The Small Tyrant

The following morning, Olivia went to her office, not just because she has to work but because her boss called her and told her that she wanted to talk to her.

Olivia felt bad about that. In fact, she always feels bad whenever her boss says she wants to talk to her. Nothing comes out well in a conversation with Bardwell. Even if Olivia didn't do anything that would warrant Bardwell's berating, she always feels like Bardwell will do so and Bardwell ends up doing so.

Bardwell always finds fault in everything and everyone. She was insanely and impossibly perfectionist despite her being imperfect herself. And even if Bardwell didn't find any fault, she will never take notice and show appreciation for the good things that the people around her have or did.

Olivia stood outside Bardwell's office. She took a couple of deep breaths and then she shook her hands to shake away her nerves. She hates that Bardwell affected her that way but then, she is not alone, Bardwell has made everyone in their office feel that way. She could only hope that a day will come when she will be able to stand up against their tyrant boss.

Olivia was not a weak person that can be easily stepped on by people. Heck, she could face a notorious criminal and interview them without stuttering or feeling nervous but with Bardwell, she always turns into a nervous wreck. There is always that one person that could turn out to be your worst nightmare despite how good you are at handling people. And Olivia was certain that that person was Miss Bardwell.

Taking another full breath, and a good luck wish from her friend, Sasha, Olivia raised her hand to knock on the door.

Olivia heard a faint 'come in' so she pushed the door open and silently and cautiously walked inside the office that smelt like gardenia. She looked around in search of the source of the strong floral aroma that is slightly sweet and zesty. She was expecting to find a vase of fresh gardenia but instead, she found an oil diffuser in the corner of the office.

Olivia tears her gaze away from the oil diffuser to look at the woman behind the huge office desk. She noticed the small tyrant's head buried deep in a pile of papers and appeared as if she was not aware of the person standing in front of her desk.

Olivia cleared her throat and decided to inform her boss about her existence. "Miss Bardwell, I–"

But she was rudely interrupted by Bardwell's question. "Where were you yesterday?" Bardwell asked and then she lifted up her head to show her scowling caked face that seemed to have become permanent and generic on her.

Olivia had already expected that Bardwell would ask that question so she was quick to answer. "I was in my apartment reviewing the information I gathered about Latimer," She said even though she had already informed Bardwell about that yesterday.

She could only hope that Bardwell did not see the lie in her words because yesterday, she was out with Matthew meeting Megan and then, later on, the pervert mountaineer who found Franklin Amudsen's body, and then she spent the rest of the day cuddling with Matthew in his bed. She didn't even get the time to review her notes about Latimer's case.

Bardwell raised a brow and stared at her in a scrutinizing way as if her eyes were equipped with a lie detector. But Olivia refused to be terrorized as she held the small tyrant's scrutinizing gaze.

Bardwell narrowed her eyes at Olivia as if contemplating if she should continue to waste her time scrutinizing her words or move on. Until she finally decided that she doesn't have enough time to waste. So she opened her mouth to ask, "Have you talked to the list of the undercover cops I gave you?"

Olivia nodded her head like an obedient child and said, "I talked to one but he refused to give me information. I have been trying to reach out to the others,"

Bardwell rolled her eyes and said, "I am starting to think that I made a mistake in giving you that assignment, Bennet. Prove to me that I am worrying for nothing,"

Olivia had expected that Bardwell would not like her answer. In fact, even if she gave Bardwell positive feedback, she knew that she would still find fault in it. But though she had expected Bardwell to question and belittle her capability which she always does, it still pissed her off.

If only she could throw that oil diffuser into the small tyrant's caked face. Olivia thought to herself. But instead of showing off her irritation, she steeled her face and proved to Bardwell that she has nothing to worry about, "It appears, Jove Latimer is the man behind that outbreak years ago when his hospitals profited the most. Not only that. He developed the cure and vaccine for that disease. It was another profit for his pharmaceutical company,"

Bardwell raised a brow at her and stared at her for a moment.

Olivia knew that she surprised Bardwell. After telling her that she wasn't able to talk to the list of the undercover cops that she gave her and get information from them, it would seem impossible to get that information. But Olivia did. She worked hard to come up with that. And she is proud that she managed to make Bardwell speechless even for just a few seconds.

Because seconds later, she heard Bardwell's doubtful voice, "Do you have proof?" Bardwell asked.

Instead of saying yes, Olivia said, "I am working on it," But she did have proof. She just needed time and more information to solidify it. She knows that Bardwell will not like her response so before Bardwell could say something, Olivia added, "Latimer is working with a man named Leonid,"

Bardwell frowned and asked, "Who the fuck is Leonid?"

It surprises Olivia that Bardwell, the woman who appeared to know even a sewerage rat in the city doesn't know who Leonid is. So, Olivia made Bardwell know and she felt good that she knew something that Bardwell doesn't. "It appears he is the biggest supplier of opioids in the black market. I have suspicions that Latimer is the one supplying him, especially that his company is the biggest manufacturer of opioids in the country,"

Bardwell shifted on her seat so she is now leaning on her side. She tapped her finger on her desk as if contemplating each of her words. "Do you have proof?" She asked later on.

"I…" Olivia paused to open her portable pc that she was clutching in front of her ever since she entered Bardwell's office. "I have listed here the points why I came up with those theories," She said when she finally was able to enter her password, the portable pc lit up. She placed it on top of Bardwell's table, near her so that she would be able to see its screen.

Bardwell kept her forehead and nose high while his eyes were scanning the screen of Olivia's portable pc. She barely show a reaction as she looked back at Olivia and said, "I need solid proof Bennet and this doesn't count,"

Olivia cursed internally for Bardwell's lack of appreciation. But then, what else should she expect? She bit her inner cheeks and nodded her head. "I know. I am working on it,"

Bardwell's lips pressed into thin lines and then she leaned back on her swivel chair. "I need a timeline, Bennet,"

Another string of curses came out of Olivia's head.


How is she going to work on her vigilante theory now that Bardwell appears to give her an ultimatum in uncovering a case in which she wasn't able to uncover even half of it? Internally she is starting to panic. But she knew not to stall Bardwell, so she answered. "One month,"

Looks like she is going to need more help with Latimer's case. Her mind drifted off to Matthew.

But it looks like one month is too long for Bardwell for she said, "One week,"

Olivia's eyes instantly went wide. How the hell is she going to find out why the authorities are investigating a philanthropist like Latimer? She hasn't even found out who ordered the investigation. Unless she goes straight to Latimer and asks him in his face what is his involvement with Leonid or if he is involved in any illegal business.

Olivia went to protest. "Miss Bardwell–"

But then again, Bardwell did what she is really good at. Rudely interrupting someone who is speaking. "Two weeks is all I can grant you, Bennet, I haven't got any interesting story on my website and channel these past few weeks and I have high hopes that you could give me that. Don't make me disappointed, Bennet,"

Well at least, Bardwell indirectly though accidentally and unknowingly admitted that she has high hopes for Olivia. But it was not enough to boost Olivia's morale.

"Okay, Miss Bardwell," Olivia knew not to argue further. She will accept the two weeks ultimatum before it turns back into one week.

Bardwell, who was satisfied with her answer, nodded her head once, and then she lowered her head to the papers she was reading before Olivia came as if dismissing her.

Olivia shifted from one leg to another. She wanted to bring out Franklin Amudsen's case but she cannot bring herself into it. She needed a little more push and that push came from Bardwell herself.

As if sensing her contemplation, Bardwell raised her head to see Olivia still standing in the same spot. An annoyed voice came from her. "What?"

It is now or never. Olivia told herself and opened her mouth to speak internally hoping that she was not putting her neck under the sharp edge of the guillotine. "Franklin Amud–"

"It is a suicide case, Bennet. Don't waste your time on him," Bardwell annoyingly said, and then she went back to reading her papers.

As if God poured another dose of courage on her, Olivia took a step forward and refused to accept that she was already dismissed. "But what if he was executed extrajudicially?"

Bardwell raises her head to look at Olivia with a warning look on her face. But Olivia ignored it and continued. "What if there is a vigilante out there who were executing criminals like Talon Bonneville and Franklin Amudsen and just make it seem like a suicide?" She said, gesturing her hands in the air.

Bardwell finally put all her attention back on Olivia as she leaned on her chair and tilted her head. "Is this where you are wasting most of your time instead of focusing on Latimer's case?" Her tone was threateningly calm and Olivia knew then and there that she just poked an already pissed-off lion.

Who the hell does that?

Only Olivia.

Olivia shook her head. "No. But if I can prove–"

"Miss Bennet!" Bardwell suddenly stood up from her chair and slammed her palms on her table forcefully that Olivia was sure it hurt. But when she looked up at Bardwell's face, she didn't see any traces of pain but anger. Her scowl from earlier was already gone to be replaced by anger.

Anger towards her.

Damn. Olivia cannot help but curse internally. What has she done?

"If you don't stop this nonsense I will pull you out of Latimer's case and make you jobless in three months or more. Don't test my patience Bennet because I am currently running out of it," Bardwell warned her with one of her hands on her waist while the other one is pointing a finger at her. Then she sat back unceremoniously on her chair as if Olivia drained her of her energy. "Get out of my face!" She said and then she waved her hand in the air.

Olivia knew not to piss her off further. She knew that Bardwell is not someone who throws empty threats. She knew that when Bardwell said she would be jobless in three months if she ever mentioned Bonneville or Amudsen again, she meant it.

So Olivia took a step back and turned around with her shoulders melted on her sides.