Two Protective Men

In short, Ahmir Clive will make all the decisions for her. From what she wears, what she eats, where she goes, and who she talks to. 

Then at the end of the long list of Ahmir's rules in their marriage, it was stated that Ahmir Clive will have the right to decide on all the properties in Amina's name. And then she will not be allowed to acquire any more property or invest in anything without Ahmir's permission. 

Amina was certain that he would never give her permission. She also doesn't have any rights to Ahmir's assets.

It was clear in the agreement that Ahmir Clive just wanted to take control of her and her properties after their marriage and make sure that she would not have any means to run away from him. 

It was clear that though she was more privileged…she will become a slave to Ahmir Clive.