A Government Official In The Plantacion

"What is going on?" Ahmir Clive asked as soon as he reached his mansion in the plantation. He was already in a sour mood when he left the Hawthorne Island and it worsens when he received a call from his house steward that someone from the government's office came to the plantation with a search warrant. He ordered his house steward to hold them up until he arrived because there is no way he would let someone from the government look around his property without his presence. Especially when he doesn't even know what they came for, though he already has an idea and it was making him even more pissed. 

His father had already called him while he was on his way to the plantation and he was not pleased about the fact that someone from the government was in their plantation with a search warrant and he didn't even have a sniff of it. 

How come he didn't have an inkling that the government was sniffing in his plantation? And where the hell is his lawyer?