Lance’s Odd Question

Knowing that her boss came home late last night, she assumed that he would be up late so she took that opportunity to check the whole place if there were any clutters she needed to put into its place and dirt that she needed to clean. But when she walked out of her room, she found that it was still clean as it was when she stepped into his room a few minutes before the door opened last night when her boss arrived.

That means, she only has to make breakfast for her eccentric boss and since she doesn't know how to cook, she only made him what she was good at.

Breakfast sandwich.

She may not know how to cook but she knew how to use a toaster and oven. But today, she has leftover chicken in the fridge, she only has to reheat it in the oven. She also baked an egg in the oven…at least she knew how to bake an egg and then she tossed them in the buns with cheese, tomato, and lettuce.