Skeleton On Latimer’s Closet (Part 3)

General Shuldberg narrowed his eyes at Matthew and said, "I am starting to get scared about how much you know,"

Matthew ignored his words and just continued to probe. "You said there is more," Matthew already knew everything that the general had told him except for the fact that Jove Latimer owns an unregistered laboratory. But he was certain that there is more because the general had said it himself. And that is what Matthew wanted to hear.

General Shuldberg shook his head and took a deep breath as if preparing himself for the words he was about to utter. "I am afraid that Jove Latimer is also involved in circulating opioids in the black market,"

Matthew was disappointed because they had already suspected that. But to confirm their suspicions, he asked, "Why do you think so?"

"Jove Latimer's pharmaceutical company is the largest manufacturer of opioids in the country,"

"Do you think it is enough to suspect him?" Matthew raised his brow because that is what they thought as well but it was not enough.

General Shuldberg shook his head. "No. But my suspicions became stronger when I learned that he has been in constant contact with a man named Leonid,"

"Who is Leonid?" Matthew pretended not to know.

"That is the first question I asked myself when I heard his name. I assigned one of my private investigators to find out everything about the man Leonid and what he found out surprised me," The general paused for a while as if intentionally pissing off Matthew by leaving him hanging, before he continued, "Leonid is the biggest supplier of opioids in the black market and he is Jove Latimer's stepbrother,"

Matthew frowned. He knew about the fact that Leonid is the biggest supplier of opioids in the black market but what struck him was the fact that he is Jove Latimer's stepbrother. He did not see that coming and it was indeed surprising. "So they are working together," he said.

The caramel-skinned general nodded his head, "Yes,"

"Who is older?"

"Leonid. Though Jove Latimer was legitimate, his mother gave birth to a son first before she got herself married to Jove Latimer's father," General Shuldberg said, making Matthew nod his head.

Matthew knew for a fact that Jove Latimer's mother came from a poor family. She used to work as a waitress in a bar where she met Jove Latimer's father who was already known as a wealthy man back then. So, it turns out, Jove Latimer's mother already had a son before she got married to a wealthy man. But it looks like Jove's father doesn't like that fact and hides the existence of Leonid perfectly.

"Don't you ever think that maybe, Leonid is just terrorizing Jove Latimer?" Matthew voiced his doubts although he himself thinks that it is highly unlikely. Jove Latimer is a wealthy man with connections, he cannot be easily terrorized.

"I don't think so. Based on the recordings of their conversation that I heard, it doesn't seem like there is any bad blood between them. They seemed to be working in sync and harmoniously towards the same goal," Matthew easily believed it and nodded his head.

"And what goal is that?" Matthew asked.

"Power and wealth," General Shuldberg said as if it was a simple thing. Then he added, "Jove Latimer is planning to run for the presidency,"

"He always says that he doesn't want to be involved in politics in every interview," Matthew said but he himself did not believe that.

"Hypocrisy. He was just saying that to make people love him more,"

"How about Leonid?" Matthew asked.

"He runs an organized crime group that is starting to gain a name in the criminal world and he plans to be the biggest transnational organized crime group in the future," General Shuldberg said as if he was already putting a target on the man he was talking about.

Matthew raised a brow and stated the obvious, "By selling opioids?"

General Shuldberg nodded his head but that is not all as he added, "He is also starting to run a human trafficking ring,"

Matthew's expression turned grim. This time, it was he who was putting a target on Leonid's back. He might not be hearing it but Timothy, who could hear what they were talking back in his apartment, is probably already drawing a way to lure Leonid and probably even Jove Latimer into the underground facility.

"May I ask you a question?" Matthew heard the general ask, breaking him from his thoughts. He looked at the general and nodded his head. "How did you know about this and why are you so interested in it? If I remember clearly, your family…and extended family don't want to be involved in politics,"

The general was right though. Matthew's family and extended family…his extended family being his friends inside their circle and their parents…doesn't want to be involved in politics despite being powerful and influential.

But Matthew was not doing it because of politics or anything. He straightened his back and said, "You know my woman is a journalist,"

This time, the general suddenly changed his demeanor and he looked like he was vexed, which Matthew understands. The case about Jove Latimer is classified and the last thing that the general would want is for the media to know about it and expose it to the public before they were ready to make an official statement.

But before the general could say something, Matthew reassured him, "Don't worry, I am not doing this to help her expose Jove Latimer because I know that she will find out about this sooner or later without my help. In fact, she already knows half of what you told me," He said with pride evident in his voice.

It was true though. With how fast Olivia got the information alone on her own and her resourcefulness, he wouldn't be surprised if she would get the information he heard from the general just a couple of minutes ago tomorrow or the next day.

The vexation that was on the general's face earlier was replaced with recognition. "Ah…that journalist…I must say you have a brave one there. But I wonder how she knew," He stated. He had heard from one of the undercover cops about the journalist who pretended to be someone from the insurance company and tried to fish for information about Latimer's case.

The general was still pissed until now about the fact that someone from the media got a whip about the case that was supposed to be classified. So he was wondering.

Matthew smirked and said, "No offense to you General Shuldberg but when it comes to intuitiveness, my woman is at the same level as you. Not to mention she is probably the most inquisitive person you'll ever meet,"

General Shuldberg doesn't seem offended at all, but he does seem anxious. He asked, "How did she know about this?"

"She writes for Bardwell," Matthew said and he was not surprised to see frustration cross the general's stern face.

"I wouldn't be surprised if that woman turns out to be a witch. She knows everything that is going on in every nook and cranny of people's lives," General Shuldberg said in a pissed tone.

Bardwell has been in the industry long enough for people to know her. And she doesn't have a good reputation with them, especially when she has always been elbows deep in their business.

"And yet no one is doing anything about it," Matthew stated.

General Shuldberg stood up and walked toward the small table where his bottle of whiskey and glasses were waiting for him. "She's from the media, Mr. Brown. You go against them and they'll use the human rights card against you. For some reason, they managed to get the public on their side. The public didn't even realize most of the time, the media was fanning the fire unnecessarily by putting ideas into the public's mind. Who knows, they were the ones who were spreading fake news?"

"Be careful with your words, General Shuldberg," Matthew said as he watched the general pour the amber liquid into two glasses. He doesn't like the sound that he was talking about the media in general. He always believes that his woman is different from the others. Olivia is a journalist who has ethics and morals which Matthew always loved about her.

"Of course, I am not saying that all of them are. But there is always a rotten one in a basket of tomatoes," General Shuldberg said as he walked to where Matthew is seated and offered him the other glass.

Matthew stood up as General Shuldberg continued. "Piece of advice though, watch your woman's back. She is treading on dangerous territory,"

Matthew looked at the general and said, "Why do you think I am here, General Shuldberg?" He doesn't care about General Shuldberg's job or how Jove Latimer wants to run his life. He only cares about the woman he loves who, unfortunately, found herself entangled with these people's mess.