Skeleton On Latimer’s Closet (Part 2)

Matthew let go of that until he noticed a breach in the military base's security system. He waited for anyone to notice it and when someone did, he received a call from General Shuldberg asking for assistance.

Matthew did save the general's ass back there and covered his error. Not to mention he probably saved the country or the president who was in imminent threat.

"Do you remember what you said that time?" Matthew tilted his head as he questioned the general in front of him who now looked slightly constipated but only for a moment.

General Shuldberg schooled his expression and looked back at the young man sitting on his sofa. "I owe you one," He said and then he tilted his head as if he realized something, he said, "You don't say…" His voice trailed off.

"I am here to get what I am owed," When Matthew gave his assistance to the general, he provided them with his personal expertise. He doesn't know why he didn't ask for payment or anything in return. But the general did say that he owed him.

Matthew clearly remembered the general saying that even though he wasn't expecting that it might come of use in the future. And right now, he is thankful that he did remember that. Who would've thought that his lovely girlfriend would unknowingly entangle herself in trouble with the general who owed him?

"Tell me," The general said, looking straight into Matthew's eyes with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Latimer," Matthew replied straightforwardly.

General Shuldberg's face suddenly turned blank but it was already too late as Matthew had seen the fleeting wariness in his eyes. "What do you mean?" He asked slightly, furrowing his brows as if he didn't know what Matthew was talking about.

Matthew smirked at the general's attempt to pretend to be oblivious. "I am sure you don't want me to voice it out loud. Right, General Shuldberg?" He said in a challenging tone.

General Shuldberg's face turned grim as he stared at Matthew as if searching his face for any trace of tricks. But when he realized that Matthew knows what he is talking about, he gave in and asked, "How did you know about that?"

Matthew had a smug look on his face as he answered, "Did you forget who I am, General Shuldberg?"

Matthew Brown might be a civilian but he is not ordinary. His family is well known for their connection to the most powerful and influential family in the country which was Nic Parker's family. It was not just a simple connection though, they have a close tie with them. They were like family and they both relied on each other.

Matthew's father, Arthur Brown was a sought-after security detail but he only worked for one person until now. That is Nic's mother. He was not just Nic's mother's security detail but her right-hand man as well. That is why he is well respected and feared. He got into his position because of his skills and capabilities.

Matthew's mother, Isabella Brown was the country's top ballerina. She was a sweet and charming woman and one of Nic's mother's best friends. But her looks can be deceiving. Not everyone knows the dark secret she was hiding in her closet. She is the beloved sister of the leader of a notorious organized crime group back then. So she is not someone that should be taken lightly. She has her own skills and capabilities.

Matthew, on his own, is a well-accomplished man. At his young age, because of how good he was at his job, he had already gained the respect of the high-ranking officials in the military and government. Not to mention his name is well-known in the private sector as well.

But a lot of people were cautious of him. Because it seems that one of the reasons why he is very successful in his job is that he seems to know a lot of things that others aren't aware of. Just like his father, he has a keen eye for everything. He is a very intuitive man that at some point had become scary.

That is why General Shuldberg didn't doubt when Matthew appears to know about the classified job he is working on right now. He doesn't need to ask because he knows that he will not get the answer right away. And he knows not to deny it because it seems like the young intuitive man in front of him already knows a lot more than he made it seem.

General Shuldberg cleared his throat. "Right…right," And then he stood up and said, "Follow me,"

Matthew didn't say a word and stood up from his chair. He tucked his hands in his pocket as he followed General Shuldberg deeper into his mansion. He didn't look away from the back of the general who was walking ahead of him to show curiosity around him because he was not the least bit curious. He was not interested at all in the grandiosity that seems to wrap itself in every inch of the general's mansion.

Matthew knew that General Shuldberg is not a materialistic man but his wife is.

Minutes later, Matthew was inside a warm wooden home office…no doubt to be the general's office because it was the very definition of the man himself. Hard and masculine. Everywhere he looked, he could see wood. The desk, the shelves, the floor, and the walls. It was all wood and to Matthew, it was overwhelming, especially since it only has one window and it was not enough to let natural light enter the dark room.

Matthew stared at the man behind the wooden desk waiting for him to open his mouth and give him the information that he was seeking. He didn't have to wait longer because the general, who had a grim expression on his face, interlaced his fingers on the top of his desk and finally opened his mouth to speak.

"Years ago, the health authorities declared an outbreak of a new variant of chickenpox after a case was confirmed in the third district of the city. The first patient was admitted to Latimer's hospital since it has the most advanced technology so the probability of the disease being cured is high. And besides, Latimer promised that he will make sure that the cure will be found. Not to mention he pledged that all the patients that will be admitted to his hospital with the same disease will only pay half of the hospital fee," The general started and Matthew did not show any indication that he already knew what he was talking about.

"That year, a total of 1305 cases were confirmed, and 80% of them were confined at Latimer's hospital. Latimer had to utilize the hospital's newly built annex building to accommodate all the patients," General Shuldberg paused and leaned his back on his chair as if finding a more comfortable position.

"Before the end of the year, the fluctuation of the number of cases slowed down when a cure was developed by Latimer's pharmaceutical company followed by the vaccine," A slight frown formed on the general's face while Matthew continued to stare at him with a blank expression on his face.

"Imagine the number of people who needed the cure and the vaccine. Though the government bought the cure and the vaccine to give it to people for free, imagine the amount the government spent for it?" Matthew nodded his head as if answering the general's question.

General Shuldberg slightly leaned forward and said, "But you know me, Mr. Brown. I am an intuitive man. You know what it was like to be intuitive because you are one yourself. We never stop until we have proven our instinct to be right. And my instinct tells me that something is fishy about that outbreak," He points a finger at his desk as if emphasizing his point. "A year later, I proved my instinct to be right,"

"I found out that Jove Latimer owned an unregistered laboratory. I am not sure yet of its sole purpose but I am sure that the virus that spread years ago was developed in that laboratory,"

What General Shuldberg said was something that Matthew, Olivia, or even Timothy aren't aware of. So for the first time since he entered the room, he opened his mouth to ask, "What are you implying General Shuldberg?" even though he already knows the answer to that.

"Jove Latimer is the mind behind that outbreak. The virus…the spread…the cure. All for his profit," It turns out, their theory…Olivia's theory is right after all. Matthew thought to himself.

But he still asked, "Why are you so sure about it?"

General Shuldberg doesn't seem offended at Matthew's doubt in his words. "I have been watching Jove Latimer since that outbreak and I have proof that he was the mind behind that outbreak and more,"

"You mean the undercover cops," This time, Matthew didn't bother to hide the fact that he knew about the undercover cops that General Shuldberg put on Jove Latimer.