Skeleton In Latimer’s Closet (Part 1)

A week later, Matthew finally decided. He couldn't wait any longer. He has means of finding out information about why Jove Latimer is being investigated and he would use that.

Matthew is not the kind of man who wanted to have connections with government or military officials even though his line of work could easily have it. With a lot of favors he had done to some high-ranking officials in the government and military, he could ask them for a return of favor anytime he wanted.

But he doesn't want that. He thought that those people cannot be trusted. He cannot just easily ask them a favor and then use it against him in the future.

But for the sake of the safety of the love of his life, he would do it. He had told his friends and agreed to him. Especially since it seems like Olivia is quickly catching up on them and the last thing they want is for Olivia to get ahead of them.

They need to prevent Olivia from putting herself in trouble instead of saving her from the trouble she already put herself into.

Matthew tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited for the automatic gate in front of him to open. He had gone through a series of security checks and though he was not surprised, he was getting impatient. He used to be a patient man but recently, he was starting to get impatient. He felt as if every second wasted is pushing Olivia to danger.

Finally, the gate opened and as soon as his car was able to fit, Matthew drove in. His car stopped in front of a huge house that Matthew could already categorize as a mansion but the man who lived there humbly just called it a house. Either he was just really humble about it or he has a high standard.

The mansion was located inside the safest and most secure community in the city. Not to mention the most luxurious. The people and family who lived there were the wealthiest, most influential, and most powerful people in the country.

Some were celebrities, retired government and military officials, and the wealthiest businessmen.

Nic's grandparents also lived in that community. And though Nic's parents were dubbed as the most powerful couple in the country they don't live there as they have their own fortress.

Matthew stepped out of his car and saw the man he came for already standing at the entrance of his mansion to welcome him.

"Mr. Brown," A tall, caramel-skinned man greeted him. He was in his late fifties but aside from the wrinkle on his forehead, his age doesn't show much on his face. Probably one of the reasons is that the man has no gray hair or facial hair to show. He was completely bald.

Though he sounded welcoming, his face looked stern. His eyes showed no emotion as his downturned lips were pressed together. "I didn't expect you to come here," The man added as Matthew started to walk toward him.

Matthew smiled when he stopped in front of the tall man. Matthew was a tall man but the man in front of him was taller. "I'm sorry, General Shuldberg for suddenly appearing at your doorsteps. I was calling your office," He said politely, though what he said was a lie. It was not sudden on his part because it was planned. He knew that the man was not in his office, in fact, no one was in his office since his secretary is on break. Matthew really took that chance to see him while at home.

"Oh, my secretary is on break. I am currently working from home," General Shuldberg said but Matthew did not believe him. The general was wearing a white shirt and dark gray drawstring pants. He is a man who is always dressed impeccably either in his uniform or civilian clothes when working anywhere. So he doesn't look like he is working from home.

But Matthew just decided to go along with it. "Did I disturb you?" He asked with a hint of concern as if he was ready to leave the place if he was in fact disturbing the general.

But the general quickly shook his head. "No! Not at all," Matthew had expected that and was just waiting to be invited inside the general's mansion. And he didn't have to wait any longer.

"Come in," The General said, gesturing for Matthew to get inside the mansion.

"You have a nice house Mr. Shuldberg," Matthew commented as he stood by the foyer though he was not really appreciating it. Yes, the foyer was grand…luxurious with a wooden staircase in front of him that branches into two leading to the second floor of the mansion but he is not a fan of such luxury. He thought that it was not necessary.

Though Matthew came from a well-off family, his parents did not indulge him in unnecessary luxury. While growing up, his parents taught him that if he needed something, they would provide for it but if he wanted something, he should work hard for it. He was taught about the difference between need and want. Before buying anything, he was taught to consider first if he really needed it or if he just wanted it.

And if he just wanted it…was it worth it?

"Thank you. This is my wife's dream house," General Shuldberg said. It was not a secret to Matthew how Mrs. Shuldberg values status and reputation. Her husband is a military general and she came from a wealthy family so she lives up to the expectation. General Shuldberg was not shy about making a comment about his wife's lavish lifestyle in front of anyone.

On Matthew's, left was an open room where he could see a long table but he could tell that it was not a dining table. Probably, it is where the general held his meetings at home where his wife could serve his guests snacks and maybe alcohol or coffee.

"I guess you'll be retiring in this house," Matthew said as he looked to his right, which is the drawing room instead of receiving him in the drawing room, General Shuldberg led Matthew to the room on their left but they did not stop there.

"No. I wish to retire somewhere far from the city. If I would be successful in convincing my wife," General Shuldberg led Matthew further until they reached a lush courtyard.

"Build a house bigger than this far from the city and she would instantly agree," Matthew said as he looked around the courtyard. It was the first time Matthew stepped inside the general's mansion but it was not the first time he had seen it. In fact, he had memorized the mansion's blueprint in his head. That and everything about General Shuldberg and his family.

Timothy made him do that just in case his meeting with General Shuldberg didn't go as planned.

Timothy was actually watching them at the moment and listening to their conversation. Nic is also with Timothy. Matthew is not sure if Mason and Daxon were at Timothy's apartment as well because the last time he checked, they were not.

General Shuldberg chuckled and said, "That and probably a personal chauffeur," then he gestured for Matthew to sit on a single armchair. "Please, have a sit,"

Matthew sat on the chair and didn't go around beating the bushes. He looked straight at General Shuldberg and asked, "General Shuldberg, do you remember three years ago when there was a breach in the security of your base because you trust that your security is foolproof?"

General Shuldberg, who was taken aback by Matthew's straightforwardness suddenly looked awkward. "Ah…yes. Of course, how could I forget that?" He said as his downturned lips stretched to form an awkward smile. Then he added, "Thanks for saving my ass back there," and then he looked away as if embarrassed that he, a military general, was saved by a civilian back in the day.

Though Matthew is not an ordinary civilian.

Back then, General Shuldberg was the commander of a base that was near the border. During that time, there was a threat to national security as well as the security of the president from a transnational criminal group.

It was supposed to be his job to keep the border safe from any trespassers or intruders. Anyone who crosses the border without authorization is subject to investigation.

At that time, Matthew was already working as a security strategist in the private army company he was currently working at. It has been his habit to check the government, military, and even private corporations' security to gain knowledge from them. After all, those security strategies were already proven.

And yes, what he was doing was illegal because he had to hack into their security data.

During that time, Matthew noticed that the security strategy that General Shuldberg drew up for his base was weak so he drew up a proposal to the general. He asked the general to show him the strategy that he drew up for the base and Matthew made the proposal. But the general refused and said that he trusts their security and doesn't need help from a private army company or from anyone.