The Widow On Revenge

"Is it true? Alex is back?" A short woman with a sweet and angelic face asked as she sliced mushrooms on the chopping board and then tossed them in the saucepan. She was Sadie, Timothy's younger sister who is the chef in their circle and owned a restaurant. She looked over her shoulder and directed her question to Megan who was happy not to be of help as she just stood there with her arms folded in her chest leaning on the kitchen counter. 

Nic's kitchen was small and since the four of them were already crowding the space Megan decided that she should just watch them and not join in the chaos. 

"Yes," Megan answered.

"Why do I feel like you have something to do with it?" Another beautiful woman, who has her hair tied in a ponytail and exudes a powerful aura said with a smirk. She was taller than Sadie, probably as tall as Megan. She is Nora, Nic's twin sister. She was in front of the sink draining the water from the pasta.