She Was Not Alone

Matthew doesn't know how to feel. He is not angry at Olivia for being stubborn and constantly putting herself in danger because that is what she is. That is part of what he loved about her.

But he is definitely angry about the fact that she failed to inform him of what she was about to do. He is angry about the fact that she was so impulsive. He knew that Olivia was getting frustrated because Bardwell gave her a deadline but he didn't expect Olivia to become impulsive because of that.

When Matthew received a message from the security details that he assigned to Olivia, he immediately left his office and canceled his meeting. It might be an important meeting with a VIP but Olivia is more important to him.

But even though he left as soon as he heard what his lovely girlfriend was up to, she was still way ahead of him because he wasn't able to catch her. Fortunately, she has her security details following her.

Matthew tracked her location and tried to analyze where Jove Latimer could possibly be going. He asked for some help from Timothy and that's how he learned that Jove Latimer could be going to a farm.

The farm was not his though, but it appears that he was renting it from a friend. How could Timothy find out about that in such a short period of time? Matthew doesn't have any idea and doesn't have time to ponder about it as he has a more pressing matter to think about.

Olivia's safety.

Even though she has her security details, Matthew will never be at ease until he reaches her and she is in the comfort of his arms…preferably in his bed.

When he got the information about the farm from Timothy, he parked his car on the side of the street and opened his laptop. He knew he cannot reach Olivia on time so he would make sure to help her and keep herself safe in any way he could.

Timothy sent him the blueprint of the farm. Using that, he made a plan on how to get inside and sent it to Olivia's security details. And then he hacked into that farm's security system which was a piece of cake for him to make sure that no one would notice his stubborn woman's presence.

Matthew watched Olivia venture into an unknown mansion while eliminating the possible dangers that she might encounter.

And since his eyes never left Olivia, he saw what Olivia found out inside that mansion. It was something that surprised him because they never expected to find something like that in that mansion.

"You are not going to believe what Liv just found," Matthew said as soon as his call connected to the group call that he started. The call includes Timothy, Nic, Mason, and Daxon.

While on the call, he was following the direction that Olivia went. She left the farm fifteen minutes ago and according to her security details, she seems to be following another car that came out of the farm. He had already asked for the plate number of the car and asked Timothy to trace who that car belongs to.

Matthew was worried because according to Olivia's security details, she seemed to be in a state of shock when she stepped out of the manhole she used to get inside the farm. Probably the shock came from what she found inside the mansion.

"I am sure Tim already knew about it but, let's hear it out," Came Mason's voice which was followed by the sounds of footsteps.

"Latimer is cheating on his wife with his own…" Matthew paused and frowned when he couldn't seem to find the right word to describe what he and Olivia found inside that mansion. "Uh…harem?" He said the first word that came into him but he sounded uncertain.

The sounds of footsteps in Mason's background stopped to be followed by his string of curses. "The fuck!"

But not only Mason because Matthew also heard Daxon mumble curses and Nic hissed because men like Jove Latimer who abuse women were what they hate the most. Timothy's line remained silent which was expected since he already knew that. Matthew is certain that Timothy also hacked the security system of the mansion inside that farm and saw what's inside.

Apparently, the second floor of the mansion was filled with rooms. Though the insides of the rooms appeared normal with beds, closets, vanity, chaise, and chairs, the rooms were separated by steel bars as if they were a cage.

Each room or rather cages were two to three women.

And then there is a huge room with a huge bed at the center that could probably fit ten to twenty people.

Matthew doesn't want to think about what Jove Latimer used that room for.

At first, Matthew was surprised to see the rows of cages on that floor of the mansion and then the women inside those cages. At the back of his mind, he could already guess what was going on inside that mansion but there was still a part of him that was hoping that he was wrong.

But when Olivia talked to some of the women there, his suspicions were confirmed. Those women were there to serve Jove Latimer in every way he wanted. But mostly, they were there to satisfy his sexual desire that he cannot seem to get from his wife or from one woman.

Jove Latimer is sick in the head. Matthew had deduced.

"And it looks like those women were sold to him by a woman who Liv was currently following right now," Timothy's voice was suddenly heard along with the sounds of typing on the keyboard.

At his words, Matthew's shoulder tensed and his eyes darken. "Do we know who that woman is?" He knew that Olivia is still following that woman who just drove out of the farm and upon realizing what kind of woman is that, he wanted to get to where Olivia was as soon as possible. So, he stepped on the gas and sped up.

They all waited for Timothy's answer and when it seemed that he was taking his time, Nic called, "Tim?"

Seconds later, Timothy gives them the answer, "A small-time human trafficker. She is like a matron in a whoring club. She sells women to businessmen, politicians, or anyone who has money. But there were times that his clients requested a particular woman that is not in her book. So, she would either kidnap them or drug them to be sold off,"

"And looks like most of the women in Latimer's harem were forced into it," Matthew said between gritted teeth. While Olivia was talking to some of the women back in the mansion, Matthew noticed that while some were in a pitiful state as if they wanted to get out of that place as soon as possible, some looked as if they had already accepted that it was their fate. Either that or they volunteered to be there in the first place in exchange for money.

"How did you know?" Daxon asked in a dull tone.

"Liv managed to talk to some of them and asked for help," Matthew answered as he glanced at the small screen at the dashboard to see if he is getting close to where Olivia is. When he saw that he was still nowhere near Olivia, he sped up even more.

"Damn. How did she manage to talk to them? I wonder how weak Latimer's security is for Liv to get in," Mason asked followed by the sound of a car door closing.

"Do you think I would let her get caught?" Matthew rolled his eyes. He thought that it was silly of Mason to ask that when they all knew that he had been watching Olivia and that he assigned security details to her. No matter how dire a situation she is in, even if she deliberately puts herself in a dangerous situation, he will not let anything happen to her.

"Where is she right now?" Nic asked.

"Still following that woman," Matthew replied.

"Keep an eye on her," Nic said.

"You don't need to tell me," Matthew scowled as if Nic could see him. He understands that his friends worry about Olivia as well but it pisses him off that they had to tell him what to do even though they do not mean to sound as if he was not looking after Olivia well. He may be letting Olivia do what she wants for the sake of her job even if it puts her in danger but he is always making sure that she will be safe…that she will not be harmed.

"I cannot believe it. Liv didn't find out about Latimer's laboratory or his relationship with Leonid and their future plans but she uncovered something that should be our expertise. I mean, how did she do that?" Mason said. His voice sounds as if he was plastered.

"Pure instinct," Nic was the one who responded because Matthew is too busy trying to catch up on Olivia.

"Damn, Matt's instinct was scary but Liv is scarier,"

As Matthew is getting closer to Olivia, his feeling of dread is getting worse. That is because of the fact that Olivia is following a sex trafficker, someone who he doesn't want to be in the same breathing space as Olivia.

The woman is a dangerous one considering that she drugs and kidnapped women to sell. And Olivia is definitely a beautiful woman whose face was seen on the runway, in magazines, and on billboards because of her part-time job as a model.

Who wouldn't want her?

"I think I'm going to need backup," Matthew said as his chest got heavier.

"What? Why?" It was Mason who asked.

"Because I don't feel good about this," Matthew answered in a dreadful tone.