The Hawthorne Scandal (Part 1)

"So what do you plan to do in the next two weeks?" Matthew asked.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders and closed her eyes. "Nothing. So I hope you don't mind me looking like a snail all over your house," Actually, she wouldn't mind staying in Matthew's arms for the next two weeks.

Matthew chuckled. "This is your house as well from now on, babe. And no. I don't mind,"

Olivia smiled at his words. They were now officially living under one roof.

"But…you owe me a vacation. Remember?"

Matthew's words made Olivia's eyes quickly open and then she excitedly looked up at him and detached herself from him much to Matthew's annoyance.

But Olivia didn't notice the annoyed look on Matthew's face as she beamed with excitement. "Oh, right! Where do you want to go? To the mountain? To the beach? Out of town? Wait, are you allowed to take a leave from work? Gosh! Now that I think of it, I am so excited! I thought I would get bored in the next two weeks of my life," She squealed as she placed both her hands in her mouth.

Matthew, who never let Olivia go despite her moving away from him, looked at her flatly and said, "Babe, with me around, you'll never get bored," and then he suddenly swept her off her feet and carried her to his…or rather their bed.

Olivia screamed when Matthew threw her to the bed. She didn't even get to protest because, in an instant, Matthew was on top of her. The look on his face says that they are going to be busy for the next two weeks and they are just about to start.

Meanwhile, on the top of an apartment building was Daxon's penthouse. But though it was a penthouse unit, it was considerably smaller than the other penthouse which was the reason why Daxon bought it.

Daxon wanted an apartment that is exclusive. A penthouse was just perfect because he owned the whole floor. But he doesn't want it to be too big because it was only him who would live there. He could have bought a small house or a pad but she doesn't have the patience to deal with the neighborhood who could sneak a peek inside his house.

That is why he chose the penthouse on a floor that he doesn't share with anyone.

Another reason why he bought that penthouse, though it was luxurious, it was small because most of the space on the floor was an outdoor deck and a pool. It was a huge open space where Daxon spent most of his time when he didn't have anything to do. Sometimes, he even sleeps there as he has a lounge there.

The penthouse has its own elevator that only a few could access. Only Daxon, his parents, and his close friends. Among those friends is Nic, who is also his cousin.

Nic stepped out of the elevator with his hands in his pockets and then he walked toward the main door of Daxon's penthouse. He didn't even have to knock because as soon as he stood outside the door, it automatically opened. He was not surprised because he knew that Daxon was inside and he had probably seen him coming from his security camera.

Nic hasn't even taken three steps inside after the door closes behind him when he took notice of the state of Daxon's penthouse. Should he be surprised? He shook his head and said, "And here I thought it was now safe to visit your apartment since you already have a maid. Did your definition of clean and organized rub off on her?"

Daxon's penthouse was an open plan so Nic could see everything…except for the furniture because they were hidden under a pile of clutter.

Clothes are on the sofa…on the top of the cabinet…on the coffee table…even on the kitchen counter. And was that underwear on the kitchen sink along with dirty plates and pans? Nic tilted his head and asked himself with a disgusted look on his face.

Magazines, books, and papers were scattered all over the floor of the living room and the dining room. Some were on the dining table along with the plate…not just plates…but plates…used plates that could be used by five to eight people considering that only Daxon lives there. Nic could only assume that Daxon hasn't washed his dishes since…maybe yesterday?

There were still pans on top of the stove…and yes, magazines on top of the stove. Nic wouldn't be surprised if the building accidentally caught fire.

Daxon is a well-known songwriter and musician so it was expected for him to have awards and musical instruments in his apartment. It was also expected for those things to be kept safe and arranged on display cabinets but no. Daxon's awards, certificates, and trophies were just everywhere as if the moment Daxon received them, he just put them randomly anywhere in his apartment and didn't bother to touch them ever since.

But the walls of his penthouse were decorated with posters…just not in an organized way. His guitars were sitting on the sofa and the dining chair instead of hanging on a holder that was mounted randomly on the walls of his penthouse.

So Nic wondered where the maid that Daxon's mother…Lily, hired a couple of days ago after Daxon fired his fifteenth maid.

The answer came from Daxon himself.

"I fired her this morning," Daxon said without even glancing at Nic. He was seated in front of his grand piano that didn't escape its owner's clutter. Because on the top of the grand piano were four mugs, a plate with a towel on it, and papers.

Nic wondered how Daxon was able to work in such an environment.

But now come to think of it…maybe that is the reason why Daxon sometimes would be gone for days because unconsciously, his brain cannot work in such an environment but unfortunately, Daxon doesn't know it.

Nic shook his head and walked toward the sofa while making an effort not to step on the clutters of the floor which was a hard feat. "Poor woman. And it didn't even take twenty-four hours for you to turn your apartment upside down ever since you fired your maid," He said.

Nic reached the sofa but before he took a seat, he examined the sofa first and removed the clutters because one could never tell if there was a stick..or fork, or worse…a knife sticking out of it.

Daxon finally looks in Nic's direction but with an icy glare. "Shut up. What is wrong with my apartment?" He asked then he looked around as if what he was seeing was a spotlessly clean apartment.

Nic looked at him flatly and said, "Everything," Which was the truth. Daxon's apartment was unorganized, messy, a little bit…smelly, and not inviting at all. Fortunately, Daxon doesn't have a habit of inviting people into his apartment because it would be shameful.

Even Daxon's bandmates had never stepped foot inside his apartment.

Daxon abandoned trying to come up with a tune for the song he was writing in front of the grand piano and turned his body to look at his cousin. "Fuck off! What are you doing here anyway?" He asked and then he reached for one of the mugs on the top of the piano to drink from it but frowned when he realized that it was empty.

"I'm bored," Nic said and then he rested his head on the backrest of the sofa.

Daxon looked at him with an annoyed look on his face. Then he stood up to get water from the kitchen. "Do I look like I am some kind of entertainment to you?" He asked because he doesn't believe his cousin.

Nic is the chairman of a private army company so it was impossible for him to run out of things to do and get bored. If he does, he goes to the underground facility or to a particular coffee shop…not to his apartment.

"You are in the entertainment industry, are you not? You entertain people," Nic said without looking at him but Daxon could tell that he was smirking.

Daxon rolled his eyes and said, "People who are paying for the entertainment I give them,"

Nic lifted his head and straightened his back. He looked at Daxon who was already standing by the dining table and said, "Name your price,"

Daxon stared at Nic for a while before he said, "Funny," Then he drank water from his mug. "Seriously. What are you doing here?" He asked then he walked toward the single armchair near the sofa where Nic was sitting.

"I told you, I'm bored,"

"Whatever," Daxon said in an annoyed tone and then he stretched his body on the top of the armchair. He was wearing worn-out ripped jeans, a worn-out white shirt that had visible tears on it, and a pair of socks. His hair was messy as if he just got out of bed. But Nic wouldn't be surprised if Daxon hasn't been sleeping on his bed because his eyebags say so.

Suddenly Nic remembered something he heard on the news this morning. He leaned forward and said, "Hey, Uncle Lance handles the accounts of the Hawthornes, right?"

"Yeah," Daxon replied unenthusiastically.

"I heard that their heiress stowaway," Nic ignored his cousin's lack of attention to him.

Daxon opened one of his eyes to look at Nic. "So you are here to gossip," He said with a hint of mockery.

Nic glared at him and said, "It's business,"

Daxon opened both of his eyes and straightened his back. "Only you would think gossip as business,"

Nic tilted his head to the side. "Is it not? The Hawthorne's heiress was supposed to marry Ahmir Clive. The marriage between the two families will definitely have a huge impact on both sides' social status. You and your father should know that because your law firm handles both party's accounts,"

"Arranged," Daxon corrected his cousin, ignoring his statement about his family's law firm. "It was an arranged marriage. Maybe that is why the woman stowed away," He added.

Nic smirked. "So you have heard," It surprised him because he thought that Daxon lived in his own world without a care about his surroundings.

Daxon deadpanned and said, "It's all over the news," Then he looked at the magazine that was on the top of the pile of clothes on the carpeted floor. On the cover of the magazine was a picture of what looked like a palace and on the top of it were words that said 'Runaway Hawthorne Princess'.

The Hawthorne family was probably one of the richest families in the country. They could rival the Parkers when it comes to wealth. Aside from Nic Parker's family, the Hawthorne's were also called royalties and that was by definition because their ancestors were kings and queens during the time when their country was led by the monarchy. But that was centuries ago.

But still…the bloodlines continue. In fact, the Hawthornes still lived in the old palace where their ancestors lived. They just had to renovate it as time went by. The palace was located on an island that the Hawthornes owned as well. The island has its own community that is ruled by the Hawthorne family.

The Hawthornes were just a small yet rich family. They were not just rich but they were powerful…influential and arrogant people. They may be considered as royalties but unlike Nic Parker's family, they were not liked by many people because of how high the horse they were sitting in.

So, though rich, powerful, and influential, they were not as popular.

Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne has two children. The son was the oldest and the daughter, who was rumored to have stowed away, was the youngest. It was rare to see photos of the family on the news or in magazines, especially the daughter. In fact, no one had ever seen how the Hawthorne's heiress looked because, among the Hawthornes, she was the most private and mysterious.