One Head Againsts Six

"Liv is getting close," Matthew huffed as he sat on one of the single armchairs in Timothy's apartment with his head on the backrest.

His friends didn't even have to ask because they already knew what he meant. In the past few days, Matthew has been watching his girlfriend's back in case she unknowingly put herself in danger, which they were already expecting in the coming days, in chase of a newsworthy story.

While the rest of them were watching Jove Latimer's movements in case he or the person he is working along with got a whiff that Olivia is after them.

When he didn't get a response, not that he was waiting for it, Matthew continued, "I don't know how she managed to do that but her theories were on point. The outbreak years ago…the hospital…the cure…the opioid," and then he opened his eyes and straightened his back. "And Leonid," He added in a tone as if he was in denial of it.

Matthew doesn't want to admit that his girlfriend was smart enough to come up with a theory that they have come up with just a week before she did. Not to mention Olivia was working alone while there were six of them who gathered the same information that Olivia gathered and put together to form a theory.

Matthew would have thought that Olivia got some help but the case was classified so he is sure that it was only her who worked to come up with that theory. He wouldn't be surprised if Olivia was working nonstop in her apartment and had been everywhere to gather information.

He could only be glad that he was taking her to his pad at the end of the day. At least, by that, she was able to take a break and rest her brain and body.

When Matthew looked at his friends, he saw surprise and disbelief in their faces which he understands.

"How the hell did she know about Leonid?" Mason asked as if what Matthew said was impossible. He was sitting beside Nic who was on the sofa while Daxon is leaning on Timothy's desk since Megan is present with them and is seated on her armchair.

Timothy, as usual, is in front of his computer pretending that his friends were not in his apartment.

Matthew looked at Mason with a bored expression on his face and simply said, "Darknet,"

His friends became even more dumbfounded as they looked at him.

"And how did she learn to access the darknet?" Nic asked, raising a brow.

Matthew had seen that coming. He knew that they would ask him that question because no one could easily access the darknet unless they were given access or they were a genius or at least really good at it. And as far as they know, Olivia never showed interest in computers even when they were at college. She is not a genius and could not easily learn it on her own.

Unless someone really good at computers taught her.

Matthew didn't answer and just sighed.

It was enough for his friends to understand.

Nic shook his head and said, "Well, that's your mistake,"

Matthew glared at Nic, "How can I say no to my woman who was begging me with her puppy eyes?" He said as if saying 'no' to his girlfriend would be a great sin.

Mason only chuckled. "You are whipped, man,"

Matthew's glare is now directed at Mason who he knows will never understand his predicament because he never treats women how they should be treated. "And besides, she was only using it for her assignments," He defended himself and his girlfriend. "She once asked me to help her with a case and she watched me as I used the darknet to search for information that she will never get easily on the world wide web. She was amazed at how I did it and begged me to teach her," Matthew can never say no to her.

"What should we do?" Daxon, who was just silently leaning on Timothy's computer table, asked, looking at everyone.

"Keep an eye on her," Timothy suddenly spoke without even turning his head to look at them. They had gotten used to him that way. Anyone who doesn't know him would think that he was not listening to them or doesn't even care but his family and friends know that he does. He might not be paying attention but he was listening and he definitely cares.

"Did she manage to talk to those undercover cops?" This time it was Megan who asked. Although it was she who gave Olivia a way to contact those undercover cops, she hadn't checked if Olivia had already met them. Her eyes were on Matthew because she knew that it was Matthew who was keeping an eye on his girlfriend.

Matthew shook his head and said, "Not yet," Because he knew that with his girlfriend's persistence, she would manage to get one of those undercover cops to talk to her again.

"Well at least we still have time before she is done digging her grave," Daxon said, earning him a glare not just from Matthew but from Megan as well. Daxon ignored them and pulled himself away from Timothy's computer table because Timothy shooed him away. He walked and sat between Nic and Mason.

"Where is she now?" Mason asked.

"Shopping with mom," Matthew answered. He knew because it was scheduled since the last time Olivia and his mother had met. It was a monthly thing for the two of them which Matthew didn't actually mind.

Olivia is now aware that there were security details following her discreetly wherever she goes and they were reporting to him. At first, she was uncomfortable about it but Matthew assured her that she will get used to it, especially since those security details were keeping a distance from her.

But Matthew is more at ease whenever Olivia is with his mother because he knows how capable his mother is. She could probably kill ten men in just seconds without anyone knowing that it was her who did it. She had done it before anyway.

If anyone who was planning harm on Olivia tries to approach her in Belle's presence, Belle would know and would do something about it without Olivia knowing.

And Matthew's friends know that as well, because Megan said, "Well, she is safe," Then she raised her hand to tie her hair in a ponytail. It was an action that caught the men's attention.

Actually, it was not Megan's action that caught their attention but something in her finger that glistened when the light coming from the window behind her reflected on it. "Wait, what is that?" It was Mason who pointed a finger at Megan's hand. There was a mixture of shock and disbelief on his face.

Megan frowned, "What?" She asked and looked behind her wondering what Mason was talking about.

Daxon, who has his eyes on Megan's hand, particularly on her finger, asked, "Is that a ring?" amusedly.

Megan looked at them flatly and said, "No, it was shackles," Though her tone was harsh, they could see that she started to become uncomfortable while trying to hide her finger. But her friends had already seen the ring with a huge diamond on her finger.

"No fucking way!" Mason cried and looked at the man in front of the computers who appeared oblivious to what was going on behind them. "Tim! You proposed?" Mason asked but Timothy just ignored him.

Timothy and Megan being in a relationship is one thing. But being engaged is definitely another thing. It was hard to grasp that they were in a relationship before because Timothy and Megan were like an arch-nemesis. So it was hard to swallow the fact that they were already engaged.

They looked at Megan and Timothy as if they had grown five heads. It was as if it was impossible for them to be engaged and then, later on, get married.

It was just…unimaginable for them.

Timothy and Megan grew up wanting to kill each other. Who would have thought that they will get married someday? They could only imagine how Timothy proposed to Megan. Maybe he proposed after they fought? Or he didn't actually propose and just put the ring on Megan's finger while she was asleep. They wanted to know but they were afraid to ask.

"And damn she said yes," Daxon said with a gobsmacked expression on his face. He looked like he was seeing hell slowly freezing.

When the information that Tim had proposed to Megan finally sank in, Matthew's eyes grew wide and he cried, "What the hell?!"

Out of nowhere, a pillow suddenly hit Matthew's face and when he looked around, he saw Megan looking pissed at him. "What the fuck is your problem with us getting engaged?" Megan spat annoyingly at Matthew.

Nic who probably realized why Matthew was acting like that spoke, "He was planning to propose to Liv for weeks now. The ring is already burning holes in his pocket," He said with a smirk on his face making Matthew shoot a glare at him.

Matthew thought that since he was the first one in their circle to get into a serious relationship, he would be the first one to get married. He is not ashamed or embarrassed about that, in fact, he took pride in it. He is proud of his relationship with Olivia and he is proud of how much he and Olivia loved each other.

When Timothy and Megan surprised them with their relationship, Matthew never thought that they would get married or engaged first before he and Olivia. Not because he was still doubting their relationship but because he was already planning to propose to Olivia.

But who would have thought that it would take him months to really get to propose?

Who would have thought that Megan and Timothy would get engaged first?

Hearing that Matthew was planning to propose to Olivia but didn't do it made Megan raise a brow and look at him, "What's holding you back?" She asked as if accusing him of having second thoughts.

Matthew sighed defeatedly, "I need to tell her about us first. I don't want to keep a secret from her," He could propose to Olivia anytime and anywhere since he always brings the ring anywhere he goes. He could easily propose to her. But he doesn't want to keep secrets from her. And that is what is making it hard.

"Well, good luck about that," Megan said leaning her back on her chair. She had heard Olivia's point of view when it comes to vigilantism so she thought that Matthew would need some luck once Olivia found out about him being a vigilante.

Mason, who hadn't recovered from the fact that Timothy and Megan were already engaged, looked at Timothy's back, "Seriously though, you two are engaged or Megan just bought the ring to make a prank on us?" When suddenly, a slipper hits his head, "Okay. Okay!" He raises both his hands in surrender while looking at Megan who threw her slipper at him. Then he shook his head and mumbled, "Damn…Tim and Meg…"

"Shut up or I'm gonna fucking kill you," Megan looked as if she was about to throw them out of her fiance's apartment.