Letting Go (Part 3)

Matthew could not tell how happy he was when Olivia returned not just his kiss but his embrace as well. He felt her arms wound around him and her hands clutching the back of his shirt making him certain that it would leave creases later on which he doesn't mind.

Olivia can hold on to him as tightly as she wants for the rest of their lives.

Matthew opened his eyes and noticed a pan of stirred vegetables on the top of the stove that is still on. He reached out to turn it off before his house caught fire because he refused to let go of Olivia and let her continue to cook.

He was still enjoying her back in his arms.

He rested his chin on the top of her head and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Olivia pulled away much to Matthew's disappointment and when he looked at her face, fear instantly gripped his heart.

"Uhm…" Olivia looked hesitant as she shifted her leg to the other. She removed her hands from Matthew and then she went to the kitchen island where she placed her bag earlier when she came. She searched for something inside the bag and when she found it, she held her palm in front of Matthew and said, "I want to return this to you,"

Matthew's shoulder melted on his side as he felt his soul slowly leaving his body again. "This is…"

Olivia didn't let him finish as she nodded her head and placed the key on the kitchen counter. "Yes. That's the key to the apartment," She said not knowing what kind of emotional torture she was giving Matthew.

Matthew could not take it anymore. Earlier, he felt like his world was crashing down when he found out that Olivia was leaving without talking to him. But when he realized that she left her apartment to go to his pad, he felt immense relief. Now, that feeling of dread and loss came back tenfold at the thought that Olivia just came to return the keys to his apartment before she leaves.

But Matthew will not have it. He was ready to get on his knees and beg so he took a step closer to Olivia and cupped her face with both his hands. "Liv…please," He started in a pleading tone. "Can we just talk about this? I can't–,"

Olivia's eyes went wide when she realized what Matthew assumed. He thought that she was returning the key to the apartment because she was leaving. She was hesitant earlier because she is not sure if Matthew's offer for her to move in together still stands.

She made a hasty decision to move out of her apartment to move into Matthew's pad. But it looks like Matthew took her hesitation the wrong way. So, she immediately cut him off to squash his ridiculous thoughts. "I want the spare room," She said quickly and she almost laughed seeing the confused look on Matthew's handsome face.

Yes. Matthew still looked handsome even though he looked stressed and tired. Olivia made a mental note to spend her two weeks off taking care of Matthew.

"What?" Because Matthew believed that Olivia was going to leave him, he was taking time to comprehend what Olivia's last sentence meant. Or maybe, he knew what she meant but he was having a hard time believing it.

Olivia rolled her eyes as she placed her hands on the top of Matthew's hands which were still cupping her face. She took a step closer so there were no gaps between them and spoke, "If we are going to become housemates, I would need a room. For my office where no one is allowed to enter. Of course, you are allowed to enter as long as you don't touch anything. I will be the one to always cook unless you plan to poison me which I hope you don't for the sake of your sanity. We always eat together at least during lunch and breakfast. And I want my–,"

Matthew claimed Olivia's lips again swallowing whatever else words she was about to say. When he realized what she meant, Matthew felt like ten years' worth of Christmas had arrived and he received the best present he could ask for. So, he claimed Olivia's lips and kissed her senselessly. He could do more than that to show Olivia how much he appreciated her love and effort…how much he appreciated her trust…but for now, kissing her like there is no tomorrow is would do.

He would make it up to her later.

"You can have the space beside my bed and the whole place as your office. It's all yours to do as you please. You are the mistress of this house," Matthew said over her lips when he pulled away to catch their breath only to kiss her again after four seconds.

"Hmm…that sounds better," Olivia replied in between kisses. She doesn't know if Matthew understands what she said because he was too busy biting her lips.

"God! I love you so much Liv! I wouldn't know what I would do without you. Thank you. Thank you so much," Matthew sounded as if he was about to cry as he gathered Olivia into his embrace. He doesn't know how to describe the emotions he was having but he was certain that it was beyond happiness.

He was already feeling that way, so he could not imagine how much more he would feel once Olivia agrees to marry him. Obviously, Olivia just agreed that they moved in together and he already feels content.

But of course, Matthew will not stop right there. He plans to marry Olivia and build a family with her. He plans to keep her by his side and make her happy for the rest of their lives.

"Why are you saying thank you?" Olivia asked as she rubbed Matthew's back up and down. She could feel Matthew's emotions through his muscles. She could feel his heartbeat and she felt like mirroring the same emotions. She didn't know that Matthew would feel that way when she decided to move in with him. It seemed like it was really a big deal for him. And Olivia was glad that she seemed to have made a good decision.

"I thought you are going to leave me," Matthew's voice came muffled because he buried his face in the crook of Olivia's neck, letting him be enveloped by Olivia's scent.

Olivia frowned and pulled away to look at Matthew's face which looked vulnerable. She cupped his face as she said, "Matthew, everything that you told me doesn't change anything except for how much I know you. I will let you do whatever you do because I know that you need it. I will not stop you. But that doesn't mean I condone it. I will just have to play dumb. Or act with plausible deniability. I do not approve of it because I worry about you. I worry that you will get caught. The least I can do is help you not get caught,"

At first, Olivia doesn't approve of vigilantism. To her, no matter what the reason for the act was, it was still unlawful. She believed that one cannot rectify a crime no matter how heinous it was by another crime.

But when she found out that the vigilante she was investigating was Matthew…her boyfriend, whom she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, things became complicated.

Her opinion about vigilantism doesn't change…she realized. She still doesn't approve of it.

But it was Matthew…she loved him so she could look over it. It was just then that she realized how much she loved Matthew that she would put aside her opinion about morality and ethics for him.

He had explained the reasons for his actions and she accepted it. But she was certain that if it was another person, no matter how plausible the explanation is, she would still believe it to be unlawful because it is. She would have already written a report, sent it to Bardwell, and exposed them for the police to investigate.

But to Matthew…of course, she wouldn't do that. That's how much she loved Matthew.

And no matter how much she disapproves of vigilantism or the idea that Matthew is a vigilante, she cannot bring herself to think of leaving him. In fact, leaving him didn't even cross her mind. Sure, she was having a hard time digesting the fact, but that was just because she was afraid and is still afraid that Matthew will get caught by law enforcement or worse, a more dangerous criminal caught him.

Olivia is afraid to lose him. So why would she think of leaving him?

So, no. She will not leave him. Definitely and certainly. But she is going to do something about her fear. She cannot help Matthew the way that Megan was helping Timothy because she doesn't know if she has the ability to do it but she can help him not get caught…for her selfish reason of not losing him.

The look of vulnerability left Matthew's face and was now replaced with amusement. The fear in his heart had already evaporated because of the happiness he felt. He tilted his head and asked, "How?"

Olivia raised a brow and folded her arms in her chest. "Do you not know how capable your girlfriend is?" She asked as if offended.

Olivia doesn't have the skills that Megan has to be able to help Matthew the way Megan helped Timothy but she has keen eyes and sharp ears. She could easily get a whiff if someone from the media is getting suspicious of the cases of missing or dead criminals. She could keep an eye on the media's most intuitive and inquisitive journalist…Bardwell.

Not to mention Olivia is intuitive and inquisitive as well. She is certain that one way or another, those traits of hers will help her in helping Matthew and his friends not get caught.

And if she got a whiff that someone from the media or Bardwell was having thoughts about the existence of a vigilante in the city, Olivia was certain that she could sway them away from Matthew and his friends.

It was against her ethics as a journalist who has taken an oath to always stick to the truth but if that is what she has to do to keep Matthew safe…to keep Matthew…she would do it without second thoughts.

Matthew must have realized what his girlfriend could do. A proud grin broke his lips and he nodded his head. "Of course. Of course," He said, making Olivia giggle.