What’s Inside The Farm (Part 1)

Two weeks.

Olivia only got two weeks to find out why Jove Latimer is being investigated or else she'll lose her job. There is no doubt about it. Bardwell is not someone who utters empty threats. When she says that she'll lose her job, she meant it.

Olivia's frustration and anxiety are piling up.

It has been a week since Bardwell gave her the ultimatum and since then, she hasn't gotten any additional information.

She knew that Jove Latimer was the person behind the outbreak years ago. She got testimonials from the people working in the hospital that says they heard Jove Latimer and his secretary talk about it. Getting those testimonials was not easy especially when those people were working for Latimer and were afraid to lose their job which Olivia understands. She has to write an agreement that says she will not expose the names of those people who gave their testimonials.

The testimonials were recorded and will be posted anonymously even though Olivia knows that it will give people a reason to doubt their credibility.

Olivia also knew that Jove Latimer is connected to Leonid. She also got proof that Jove Latimer is supplying Leonid with opioids that the latter sell in the black market. Her ability to access the dark net gave her enough proof that they are connected and working together.

Thanks to Matthew who taught her that.

Now she only has to solidify it to convince Bardwell. Because if she managed to convince Bardwell that her story is veritable, then the public would believe it. And to do that, she needed more proof and evidence.

But how will she do that if she only got a week left?

She had tried to convince the undercover cops to meet her but her effort proved to be futile multiple times. She had also tried to follow them but then, they wouldn't be in their position if it is easy for someone like Olivia to spy on them.

Olivia is getting desperate.

In fact, it was an understatement.

Desperation is what led her to where she is now. Dressed in black jeans, a white shirt, and a baseball cap that almost covered her face. She was blending in the crowd, her eyes that were concealed behind her sunglasses were fixed on a man whose presence was so prominent among the sea of people who were watching the grand opening of a branch of a charity institution. The event was not that grand except for the fact that Jove Latimer was giving gifts to people.

Following Jove Latimer is dangerous since he was surrounded by probably three teams of security details. Getting close to him seemed impossible.

Olivia wouldn't have to resort to following Jove Latimer if it wasn't for Bardwell who pushed her.

Olivia watched as Jove Latimer's security led toward his SUV. She cursed internally because that means, she'll have to go back and get her car so that she could follow him.

But when she turned around, she was met with a man's stone-like chest. Yes, it was a man because his flat chest is broad. She looked up and was taken by surprise by the intensity of the way the man was looking at her.

Olivia did not let herself get affected by the man's seemingly dangerous presence. She took a step backward and said, "Excuse me," She took a side step so that she could pass through a huge man that was starting to vex her and blocked her way.

She opened her mouth to give the man a piece of her mind but before the first word could escape her lips, the man beat her into it, "Miss Bennet. I don't think Mr. Brown would be pleased to find out what you are up to,"

Olivia's mouth was left hanging. She internally smacks her forehead at her stupidity. How could she forget that Matthew had assigned security details to ensure her safety and that she agreed to it?

It was easy for her to forget though because they tried to be discreet in following her.

But she shouldn't have forgotten it. Especially when she decided to follow Jove Latimer, she didn't inform Matthew of it because she knows that he will not agree and will only get worried about her despite her promise to Megan.

It wouldn't be a surprise if Matthew already knows and is on his way to stop her. Her security details had probably already told Matthew where she is and what she is up to.

That means Olivia has to hurry before her dear boyfriend appears in front of her face.

So Olivia grinned widely at the huge man in front of her and said, "So tell him that I will be fine and will call him later," Then she quickly took a side step and ran off toward her car while once in a while glancing over her shoulder to see if her security detail is following her and then to see if Jove Latimer's SUV had already left.

When Olivia saw that Jove Latimer was waving his hands in public before stepping inside his SUV as if he was a celebrity, she quickened her footsteps to get to her car. She could have run if the crowd was not blocking her way. So she could only half walk, half run while glancing over her shoulder to see Jove Latimer's SUV while ignoring her security that was trying to catch up on her.

Once she successfully reached her car without being caught by her security, she instantly turned on the engine and followed Jove Latimer's SUV which had already started to drive away.

Getting out of that street was a feat for the crowd was littered everywhere as if they owned the street. She had to blare her horn nonstop so she could get away from there ignoring the glare coming from the people that her car was passing by.

Fortunately, Jove Latimer's SUV was in the same predicament as hers so he didn't get too far from her. Because if he did, Olivia is afraid that she might either lose him or she might run through the crowd. The last thing she needs is for Megan to book her in the police station for reckless driving and multiple injuries and Matthew for to bail her.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Olivia's car managed to get out of that street. Why was that street so crowded anyway? She asked herself but she didn't bother to find out the answer. That is the least of her concern.

Her concern right now is focused on the SUV that is in front of her while ignoring the SUV that was behind her.

Following Jove Latimer was not planned but it seems like fate is kind to Olivia because it seems that she hasn't been noticed by Jove Latimer's security details.

At least not yet.

Because it has already been an hour since she started following Jove Latimer's SUV but it looks like the latter's security hasn't noticed her following them or were not suspicious at all.

Olivia rented out an inconspicuous car that will not attract any form of attention.

As she follows Latimer's SUV, she lets two to three cars get in between them. She also lets the SUV get far from her as long as it is still in her periphery.

She continued to follow Jove Latimer's SUV until it reached a town which put a frown on Olivia's face. What is Jove Latimer doing in a small town where he doesn't have any known properties?

Weeks of digging for information about Latimer made Olivia familiar with his properties and his background. She knew where he was born, where his parents were born, where he currently lives, who his wife was, where his wife was born, his private properties, his warehouses, and everything there is to find about Jove Latimer.

But the small town where they are now is not on the list.

But Olivia doesn't have time to look into it, right? She is already there and whatever reason Jove Latimer has for going into that town, she will find it out in just a few minutes…hopefully.

Minutes is just wishful thinking because it took another hour until Olivia saw Jove Latimer's SUV stopped in front of the gate of what she assumed to be a farm. When she looked at the GPS of her car, she realized that they were still in the same town. It turns out, it is not a small town. It was a huge town with a small population.

Olivia checked her location and realized that it was really a farm that is behind that gate. She looked around and saw that it was surrounded by a tall perimeter fence. Her car is parked at the side of the road and was hidden by bushes and trees so it would be a little hard to notice her unless Jove Latimer's SUV went back on the road.

But Olivia watches as the gate opens and the SUV enters.

Olivia cursed internally. Now how is she going to follow them inside?

While she was contemplating how to get inside the tall perimeter wall of the farm, she heard her phone ring. In fact, she had heard it ring multiple times now while she was driving but she just chose to ignore it because she knew that it was Matthew who was calling.

When she glanced at her phone that was on the passenger seat, sure enough, it was Matthew's name on the screen.

Olivia sighed and reached for her phone. She knew she had to answer it or else…she cannot imagine what Matthew would do. So she reluctantly pressed the green button.