How’s Your Girl?

Daxon looked at Mason who was sitting a few feet from him and said, "She's back at home. But I am planning to hire her back," Daxon answered. He was expecting a violent reaction from Nic and Mason. Not from Matthew because it looks like he was just there to take his head off the thoughts of Olivia's comeback as a model but not returning back, through Megan's report about the elite slavers and the auction of slaves. Obviously, Matthew is not there to talk about his friend's love life which could be a very sensitive topic for him considering he just lost the love of his life. 

And Daxon was right because he instantly got a not-so-violent reaction from his cousin accompanied by a look of disappointment on his face. "What do you mean to hire her back?" Nic asked in a pissed-off tone. Daxon could hear the question in his cousin's head, asking him why would he let someone he loves, and an heiress at that, work for him as a maid.