Her Space In His Closet

Once Matthew let go of Olivia, she continued cooking stir fry vegetables for him. She intended to make chicken as well but Matthew said that the vegetable was enough. After all, it was neither lunchtime nor dinnertime.

They shared the meal together and then Matthew washed the dishes while Olivia dragged her suitcases to Matthew's bedroom which he said now belongs to them both.

Olivia blushed at the thought. She was now in their bedroom hanging her clothes in Matthew's closet. The idea that she moved in with Matthew and they are going to start living together is now slowly sinking into her.

The hope of marriage was still there but Olivia thought that as long as she was with Matthew…they are together and safe, that would be enough for her. They are going to be happy and content. She was certain of that.

But if they ever get married in the future…now that is a different level of happiness and contentment.

Olivia always dreamt of getting married when she was a child. When she met Matthew, she never thought that she would dream of getting married to him considering how their relationship started.

But when the two of them got into a relationship, Olivia could never see herself married to anyone but Matthew.

Olivia is a very prudent person. She always thinks of the future consequences of her actions. It was rare for her to be impulsive save for when she was pushed to the edge by Bardwell recently. But most of the time, especially when it comes to her spending, Olivia was very cautious.

So she always dreamt that her wedding with Matthew will be economical and if possible…eco-friendly since she loves nature so much and she tends to be environmentally conscious. She wanted her wedding to be in a naturally scenic backdrop. Probably in a forest or rolling hills.

She wanted it to be in a lush and verdant location so they are not going to spend too much money on flowers and decorations. If she is going to use flowers, she prefers potted flowers like roses or orchids. Or maybe she could use herbs or trees.

Her gown will be just plain and simple and Matthew will be wearing his best suit. Only a few close family and friends will be invited and Olivia was certain that most of them will be Matthew's friends and family because she doesn't have any known family and she only has Sasha as a friend.

As to the food, she is certain that Matthew will agree that they would love for Sadie to cater to them. She heard that Sadie was already starting her catering services.

And as for their honeymoon…Olivia was sure that Matthew would plan something romantic for them but if it was her, she would be fine just staying at home…their home.

Olivia's head was filled with wedding ideas when she heard the door open. Her cheeks heated up as if Matthew could read what was running through her mind. She shook her head to bring back her thoughts of hanging her clothes.

She cleared her throat and said, "Have you always cleared this side of your closet?" She refuses to look behind her because she is certain that her face is still red.

Matthew who was now sitting on the edge of the bed was quick to answer. "Yes. Ever since I offered for you to move in,"

Olivia's hand that was holding a hanger froze. Matthew has been asking her to move in with him for months now. Now come to think of it…it has been over a year. Was he that hopeful that she would agree that he had cleared one side of his closet despite the multiple rejections from her?

Olivia suddenly felt guilty. But now that she has decided to move in with him, she will make sure to make up for it.

Matthew watched Olivia pick up a skirt from her suitcase and hang it in the closet. "Is that all your clothes?" He asked because he had seen Olivia's closet. It was huge but not as huge as his closet but it was full. So he doubts if she was able to fit them all into two suitcases.

Olivia turned her head and smiled at Matthew. "No. I would probably need three to four more suitcases to get all my clothes from my apartment," She said thinking of her closet back in her apartment that is still half filled with clothes. In fact, she doubts if it would fit in four suitcases.

Olivia wasn't fond of shopping for clothes, she could wear an outfit twice a week and she wouldn't mind. But Matthew tends to spoil her and even if she objects to it, Matthew will still buy her clothes if he finds something that he thought would look good on her.

"I'll come with you," Matthew quickly said. In fact, he was thinking of hiring movers to get not just her clothes but everything in her home office because he knew how much Olivia values them. Olivia doesn't spend much on clothes but she spends a lot on books or other stuff that she might need in her work in the future. And those things now filled her office.

Olivia rolled her eyes with a smile and said, "I know you will," and she will not stop him. She looked back in the closet and moved the clothes that she already hung to make space for the others.

Suddenly, Olivia felt Matthew's arms wrapped around her waist from behind. His face dipped at the crook of her neck and he asked, "Are you sure you are fine with this?"

Olivia stopped what she was doing. Her hands were empty so she put them on top of Matthew's arms. She tilted her head to the side to give Matthew more space as she said, "Yeah. That is why I am moving in,"

But Matthew replied, "I am not talking about this. I am talking about…" Matthew's voice trailed off as he tightened his arms around her but not to the point that he would hurt her. "...you know. Because I don't know if I could do it if you tell me to stop,"

Olivia didn't have to ask because she already knew what Matthew was talking about. So she turned around in Matthew's arms to face him.

Matthew didn't let her go but Olivia doesn't mind. Instead, she put her arms around his neck and stared straight into his eyes. "Matthew…you know that I am not. If it was another person, I am not fine with it because it is unlawful. I would have submitted the report to Bardwell about the existence of vigilantes and the people and the law enforcers were probably searching for them by now," She paused and her eyes softened when she saw the look of uncertainty in his eyes.

Olivia's hand slowly moved to both sides of his neck. Her thumb rubbed the skin on his jaw as she continued, "But since it is you…I am not fine with it because I worry about you. I don't know what I would do if something happens to you…or if you get caught," She said as her gaze lowered from his eyes to his lips.

Olivia watched as his lips moved and said, "But you still don't approve of it," Matthew should be happy and content that Olivia did not leave him after he told her his secret which is worthy of her anger and disgust. But he would still feel better if Olivia doesn't have doubts or displeasure toward his actions.

Olivia's gaze abandoned his lips to stare at his eyes. She knows what Matthew wants but she cannot give it to him. At least not yet. It was a little ironic and she knows that she is being hypocritical that she doesn't approve of vigilantism but she got Matthew's back.

It was hard for her to explain. Maybe because it was Matthew and he had explained why he was doing that and Olivia found it plausible. And certainly, because she loved Matthew. She would look over his flaws…and crimes. She would accept them because she loves him.

Olivia said, "Yeah. I'm sorry…" She might not approve of vigilantism but she knew that since it was Matthew who was doing it and he doesn't hurt innocent people…she would come to terms with the idea. But again, that is because it was Matthew.

Olivia wanted to assure Matthew that in time, she would get used to the idea of him as a vigilante but Matthew spoke before she could open her mouth to speak. "I know. I understand. What's important is that you are here?" He said. He leaned into Olivia's touch and looked down at her affectionately.

Olivia frowned playfully. She remembered earlier when Matthew was prepared to beg for her because he thought that she was going to leave him. She tilted her head and asked, "Did you seriously think that I would leave you?"

Matthew looked guilty as he looked away from Olivia's inquisitive gaze. "Uhm…" He shifted awkwardly. He really did think that Olivia was going to leave him. But can she blame him? Only an insane woman would stick to a man who was doing unlawful acts. Unless that woman really loves that man.

And it turns out…not only Olivia was insane, but she really does love Matthew. It was a fact that Matthew had just proven to himself. It made him love Olivia more than ever and he would refuse to let her go. Not now or ever.

Olivia pursed her lips after seeing the guilty look on Matthew's face. "I really appreciate your trust in me, Matthew Brown,"

Matthew looked at her defensively. "Can you blame me? You did not call or text me for days," The past few days without hearing from Olivia and not knowing what she was thinking was pure torture to Matthew.

Though Matthew's hands were still around her waist, and her hands were on his neck, Olivia stomped her foot on the carpeted floor and accusingly glared at Matthew. "I was waiting for you to see me or at least call or text me,"

"I thought you needed time and space," Matthew said but he unknowingly pulled Olivia closer to him.

Olivia removed her hands from his neck but she clasped them at the back of his neck pulling him even closer in the process. "That's what I thought as well…until I realized that I would go insane because I had too much time and space and got nothing to do with it," She said, pursing her lips. Unknowingly, she started to sway their body from side to side as if they were dancing but without music.

"Too much time?" Matthew raised a brow.

Olivia grinned widely. "I took off a break…two weeks,"

But Matthew looked doubtful. "Seriously?"

Olivia nodded her head with a huge grin on her face. She understands if Matthew doesn't believe it because asking for a two weeks break from Bardwell was close to impossible.

Matthew narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Olivia. "What did Bardwell ask of you to give you two weeks?"

Olivia's smile started to fall. "Would you believe that she didn't ask for anything?"

Matthew didn't answer her but he just gave her a blank stare.

Olivia suddenly looked dreadful. "Should I worry about it?" When Matthew nodded his head, Olivia felt worse. "Damn…" She should have known that Bardwell would not easily give her a long break even if she gave her the 'story of the year'. Looks like she will have to prepare herself for when she gets back to work. She wondered what kind of torture Bardwell will give her.

Matthew eased her worry by pulling her to his chest and hugging her. "Don't worry. I got you," He said as he rubbed her back with his hands and Olivia could only be thankful for that. She hugged him back and chose to enjoy his warmth. She rested her head above his chest and tilted her face so that she could feel the skin on his neck. It was an action that made Matthew pull her closer and then he looked down to kiss her forehead.