Walking Inside A Wolf's Cage

Olivia was staring blankly in front of her while she was sitting inside her car. How did she manage to get back in her car? She didn't even know. She didn't even know how she got out of the mansion…uncaught. In fact, she doesn't care as her thoughts were filled with what she saw inside the mansion.

She knew that Jove Latimer was a bad man doing bad things. So when her instinct tells her that she will finally find evidence of his…immorality, whatever that is, in that mansion inside that farm, she expects the worst.

Olivia expected to find Jove Latimer with Leonid in front of boxes of prohibited drugs and then she would hear them negotiate to sell them into the black market. She expected to hear or witness Jove Latimer meeting with a group of people or maybe another person he is working with and plans to orchestrate another outbreak in the city so that his hospital and pharmaceutical company would profit ten times. She expected to hear how Jove Latimer orchestrated that outbreak years ago and how much he profited from it.

But Olivia did not hear any of those, instead, she discovered another one of Jove Latimer's sins. And this one is by far the most wicked for her. Especially since it involves the sex where she belonged.

Jove Latimer was keeping about twenty to thirty women in that mansion to be used for his own pleasure. At least, that's what the women there said. But no matter how Olivia looks into it, she would call them Jove Latimer's sex slaves, even if she doesn't want to use the word to associate with people of her gender.

Now come to think of it, Olivia forgot to count the women in there.

Fortunately, she was still thinking smartly because before she set on following Jove Latimer, she attached a small camera to her shirt. It was a gift from Megan that she found to be very useful.

Usually, she uses a dictaphone whenever she is interviewing people. But with that small camera that Megan gifted her, she could get a video and record a conversation in high quality whenever she goes.

Olivia sure is going to get a lot from just listening and watching the video from that small device. She'll definitely finish her story this week that would make Bardwell speechless and praise her. Well, the last part was just wishful thinking. Olivia would be ice skating in hell first before Bardwell praised her or anyone else.

But while her mind was filled with those thoughts, she caught a car driving out of the farm. She is not sure if she had seen that car inside that farm but the woman she could clearly see driving the car since it was not tinted was someone she got a glimpse inside the mansion talking to one of the guards.

She clearly remembers hearing the woman say to the guard that she would bring him some 'fresh meat' when she returned.

Olivia ignored her words but now she came to realize what the woman meant. So without second thoughts, she followed the woman's car until she reached the next town which took her another hour.

Following the woman was easier than following Jove Latimer because she doesn't have security details with her and she doesn't seem to care about her surroundings. Maybe, she never had an inkling that one day, someone will get interested in following her. Either her conscience is clear or she doesn't have any conscience at all.

Even until the gray conspicuous car that the woman was driving parked in front of a club, she didn't notice Olivia's gray inconspicuous car following her.

"Excuse me!" Olivia struggled to get out of her car as she called the woman dressed in a black shirt tucked in striped black and red pants and a leather jacket.

The woman was about to enter the club that won't be open until the sun sets and the street is filled with neon lights.

"Miss," Olivia called again, this time she was running to catch up with the woman.

The woman turned around and when she saw Olivia, she looked at her from head to toe before she indifferently asked, "What?"

"Uhm…I uh…I was wondering…," Olivia stopped in front of the woman but she was struggling to speak because she was still catching her breath.

But before Olivia could regain her ability to speak properly, the woman spoke for her. "You need extra income?" She asked with a raised brow.

Olivia looked flustered. "What?" She tilted her head to the side until she finally understood what the woman meant. They were standing in front of a club where the woman appeared to be working. "Oh…" Olivia was dumbfounded for a moment. Does she look like someone who will seek extra income in a club that looks like it is not just a club?

Olivia unconsciously looked at herself. She was wearing a white V-neck shirt that doesn't reveal her chest. Black skinny jeans that though it shows the curves of her legs and thigh, don't appear scandalous. And a pink blazer that looks really feminine. As far as her ability to criticize her fashion sense is concerned, she looks…decent.

Why would the woman think that she needs a job in a club? Little did she know, the kind of job that the woman in front of her was offering was something that she would not be able to stomach. It was a job that the woman might force on anyone as long as she has a beautiful face and body.

"You are wasting my time," The woman dismissed Olivia when she didn't speak for the next minute. And then she turned around and pushed the double door of the club open.

Olivia started to panic when she saw the woman enter the club. "Jove Latimer," She blurted out before the double door could close in front of her face.

Upon hearing the name of the man that she just met earlier, the woman who was already inside the club stopped in her tracks and looked at Olivia with an unreadable expression on her face.

Seeing that the mention of Jove Latimer's name caught the woman's attention, Olivia took a couple of more steps so that she was halfway through the door. "He is your client, right?" Olivia asked. She failed to notice the two bulky men who were holding the door to keep it open.

The woman stared blankly at Olivia. Then her eyes scanned her again from head to toe before she said, "Follow me," then she turned around and walked deeper inside the club.

Olivia was speechless as she looked at the woman's back. That's when she noticed the inside of the club. Though it was dark, she could make out the tables and chairs that are stacked on top of the table. At the center of the club was a circular stage with a pole at the center. Against the four walls were booths, each with a pole at the center.

Olivia was startled when she heard the sound of the door closing behind her. When she looked behind, that's when she noticed the two bulky men standing on each side of the door looking at her scrutinizingly with their thick arms folded in their chests.

Bouncers. Olivia thought to herself.

She looked back at the woman who was already at the other end of the room and she started to panic again. Against her better judgment, Olivia followed the woman as if she was voluntarily entering a wolf's cage. "Uhm…wait. I am not…"

The woman suddenly turned around and rudely interrupted Olivia which reminded her of Bardwell…the woman who was the reason why she was in that club in the first place. "The fact that you know about Mr. Latimer's…past time, means either you want to be part of it or you are up to something,"

Olivia's eyes went wide when she heard the woman's words.

"Either which, I have a place for you," The woman continued.

Olivia started to panic again but this time, the reason for her panic was not because the woman was getting away from her but because she realized that she was in imminent danger. The danger that she voluntarily put herself into.

Olivia took a few steps back to distance herself from the danger that was in the form of a woman in front of her. She shook her head and her voice was frantic when she said, "No. No. No. That is not what I came here for. I just needed to ask you some questions about Mr. Latimer but it is not about the women…or his past time…whatever you call it,"

Well, it was a lie.

The woman drove out of Jove Latimer's farm. Olivia knew that one way or another, the woman knows something about what is going on inside the farm. Not to mention the words that the woman said to the guard. It was very obvious that the 'fresh meat' the woman was referring to was women.

When the woman asked Olivia if she wanted a job, Olivia realized that the woman was linked to the women inside Jove Latimer's mansion.

But still…Olivia took the risk and took a step forward closer to that woman. She even followed her inside her territory even though red flags were everywhere inside that club.

"Take her bag," The woman suddenly said and before she knew it, Olivia felt the presence of the two bouncers behind her and then her bag where her phone was snatched away from her.

The other man took her bag while the other man lifted her off her feet and placed her body on his shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes. "Wait!"

Olivia started to get nervous. Dread and terror filled her entire system. Her heart rate started to increase. Her sweating hands started to tremble. Suddenly, it was hard to breathe, either because her stomach was pressed into a large and hard shoulder or she was already hyperventilating.

Olivia is in deep trouble. She knew that. "Shit!" She couldn't help but curse when the man started to walk deeper inside the club. She looked around to find a way to get out of the trouble she put herself into but she cannot seem to concentrate as her thoughts were filled with worry.

Olivia felt her stomach churns as if she was about to throw up and she knew that it was anxiety taking over. "Help!" She cried in the hope that someone who was passing by outside the club could hear her.

Where are those damn security details that Matthew assigned to her? She suddenly wondered. She had forgotten about them and she didn't even notice if they followed her from the farm. Internally, she hoped that they did. But there is that dreadful feeling in her gut. What if they didn't?

"Matt! Please!" Matthew's name instinctively came out of her lips in the hope that he would suddenly barge into the double door of the club even though there was a little chance of that happening. But then, Matthew knows where she is and if he really is that overprotective of her just like he claims to be, he was probably on his way to follow her.

But while Matthew is not yet around, where are those security details that were supposed to protect her or at least save her?

It was rare for Olivia to have anxiety and if ever she did, it was not something serious that would need medical intervention. But right now, she felt that she was about to have a panic attack. Her chest felt heavy as if she was having a heart attack…not that she already experienced having a heart attack. And even if she looks around to find a way out or think of a way to save herself, she cannot find it in herself to concentrate.

Her vision is starting to get blurry. Black spots were starting to appear in her vision as if she was about to pass out. But she was trying not to pass out.

She had already stopped fighting the huge man to let her go because she knew that it would only tire her. The only thing she could do is pray that Matthew will come to save her. He might be angry but she is willing to face his anger towards her for being stubborn as long as he comes and saves her.