The Slavers List (Part 1)

Megan was frustrated but not as frustrated as she is when she left the police station…thanks to her husband who instantly gave her the comfort she needed when she arrived home. She was pissed that a criminal tried to outrun her and it pissed her off that the man was still sitting in the station while the proceeding took place. She thought that the justice system was too slow. If it was for her, she had already pushed the man from the top floor of the tallest building in the city after she pulled off all his fingernails and toenails. The man deserves it for killing his defenseless wife and son…a son who was barely ten.

Thankfully, Timothy gave her permission to do whatever she wanted to that guy, but only once the guy was inside the jail. Megan cannot wait for that. 

For the meantime, Megan has to deal with the elite slavers who deserve much more than the criminal she chased earlier.