Dead Man In The Cabin (Part 1)

A few days later, Matthew and Olivia were walking hand in hand in a shopping plaza while searching for somewhere to eat for lunch. It was both their day off and instead of spending it at Matthew's pad, Matthew forced Olivia to get out and have a day out with him.

Matthew treats Olivia to a spa where his mother and her friends used to go. He waited as Olivia had a well-deserved whole-body spa and massage. Then he took her to a salon to give her a nice hair makeover. Not that she is looking as if she badly needed it, he just thought that it would make her feel better after working so hard in the past few weeks. In his eyes, Olivia will never look bad even if she is tired and exhausted.

Matthew was certain that Olivia never even thought of treating herself to a salon or spa in the past few months. That is why he made it his mission for that day even though Olivia prefers to spend her day at home.

Their morning was spent at the spa and the salon and now Olivia is complaining that she is already hungry so they started to search for a place to eat.

"Aw…really? That is so sweet!" Olivia cried animatedly after Matthew told her about Timothy and Megan's engagement. Apparently, even though Olivia and Megan were in constant contact, Megan never bragged about her engagement with Timothy. But Matthew was certain that if Olivia and Megan had met after the engagement, his observant girlfriend would notice the engagement ring before Megan could greet her.

Matthew looked down at Olivia whose hands were wrapped around his arms. There was a twinkle in her eyes indicating that she is really happy and excited even about Timothy and Megan's engagement.

The look on Olivia's face was the opposite of Matthew's. Because he looked as if what Olivia said was out of this world. "Sweet?" Matthew looked at her with a distorted face as if he accidentally ate something that his taste buds rejected.

"Yes! I wonder how Tim proposed. Did they tell you?" Olivia asked in a dreamy tone and then she looked up at her boyfriend with a smile.

"No," Matthew shook his head.

Olivia frowned when she noticed the look on Matthew's face. "Why do you look as if you ate a bitter gourd?" She asked.

"I mean…Tim and Meg were engaged…" Matthew said. Although they knew that Timothy and Megan were serious in their relationship, they still found it hard to believe that less than a year after being in a relationship, the two of them will be engaged.

Timothy and Megan rarely display their affection for each other. They never kiss in front of them. They do hold hands and hug in front of them but it was rare and most of the time, it seems that they were not aware that someone could see them.

But it was evident how possessive and smitten they were with each other. Words were not needed as they could already be seen through their eyes and if the message from their eyes were not enough, they showed it through their actions.

Timothy's love for Megan shows when she almost died in his arms after Megan went undercover. He cried and begged for her to not die on him. It was the first time that they saw Timothy in his most vulnerable state. It shows when after that, he refused to let go of Megan and even begged for her to stay with him instead of her going back to her apartment.

Timothy showed how possessive he was of Megan whenever someone made a mistake in flirting with Megan or when someone just accidentally stared at her for more than one second. The man will be gone the next day. Timothy showed how overprotective he is of Megan with one of his monitors showing Megan wherever she goes whenever she is on duty and if she is in evident danger and in need of help, Timothy will be the first one to come to save her, even though most of the time, Megan didn't need saving.

Megan showed how much she loved Timothy when she just let him take control of her. She is a very independent woman who wants to be in control of everything. She doesn't want anyone controlling her, or ordering her around. But after Timothy confessed his love for her…after she admitted that she loved him as well, she just lets him control her. Because she wanted to as well.

Megan didn't fight him when he told her to move in with him. Though she was pissed, she didn't argue when she learned that he was watching her whenever she was at work. She doesn't care about the men missing after flirting and looking at her…she thought that they deserved it.

Timothy and Megan still fight, either when it was just the two of them or they were with friends but they had seen that at the end of the day, they still ended up going home together.

Timothy and Megan were not the kinds of people who get into a relationship just for fun. They don't flirt. They don't play around. So they knew that it was just a matter of time before they get engaged and got married.

But it still struck them. Why? Because apart from the couple of months that they were together in a relationship, the rest of their lives they have been at each other's neck. It would take time before they get used to it.

Olivia raised a brow at Matthew. "And so? Didn't you see that coming?" She asked because she knew that Matthew is also keen observant and he was very intuitive. She thought that his instinct might have given him the hint.

"No?" Matthew replied with uncertainty.

Olivia looked at him bemused. "What? Are you serious? Have you seen them together? Tim looks like he doesn't want Megan to be away from him for a second. They were inseparable. I had already expected that this was going to happen. I was actually surprised that Tim took this long," She said while shaking her head with an amused smile on her lips.

"Maybe to you. But we grew up together and had seen them almost kill each other. So, it was a little hard to digest," Matthew replied.

Olivia had just known Timothy and Megan for five years and in those five years, she rarely saw them fight. Unlike Matthew who had been with them ever since he was born. Matthew cannot even count how many times they had to get in between Timothy and Megan to stop them from killing each other just because one looked at the other wrongly.

"Don't tell me your instinct fails you this time?" Olivia mocked him, nudging her shoulder into his arm.

"Maybe I am just a little in denial," Matthew rolled his eyes, and then he saw a man coming their way who was not looking where he was going. Since he was coming in their direction he would collide with Olivia so he had to put his arms around her and pull her to his side away from the man who was oblivious to the glare that Matthew was sending him because he was too busy with his phone.

Olivia saw what happened so she pulled Matthew away before some poor man would end up badly beaten in a dark and empty alley before she could even have her lunch.

Luckily, Olivia saw a fast food restaurant that was not too crowded. She used it to divert Matthew's attention. "How about there?" She asked pointing a finger to the fast food restaurant three stores from them.

Matthew who was still glaring at the back of the man from earlier turned his head to look at Olivia and then to where she was pointing her finger at. "Do you want to eat there?" He asked, looking at a fast food restaurant that is obviously serving pizza and pasta because of the huge photo of a pizza on its glass wall.

Matthew pursed his lips because he wanted to take Olivia to a fancy restaurant.

"Do you?" Olivia looked at him. Though she was not telling him, it was obvious in her eyes that she wanted to eat there but she still asked him. It is important that Matthew likes to eat where she wants to eat as well.

Matthew smiled and pinched her chin. Though he wanted to take her to a fancy restaurant, he would take her wherever she wanted. Even if she says that she wanted to eat exotic food at the top of a mountain, he would take her there. "Whatever you want, babe," He said and then he pulled her toward the fast-food restaurant.

"So, when are they getting married?" Olivia asked. They were already inside the fast food restaurant and were already queueing at the counter.

"Next year, after the holiday season," Matthew replied behind Olivia. One of his arms is in his pocket while the other one is wrapped around Olivia's waist as if hugging her from behind not bothering that they were in a public place. He is not one to hide his affection towards his woman even if they were in a public place.

"Mm…that's exciting," Olivia answered with a smile though her eyes were on the menu that was on the top of the counter.

It looks like Timothy and Megan don't want a long-term engagement since the holiday season is just in a few months. In fact, it surprises Olivia that Timothy and Megan have a few months of engagement to prepare for their wedding because as far as she knows them, they are the kind of people who wouldn't want to bother themselves with wedding preparation. They were the kind of people that would just go and register their marriage without bothering about a lengthy and boring ceremony and an exhausting celebration.

Olivia wonders if Timothy and Megan will be hands-on with their wedding preparation. But she doubts it. She is almost certain that they will just let their mothers do the job.

Matthew, who was also scanning the menu on the board looked down at Olivia and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Uhm…" Olivia pursed her lips as her eyes scanned the board with photos of pizza and pasta. She wanted to order both with salad as a side dish so she was contemplating ordering a set meal. Once she had decided, she tilted her head behind her to look at Matthew and said, "I'll have meal set B. How about you?"

"I'll have set C," Matthew grinned at her. He ordered a set meal that has four dishes compared to Olivia that only has three dishes. Well, he has a bigger appetite than Olivia so it was understandable.

The couple gave their orders to the girl behind the counter and they waited for their meal since the fast food restaurant doesn't have a server to bring their food to their table. And besides, preparing their meal will only take a few minutes.

As they waited at the counter for their food, Olivia busied herself looking around the restaurant which was half filled with customers. Some were just starting to eat while the others were about to finish.

Olivia continues to look around while her body is unconsciously leaning on Matthew's chest. She doesn't mind that Matthew is now almost hugging her from behind since he always does that. He doesn't care about people around them who could see them being intimate since there is nothing scandalous in what they are doing.

Olivia frowned when her eyes landed on one particular table where there were four women eating and chatting except for one. She noticed that one of the girls was staring at them…at Matthew in particular as if Olivia doesn't exist considering that she is almost glued to him. She had noticed her earlier but she thought that the woman just randomly glanced in their direction. But now she realized that she is not. She is blatantly staring at Matthew.

There was something in the way the woman stares at Matthew that doesn't bode well with Olivia. In their relationship, Matthew was the one who was always acting possessive of her, but that doesn't mean she is not possessive of him as well.

Olivia tilted her head up in Matthew's direction without taking her eyes off the woman who didn't seem to notice that she already caught her staring at her man. "Do you know that woman?" She asked.