The Hawthorne Scandal (Part 2)

Daxon wonders if the Hawthornes will finally publish the heiress' photo to aid in searching for her. That is…if she really does run away. Not that he cares about it. In fact, he doesn't care at all. Even though their law firm was the one handling the Hawthorne family accounts, the rumor about the stowaway heiress will not affect them at all.

Daxon was so busy with 'entertaining' his cousin that he failed to notice that someone accessed his elevator and that someone was already at his doorstep.

It was already too late for him to run to his bedroom and pretend to be asleep because the door already opened to reveal the person he feared the most.

"Fuck!" Daxon cursed when he saw the door burst open.

"Daxon Anthony Kho!"

Hearing his complete given name was bad. Especially when it was screamed by none other than Lily Kho.

"Mom!" Daxon was instantly on his feet ready to flee but unfortunately, his mother was faster than him despite all the obstacles on the floor.

"How dare you?!" Lily Kho hit her son's arm forcefully as soon as she reached him. Then as if it was just then that she noticed it, she added, "And look at this mess!" as she continued to hit Daxon this time with her handbag.

"Mom! Aw!" Daxon tried to dodge his mother's assault on his body but her bag reached higher and hit his face. He looked at his cousin who looked like he was enjoying the show and said, "Stop her!"

Nic chuckled and shook his head. "Oh, no! I came here for entertainment," He said and then he stretched his arms on the backrest of the sofa and crossed his leg over the other as if he was watching a movie in his own living room.

"Aw! Mom! Your nails!" Lily accidentally dropped her handbag in the process of hitting her son, unfortunately for Daxon, she loved her manicured nails long.

When Lily Kho's arms started to get sore and Daxon's arms and face were filled with scratches, she propped her hands on her waist and huffed, "I can't believe you fired Mrs. Patel. I just hired her two days ago!" She cried in disbelief.

Mrs. Patel was an experienced housemaid, caretaker, and nanny. She has forty years of experience behind her, not to mention she was the one who raised her five children and ten grandchildren. So Lily Kho was confident that she would be able to teach her son a lesson or two. But it looks like she was wrong…again.

At first, Lily Kho didn't mind that her son was…messy. She thought that all boys are. But while he was growing up and she noticed that his cousins and friends were not like that, she came to realize that something is wrong with her son.

So, Lily started to preach to him about tidiness and cleanliness. She even taught him how to declutter. At first, she does that by decluttering her son's apartment but after multiple attempts and seeing that after decluttering, the clutter seems to be magically returning back to its unusual place, she realizes that it was a lost cause.

So, she resorted to hiring a maid.

Lily Kho told Daxon to find a maid and because she was persistent…he did. But after hiring and firing five maids consistently after just two weeks, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Lily went to an agency to hire a qualified housemaid for her son's apartment. But just like the others…they were fired unreasonably and faster than the process of hiring them.

Mrs. Patel was the sixteenth housemaid that Daxon fired unreasonably.

So Lily was about to blow a gasket.

"But mom! She misplaced my guitar!" Daxon tried to defend his action.

Lily's face became red and she looked like a mad bull about to attack her own son. "She hanged your fucking guitar on the fucking wall!" She screamed while pointing a finger at the wall with an empty wall-mounted guitar holder.

Daxon looked in disbelief. "It was not supposed to be there!"

Lily was more in disbelief. If the guitar was not supposed to be at the guitar holder…then where it was supposed to be? She looked around and found the guitar sitting on the sofa beside Nic but she seemed to not notice Nic sitting there. "It was…" She acted to pick up the guitar with the intention of smashing it on her son's impossible head but Daxon had already anticipated what she was about to do.

Daxon was quick to pick up his guitar and hide it behind him.

Lily looked at her son in frustration. She stomped her feet on the carpeted floor and groaned like a mad woman. "Urgh! I can't believe I gave birth to you,"

Daxon looked at his mother with fake hurt on his face. He placed his hand on his chest and said, "I can't believe you said that. You hurt me, Mom!" He knew that his mother didn't mean it.

But Lily only glared icily at him. She raised a finger and pointed it to her son as if she was about to say something but changed her mind. Instead, she searched for her handbag and when she found it in the clutter on the floor, she picked it up and searched for her phone.

"What are you doing?" Daxon asked not liking the way his mother was holding her phone. But Lily didn't answer and instead, she placed her phone into her ear.

"Who are you calling?" Daxon asked this time, with apprehension on his face especially when his mother smirked at him. He doesn't like it at all.

When it seems that Lily's call gets through she puts her call on loudspeaker for her son to hear.

"Hey sweetheart," It was Daxon's father.

Daxon has a frown on his face. He definitely doesn't like what is going on.

"Hi, sweetie. Remember what we talked about last night?" Lily said in a sweet voice as if she didn't assault her son earlier.

There was a shuffling sound on the other line before Lance…Daxon's father answered, "Uh…which one? Because I don't remember anything we talked about after we–"

Lily's face turned deep red and a look of dread flashed on her face as she quickly interrupted her husband before he could embarrass her more with his words that were not supposed to be heard by their son. "About your son!"

Lance sounded flustered. "Oh…so you are with him…"

"Yeah," Lily deadpanned.

"Am I on loudspeaker?"


Lance laughed, making Lily frown and glare at her son who was about to laugh as well. "Oh..alright. Uhm…let me see. Ah! Right! I told you that if he fires his maid again, I will force him to work at the law firm. And I would not take no for an answer," Lance Kho owns a law firm and he was a known lawyer in the country. He was even dubbed as the best lawyer in the country. His law firm was handling the accounts of most of the prestigious and wealthiest families, personalities, and companies in the country.

Daxon, who was about to laugh, suddenly looked terrified. "What?! Dad! Seriously,"

"I am serious, son. Your Mom's sanity is my priority. Wait, did you fire your maid again?" Lance spoke as if his son was in front of him. He might be a laid-back person but he always takes his family's welfare seriously.

"He did," Lily said with a smug look on her face as if mocking her own son.

"Good. I expect you to report to my office tomorrow," Lance Kho said in a firm voice.

Lance looked like he was about to snatch his mother's phone and plead to his father. "What? No! Dad!"

But he was ignored. "I have to go. I have a meeting with Mr. Chicago in…one minute. Wish me luck, sweetheart,"

Lily smiled as if her husband was just in front of her. "Good luck. I love you," Then she hung up. She turned to look at her son with a victorious smile.


"You heard him," Lily smirked.

"But that is so unfair! You should have informed me first," Daxon looked and sounded like a grown-up child complaining to his mother.

Lily propped one of her hands on her waist and raised a brow, "Who would have thought that you will fire Mrs. Patel, the next morning after we talked about it last night?"

"But still…" Daxon looks as if he was about to pull his messy hair from his scalp. He doesn't mind working at his father's law firm. In fact, he knew that in the future, he will be working there. After all, he was the only heir. He wouldn't have studied law and passed the bar exam if he was not seeing himself working as a lawyer in the future. But that was for the future because at the moment, Daxon was enjoying his career as a musician. And he was not yet ready to let go of that.

Lily looked at her son with contemplation. She thought for a while before she said, "Okay. I'll give you one chance,"

Daxon nodded eagerly.

"I'm gonna go and talk to an agency. Expect a maid to arrive in the next coming days," Lily said as she prepared to leave.

Daxon looked satisfied. He smiled and hugged his mother. "Thanks, Mom!" Then he kissed her cheeks.

When Daxon let her go, Lily looked at him with a threatening glare before she turned around to leave. But before she could take a step toward the door, she noticed her nephew sitting on the sofa. A look of surprise flashed on her small beautiful face, "Oh, hi, Nic! How's your Mom? I haven't seen her in… Uhm…"

Nic chuckled amusedly. First, his aunt failed to notice that he was watching her assault his son and now she seemed to have forgotten that she was with his mother just last night. So, he pointed that out, "You were together last night,"

Nic's mother and Daxon's mother were close because they shared a lot of things in common even though their personalities were the opposite. While Nic's mother was an introvert, Daxon's mother was an extrovert, in fact, his mother was a singer and actress…even until now.

Lily laughed and smacked her forehead. "Oh, right! I forgot about that," She said, and then her face turned scary as she glared back at her son. "Behave!" Then she started and walked out of Daxon's apartment.

As soon as the door closes, Daxon plops on his chair unceremoniously as if he was drained. Dealing with his furious mother could do that. But he loved her so much that he doesn't mind the pain of her scratches at all. He leaned his back and rested his head on the backrest. Then he closed his eyes. He has been writing a song since that morning…he was at a momentum that he never stopped…not even to eat. Until Nic came…and then his mother. Now he lost the momentum.

"I don't know about you but I think I need coffee," Daxon said and then he opened his eyes and stood up. "Let's go,"

Nic frowned at the mention of coffee…especially when it looks like Daxon was planning to have coffee outside. He knows that his cousin is up to something and he doesn't have a good feeling about it. "Don't you have coffee here?" He asked suspiciously.

"My former maid misplaced my coffee maker," Daxon said without looking at his cousin as he started to search for a jacket from the piles of clothes on the sofa. His cousin ruined his momentum and now it was payback time.

Nic's frown deepened as his eyes landed on the coffee maker on the kitchen counter. But before he could utter his protest, Daxon had already walked out of his apartment leaving him cursing to himself.

He shouldn't have gone to his cousin's apartment.