by telling Matthew to take good care of her in front of her.

But at the back of her mind…deep in her heart, there was a worry that was lingering there. And it looks like Belle could see or feel it because she asked, "What are you thinking?"

Olivia turned her head to look at Belle and contemplated if she should tell her. In the end, she decided that if there is anyone she should speak about it with, it would be the mother of the man she loves, "I am worried that Matthew will get tired of me because of the constant trouble I am bringing in,"

Olivia was surprised when Belle laughed. "You know what? You and Matthew have the same worries," Belle said with an amused face. Then she added, "He loves you too much to leave you. He said that the only thing that will make him leave you is when you don't love him anymore. He doesn't want to bind you to him if you are not happy with him. It will hurt him but he loves you so much and your happiness is important to him,"

Olivia stared at Belle. She thought that it was impossible…it is impossible for her heart to stop beating for him. She knew that Matthew is the only man she will ever love and she will not stop loving him even if he stopped loving her.

But it was also impossible not to hurt him. She knew that one way or another in the future, she might unintentionally hurt him and she doesn't want that.

"I love him so much…and I don't want to hurt him," Olivia said while also making a mental note to try hard not to hurt Matthew.

Olivia and Belle talked about a lot of things while waiting for their food. Olivia told Belle about her work and current assignment even though Bardwell strictly told her that it was classified. She knew that she could trust Belle the way she could trust Matthew. Now that she thought about it, she wondered if Sadie knew about her current assignment as well because her insinuation earlier appeared like she knew.

But then, Olivia is not worried. She knew that she could also trust Matthew's friends. They are not someone that would tattle tale a classified matter to another person.

Belle also shared with Olivia the current events at the dance school. She also told Olivia her future plans for the school and Olivia said that she will support her all the way. Belle invited Olivia to a dance concert that will happen in a month. Belle's students were practicing so hard for that concert and Olivia promised to be there and will also donate since she knew that the dance concert was to raise funds for the students.

Aside from ballet, Belle is also teaching other styles of dance like Jazz and she told Olivia to expect a variety of dance styles at the concert.

Soon enough, their food arrived and they both indulged themselves in the sumptuous food that Sadie prepared for them.

"This is really good," Belle said as she munched on the piece of steak that she brought to her mouth.

"I told you," Olivia said as she enjoyed her lemon chicken.

"By the way, Matthew mentioned that he asked you to move in with him," Belle suddenly said casually but Olivia could hear a hint of inquiry in her sentence.

Olivia looked up and saw that Belle was looking at her as she brought a piece of asparagus into her mouth, "Yeah…" She replied and then she lowered her head pretending to be busy with her food.

When Belle didn't respond, Olivia knew that she was waiting for more. She sighed internally and opened her mouth to speak, "I…I said I am not yet ready," She said and looked up. She saw Belle stop eating and raised a brow at her as if not believing her words.

Olivia bit her lower lip knowing that she wouldn't get away from it. So she confessed, "That was a lie," She said, pursing her lips. "I am ready. More than ready. But…" Her voice trailed off as she stared at the centerpiece on the table.

Olivia sighed and decided to be honest with the closest mother figure to her who happens to be the mother of her boyfriend. "Please don't tell him," She started with a pleading look and saw Belle nod her head as if she already knew what Olivia was going to say. "I want more than that…" Olivia finally said and then her voice trailed off.

As if sensing that there is more, Belle who was left hanging urges her to continue. "But?" She asked, tilting her head.

Olivia shook her head defeatedly. "But I don't think that's what he wants. I mean, why move in together if we could just…I mean…" Olivia bit her lower lip when she thought that she was failing to prove her point to the mother of the man she was talking about.

Belle smiled softly as if she understood what Olivia was trying to say and reached for her hand that was clutching her fork tightly. "Hey…it's okay,"

"It's just…I feel like I am making him feel like I don't love him enough," Olivia said, and then she looked up with a frown on her forehead. "Do you think we should just move in together? I mean, it almost practically seemed like we were already living together. It's just…" her voice trailed off when she saw Belle violently shaking her head.

"No," Belle said not because she doesn't want Olivia and Matthew to move in together but because she liked Olivia's idea better. It would be best for them to get married soon.

Olivia's frown deepened. "What?"

Belle smiled. "If that is not what you want, then don't do it,"

Olivia stared at her and said, "It's not that I don't want it. I just want more than that,"

"Then wait for more,"

"What if–"

"Liv," Belle interrupted her. "I assure you, Matthew wants that as well, or maybe even more. It is just a matter of time,"