Chapter 17 - Progress (2)

Her magic had progressed so much over the course of a few months that she was quite happy with it— in fact, it probably had the most progress out of all her other things because of how low the starting point was.

To begin with, she has now able to sense magic around her without even needing to close her eyes and enter a meditative state. Meaning her connection with the magic had grown to the point where she was able to use it.

She was around the state of a new student at Hogwarts who had just found out about their ability to do magic due to accidentally doing it, however, she didn't accidentally do it.

Something she found interesting about her progress in magic— was while the magic from around her soaked into her body and changed it— a small amount of it seemingly got trapped within something in her.

So even though she was progressing rather well in her own opinion— something was limiting her growth from within— while also having some unknown effects on her body that she wasn't aware of.

And the obvious cause of this to her was the magic nullification blood she had.

She expected it to mess with her learning of magic, in fact, she even expected it to outright make her unable to learn magic at all.

But that wasn't the case.

She was still able to interact with magic as far as she had seen— however, it did interfere with that learning process.

For some reason unknown to her it was absorbing small amounts of magic on its own and storing it within her; inside her blood to be exact— where the nullification originated from.

She had no control over this at all— and no matter how much she tried to get it to stop, every single time she actively absorbed magic it would take a small amount of that.

And while this would normally be concerning— and it was to an extent— the amount it absorbed was so minuscule that it was neglectable.

Sure it would allow her to grow faster with its combined amount over the months if she didn't have it— but she was growing at such a quick pace already that she didn't have to worry about that.

And all this growth was accomplished through simply allowing her body to absorb the ambient magic without interfering.

Throughout the months, she had been working on a way to change this from a passive activity to an active one— in which she could actively absorb the magic around her and choose which parts of her body it would soak into.

Thus increasing the speed of her growth— and also granting her control over which direction this growth took.

And while it was still in its infant stages since she was basically creating a brand new technique from merely theories and ideas from books she had— without any outside help mind you— it had progressed to the point in which she could now actively absorb magic around her.

Acting like a vortex— each and every single one of her pores was able to pull in the ambient magic that lingered around them like a swarm of hungry fishes.

This sped up her absorption of magic by at least three times.

A number she came up with after realizing that after learning this technique about a month ago, she had made the same amount of progress she made over the course of multiple months without it.

Meaning if she kept this up, she would most likely be beyond the stage of a first-year student of Hogwarts before she even starts going there.

On the downside, however, this was specifically limited to only her attunement with magic.

How much magic she could theoretically control from the area around her— this was not how much she could actually control.

See from what she had learned from all the books she was given by the old man, and stole in her very few outings from the room— she has come to learn that one's magical strength was based on a few things.

More specifically, attunement and control.

Attunement was simple— it was what she had been doing all this time. Absorbing the magic into her body and allowing herself to become more accustomed to it and thus have more influence over it.

Control, however, was much more complex because it required multiple different things to truly show its grandiosity.

Control required— knowledge, willpower, and output in order to actually perform the acts a wizard would normally perform. With each act varying on a scale for each of those.

Knowledge was obvious— it meant she needed to know the words of a spell or a trigger before she could cast it. Often also requiring rituals or materials for other forms of magic.

Willpower, while easy sounding, was a lot harder than you would think. It required one to have a clear image of the thing they wanted to do in their minds and a strong enough desire to see that brought to reality for it to work.

This she didn't need to worry about because she was already improving her willpower thanks to her training with the darkness. Meaning her willpower would keep growing stronger with each passing day.

Output while complex sounding, wasn't as difficult as it sounded. It just means an action taken by a person to perform that spell. It's why you see wizards often waving around their hands or wands when doing magic.

They are outputting the magic into their will using their knowledge to cast a spell.

She had one and a half of this and was missing the third and most important one right now.


She had no information what's so every about any of the spells she needed to do— not their names, their incantations, or even their movements.

She had no idea what to do to cast a spell even if she had one.

And sure, she had the spell the old man did, but she only saw that once and it was very briefly when the man did it.

She had no clue how to pronounce the words for it, let alone replicate the hand movements he did.

Meaning while her magical capabilities would continue to grow constantly— before she reached Hogwarts, unless she found other means of gathering knowledge, she would be greatly limited in learning actually magic till then.

Though she wasn't all that worried about this because she had no use for magic right now.

Plus as she was training something a lot more interesting happened.8