Saved By Her Boyfriend

When Olivia thought that there was no hope for her to be saved at least by her security details who were suddenly nowhere when she needed them, she heard a loud thump on the ground as if something heavy fell on it.

"Hey! What the fuck is wrong with you?" The man who was holding Olivia said and then she felt him move as if he was kicking or doing something with his foot.

Olivia tried to move so that she could see what was going on but since she was being carried on the man's shoulder, it was a little hard to see.

Then suddenly, she felt the man who was holding her stiffened and then he swayed. Olivia knew what was going on and her panic started to double up. She hoped to be released from the man's hold but she didn't wish for the man to fall on the ground with her on his shoulder.

The saying 'the bigger you are the harder you fall' was quite true as Olivia felt the man slowly fall on his left creating a heavy thump on the ground. Fortunately, she was on the man's right shoulder so she was not squashed by the man's humongous, steroid-filled body. But that doesn't mean she wasn't affected by the fall.

Olivia felt the right side of her head hit the ground enough for her to have a slight concussion. She forced herself to sit up and saw the two bouncers unconscious on the ground. She felt the right side of her body a little bit sore because of the fall but aside from that, she wasn't injured.

"What did you do?" Olivia heard the woman from earlier ask and when she looked up, she saw her looking at her with accusation.

Olivia just looked at her dumbfounded. Did the woman think that she could knock down two boulders of muscles while she was being carried like a sack of potatoes?

Olivia slowly stood up from the ground and winched when she felt the pain in her sore muscles. She felt her head swirl so she closed her eyes for a moment before she made another attempt at standing. When she regained her footing, she opened her mouth to say something but when she looked up from her feet to the woman who was accusing her of knocking out her bouncers, she frowned because the woman's attention was not on her anymore.

The woman was not looking at her with accusation, but she was looking behind her with a surprised look on her face. Why not? After seeing the two bouncers sleeping like oversized babies on the ground, she found herself at a gunpoint.

Instead of looking at her, Olivia noticed that the woman was looking behind her. Slowly and with curiosity, she turned her head and felt like she wanted to cry when she saw Matthew standing there with a gun in his hand pointing at the woman in front of her.

"Matthew…" Olivia almost whispered as she called him with relief in her voice.

"Babe, come here," Matthew said. Though he called Olivia with endearment, his voice was lacking in emotion and his eyes were fixed on the woman who dared to kidnap his woman. His free hand was stretched toward Olivia waiting for her to grab it.

Olivia stepped forward at the same time that Matthew took three steps as if he got impatient that Olivia took slowly to move closer to him.

The moment, Olivia's hand reached Matthew's hand, he tightened his hand on hers and pulled her behind him.

Once Matthew had secured Olivia behind him, he spoke, "You got some nerves in dragging my woman in your dirty little business," His voice was threateningly low which Olivia never heard of from Matthew before.

Olivia could already tell that Matthew is really mad even though he was not showing any emotion.

Though the woman in front of them was surprised, she still managed to retort back. She tilted her head arrogantly and said, "It was her who voluntarily came to me. It is not my fault that you were not able to satisfy her for her to seek pleasure in a way that she will profit as well,"

"What?!" At the woman's words, Olivia's face heated up in anger. She clenched her fist on her sides as she glared at the lying woman in front of them. But the woman still has the nerve to smirk at her.

Olivia looked at Matthew and prepared to defend herself when she saw the grim expression on his face. In fear that Matthew believed the woman's words, Olivia quickly said, "Babe, she is lying! I did not–"

But Matthew interrupted her without looking at her, "Shh…Babe, I got this," That is the only time that Matthew turned to look at Olivia but this time, Olivia saw a hint of softness in his eyes.

When Matthew looked back at the woman in red and black stripe pants, the woman continued. "Next time, teach her not to butt into someone's busi–" She stopped babbling nonsense when she felt a cold metal touch her temple.

"You talk too much," The man holding a gun on her temple said.

Olivia's eyes went wide when she saw Nic standing behind the woman. And as if it wasn't enough, she heard footsteps behind her and a familiar voice said, "Don't you sometimes wish to make our identity known so that they will know not to spew nonsense in front of us?"

Mason and Daxon were walking towards them making Olivia ask herself…what are they doing here?

Olivia hoped for Matthew to come and save her. The least she expected was the security details that Matthew assigned to her. But she didn't expect that Matthew would come with Nic, Mason, and Daxon.

Then Mason's words sink into her. What does he mean by that? She asked herself.

Olivia looked at Matthew who seemed not surprised at his friend's sudden appearance as if he was expecting them. And then she looked at Nic who was still holding a gun in the woman's temple.

Nic was looking at Matthew as if they were conversing with just their eyes.

"Her security details are coming," Daxon said. He was now standing beside Matthew while Mason was on the other side.

Matthew lowered his gun and tucked it on his waistband seeing as it was not needed since Nic looks like he has the human trafficker under his control. He looked at Daxon and said, "They know how to shut their mouths,"

Olivia watched them and listened to their conversation with confusion as if they were talking in riddles.

Daxon saw Olivia looking at them and sent her a wink making Matthew growl at him.

Seconds later, Olivia's security details entered the club. "Clean this up," Matthew instructed as he looked at the two bouncers who were already snoring on the floor.

Olivia watched as her security details started to drag the sleeping bouncers at the back of the club effortlessly. With the way the bouncers' bodies were built, it would seem impossible for anyone to move them but her security details looked like they were just dragging stuffed animals.

"Take her away from here. We'll take care of this," Nic suddenly said. He had already tied the woman's hands behind her back with a cable tie and then her mouth was plastered with duct tape.

Olivia looked at him and realized that Nic was talking about her.

Matthew's fingers intertwined with Olivia's and then he said, "We'll see you at the underground," making Olivia look at him wondering what he meant.

Mason and Daxon almost simultaneously looked at Matthew while Nic was watching Olivia. "Are you sure?" Mason asked as if Matthew had grown five heads. They knew that Matthew hadn't told Olivia about them but when Matthew said 'we' instead of 'I', they assumed that Matthew would be taking Olivia with him to the underground. That means he is ready not just to tell her but to show her who they are.

"Yeah," Matthew nodded his head while ignoring the way his friends were looking at him.

As it turns out, Jove Latimer is a man who cheats on his wife by buying women from a human trafficker. He finds pleasure in multiple women at the same time. Some of those women might be willing but some were kidnapped and forced into it. If Matthew came late, Olivia could be one of those who were kidnapped to be sold.

And though there were willing women who sold themselves, that doesn't mean they were really willing to do it. They were just forced by their circumstances. They do that in order to earn a livelihood. It just proves how the system is lacking not just in bringing justice but to protect its citizens.

Matthew didn't expect that Olivia will be involved with someone that they will be putting in the underground in the future. And the worst part of that is, she almost became one of the victims whom they were trying to get justice for.

And he will not have a repeat of that.

Matthew realized that he would be able to protect Olivia better if she knew who or what he is….if he is not hiding a secret from her. If she knew how capable he is. So he decided that since the situation had already come to this, he better tell her the truth before she finds out on her own.

He could only hope that Olivia would understand him…or them. He could only hope that Olivia would see why they are doing what they are doing. And what better way to tell it to her than by making her see it?