Invitation To Oliver Bennet

After what Timothy heard from Olivia, he wasn't able to sleep that night. He just lay in bed with his wife's head on his chest. One of his arms wrapped around her while the other was under his head as he stared at the ceiling of their bedroom that was wrapped in darkness. All along, he thought that he was the only one awake until he heard his wife speak. 

"You are thinking about what Liv said," 

Timothy looked down. Instead of seeing his wife's ruffled hair, he was met by his wife's curious eyes. "Why are you awake?"

"Because you are awake," Megan said in a matter-of-fact tone. 

Timothy stared at her for a moment before he tightened his arms around her and said, "I knew that Linus Teagan is a dirty man...but why didn't I realize that he could be linked or connected to The Crocs,"