Chapter 30 - Further Exploration 2

Around an hour or two had passed since they started to explore, and they had explored the place quite a bit by now— having visited quite a few stores that littered the place.

From '2nd Hand Brooms', a shop like the name would suggest that sold second-hand brooms.

A place where they just watched, with Albus telling her that she was far too young to be learning to ride a broom and that she would at Hogwarts.

While she found it annoying because the idea of flying around on a broom was honestly interesting, she didn't argue since he was the one with the money.

Plus, she was more interested in finding a way to fly with her abilities.

Without the need for a broom— as that would be much more interesting, and she was sure she would be able to.

Other than that they visited a few other stores.

They even stopped at 'Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor' in order to buy something to eat.

It was a particularly interesting place since they had all sorts of weird flavored ice creams to try out.

She decided that while, barf, sounded like an interesting flavor, she would stick with something more traditional. Opting to take a coffee-flavored ice cream— not black coffee, but rather a sweet and savory type of coffee.

Albus didn't mind since, by his words, it was only magically altered to taste like that and wasn't actually coffee—

which would be unhealthy for a young child like her.

From the looks of it, he could be quite the stickler for healthy habits— even if he himself has shown signs of not following his own advice.

They also visited other misc places, such as 'The Junk Shop' and 'Scribbulus Writing Implements'.

Yes, the place was literally called The Junk Shop, and it sold mainly broken or second-hand wizarding items. Like broken wands, brooms that were damaged, tattered robes, and many more minor things.

Junk— as the name implied.

They didn't buy anything there— it seemed like a bad idea to buy such junk— but they did buy stuff at Scribbulus Writing Implements.

It was a place that sold writing utensils, and she wanted some for her studies and other uses. Albus didn't mind this, it seemed he was actually quite happy she wished to study at such a young age and bought quite a few useful things.

Now they were on their way to perhaps one of the more famous stores from the movies— along with the store she was looking to visit for a while now.

'Flourish and Blotts.'

It was a store that was mentioned by name in the Harry Potter movies and was rather important for the children that attended Hogwarts as it sold the books needed for school.

Not just for young wizards and witches, but for everyone— as it sold many important books that could help expand a wizard's knowledge.

Yes, it was a bookstore. But not just any type of bookstore, a magical one.

Selling all sorts of magical books and information, from history to theories, and even actual spell books.

Naturally, Albus had a massive library at his house, but, she knew he didn't have all the books one could get. Especially so since most of his hooks seemed rather old— missing information from recent years.

She wanted to go through all the books this place had, at least skim it, and see what they had.

That way she could find a book that piqued her interest and buy it— she specifically wanted more books that had to do with the concept of illusions or that could aid her in better developing her darkness.

So when they entered, she was instantly marveled at all the shelves filled to the brim with books. Rows upon rows of books on not one, but two floors, easily numbering in the thousands.

The place even had magical books that flew around in the air like they were alive— giving the place a truly magical feeling to it.

She moved forward and looked around at the place— quite a few people were in the store, which was to be expected since it was a popular place— but it wasn't overcrowded so she didn't worry about dumping into anyone.

"Go on and explore, but be careful not to accidentally damage something."

Albus said, allowing her to explore as she wished— but also warning her to be careful in case anything happened. He knew she wouldn't damage anything— given how she was— but he was just saying it to be sure.

And explore she did.

She didn't need to wait for him to say it twice before she quickly made her way into one of the lanes of shelves, weaving through the few people that were walking past her to leave.

She went through the shelves, looking through some of the books they had to offer.

Some of which piqued her interest but she decided to leave them for now, as she would gain access to them eventually. Others she found boring or meaningless.

The Book of Charms & Spells

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

Magical Drafts and Potions

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

Quite a few books that were used for the Hogwarts course could be found on the shelves, along with stupid story books.

Break with a Banshee

Gadding with Ghouls

Travels with Trolls

Voyages with Vampires

Holidays with Hags

Wanderings with Werewolves

Just reading those names made her remember the stupid teacher she would have to put up with soon enough at Hogwarts— killing him seemed like a tempting option.