The Odd Maid

Daxon looked at his wrist watch and realized that it was past midnight. He looked back at the door and thought that maybe his maid was already asleep. So, he placed his hand on the scanner of his smart lock and when he heard the beep sound and the door ajar, he pushed it open.

When Daxon entered his penthouse, he was instantly greeted with darkness. But because of the lights coming from the other buildings and the outdoor lamps surrounding his penthouse, he could see everything inside his apartment.

His apartment was clean and organized.

Not the way he had left it.

Daxon shook his head as he walked further inside. His guitar that he left on the sofa is now on the guitar stand that is beside the sofa. His maid removed the guitar holders that were on the walls seeing that it was useless and instead replaced them with a guitar stand and placed them near where he usually leaves his guitar.