Moon juice magic

Upon returning to the Inn, Kit found his room vacant once again. Not in the mood to venture out, he decided to brew another batch of beer. As he poured in the ingredients, a loud pop echoed from outside his bedroom door. Curiosity piqued, Kit stopped what he was doing and went to see what had caused the noise.

To his surprise, he found Snickers standing in the hallway. "Snickers, what are you doing here?" he asked.

The young girl gave him a look of annoyance. "What do you think? I'm here for my meal."

It took Kit a moment to remember their contract, but once it clicked, he felt a sense of dread. Did this mean he would have to see her every day? Snickers answered his unspoken question. "Just make me a batch of meals and I won't have to come back every day. I'm too busy working on my dress to keep chasing after you."

She breezed past him and entered his room without waiting for an invitation. "Is that beer you're making?" She asked excitedly, peering into the barrel. "Hurry up and finish so I can try some! Move it!"

Snickers grabbed Kit's arm and pulled him into the room, urging him to hurry up and finish brewing. Knowing she wouldn't leave until she got a taste, Kit hurried through the process until golden liquid filled the barrel.

Kit produced two paper cups and filled them with a liquid from a nearby container. He handed one to Snickers, who eagerly downed it in one gulp. Kit couldn't help but stare at the petite elf with shock. Snickers, on the other hand, ignored his disbelief and smacked her lips in satisfaction before holding out her cup for a refill. Kit obliged without argument.

As he watched the small girl finish off her second cup just as quickly, Kit couldn't shake off the feeling that he was giving alcohol to someone underage. He realised he would have to get used to her appearance not matching her true age.

"That's some good beer, Kit. The stats may not be great, but it tastes delicious. Can we make this a substitute for a meal in the contract?" Snickers asked.

"I'm not sure how to do that," Kit confessed, feeling lost now that they had signed the contract, he didn't know how to make any changes.

"Just agree," Snickers replied simply.

"Okay...yes." As soon as the words left his mouth, the golden thread that appeared when they first agreed suddenly lit up again on his wrist. It pulsed once before disappearing. Kit was stunned; had they just amended the contract through verbal agreement? He made a mental note to be more careful about what he agreed to in the future.

Snickers' face lit up as she gazed at her wrist. "This is even better than food! Alright, hand me the barrel and I won't bother you for a long time."

Kit shook his head, knowing that leaving Snickers alone without any contact would be a bad idea. Even though he didn't want to see her daily, giving her such a large barrel would mean he wouldn't see her for months.

He had already realized that she only showed up today because their contract was now in effect. Kit guessed that she was probably obligated to work on plans for his non-existent restaurant, that thought alone gave him shivers.

"Snickers, what have you been working on?" Kit asked.

Snickers looked up at him with her big, innocent eyes and put her hands behind her back, shuffling her feet like a young girl. "Oh, nothing really, Kit."

Kit almost fell for her act; he had always been a sucker for cute things. Sometimes he wished he had a little sister to dote on. But then he reminded himself that Snickers was over 500 years old. "You mentioned something about a dress?" he asked.

"I'm just making my dress for the restaurant," Snickers replied innocently with those big doe eyes still blinking up at him.

Kit's heartbeat faster with excitement as he spoke, "Can you show me when you're done? I can't wait to see it." He was genuinely looking forward to seeing the dress and curious about any potential bonuses it may have.

Snickers' eyes widened at Kit's request. "You really want to see it?" Her disbelief was evident on her face.

"Yes, Snickers. And if it's amazing, maybe you can make my outfit for the restaurant too." Kit crossed his fingers, hoping she would agree. He had a feeling her designs would be out of this world.

Snickers clapped her hands and hugged him tightly. "This is great! Arnold and his staff always turn down my designs. I won't let you down, Kit." A glint of delight shone in Snickers' eyes.

From her response, Kit guessed her clothes may not be very good visually. But he didn't care about his appearance right now – all that mattered was that she agreed to make his clothes for him. "Perfect. I'll get you some bottles of beer. When they're finished, come find me and show me your progress so far."

Kit handed three bottles of beer to Snickers, who took them with a smile and left. Kit put the remaining beer away before flopping onto his bed. He closed his eyes for a moment, planning out his tasks for the next day.

But he was startled awake by a noise at the door. Blinking in confusion, he realised he must have dozed off. Looking out the window, he saw that it was now nighttime. Mars walked into the room as Kit sat up. "Well, well, sleepyhead," Mars teased, taking note of Kit's tousled hair.

Kit quickly ran his fingers through his hair. "Hi Mars, how did your quests go today?"

Mars let out an exasperated sigh. "I couldn't finish them. I might need your help. I must deliver a letter to a guy named Phi at the culinary guild. But every time I've gone there, he refuses to see me. So, I thought maybe you being a member could help persuade him."

"Phi? As in instructor Phi?" Kit asked.

"Could be," Mars shrugged, showing Kit the letter, he had been given by a man in town who used to be friends with Phi. "They had a falling out over a girl and this man wanted to make amends by sending this letter instead. But getting Phi to come out is proving to be quite difficult." Mars ruffled his hair in frustration.

Kit could easily picture Instructor Phi brushing off a request from a stranger, or even someone he knew. But helping Mars at the culinary guild wouldn't be an issue, and Kit agreed to go along with Mars' request. "That's no problem, Mars. I can come with you. And now that you mention it, I think this Phi person is actually my instructor at the guild."

Mars beamed with relief. "That's great! I forgot your instructor's name, but it sounded familiar. We can go first thing in the morning."

With Mars' problem solved, Kit turned his thoughts to one of his own concerns. "Hey, did Snowball come back?"

Mars grinned and eased the sleeping dog out of his sling. Kit quickly took him and snuck in a cuddle while he was still asleep. Once he had his fill, he gently placed Snowball back on the bed. "He's not even dirty; he must have remembered my warning about getting a bath. Did he find you on his own?"

"He won't be a problem anymore. The little guy is quite skilled at tracking. He found me this morning while I was in town," said Mars.

"That's great news! I'm starving, let's grab some dinner and catch up on our day," Kit eagerly suggested, looking forward to hearing about Mars' adventures and sharing his own.

"Okay," Mars happily agreed.

After finishing their meal and chatting, they headed back to their room for the night. When Kit woke up early the next morning, he found that Mars had already gone downstairs to get breakfast. Kit left Snowball sleeping on the bed; the dog could join them when he woke up.

They ate breakfast in silence before setting off for the culinary guild. Kit paused at the door, hoping to see the carved cat come to life, but it remained still. A stab of disappointment made his sigh, it seemed like CAL wouldn't appear again.

Ignoring his disappointment, He pushed open the door and greeted Cecile. "Hello Kit, I didn't expect to see you so soon. What brings you here today?" Cecile greeted him warmly with a smile.

"Is instructor Phi available today?" Kit asked directly.

Cecile raised her eyebrows, recognizing Mars. "Wait here and I'll check for you."

Cecile returned alone and motioned for Kit and Mars to follow her. "Remember which room to go to?" she asked before they left.

Kit nodded, knowing it was the last one down the hall. Cecile said goodbye and went back to work. Kit led Mars to instructor Phi's room, stopping outside the door to knock.

Phi opened the door and gestured for them to come in. "It's too early for you to advance to the next level. So, what do you want? Speak quickly, I'm busy."

Kit signalled for Mars to hand over the letter. Phi raised an eyebrow before taking it and starting to read. As he reached the end, his face twisted in anger and a vein pulsed on his temple. He slammed the paper down on the table.

Kit couldn't tell if Mars had completed the quest or not, but from the huge grin he was trying to hide, it seemed like it was done.

Instructor Phi stormed out of the room without a word, leaving Kit unsure whether they should follow him or wait. "What's going on, Mars?" Kit asked nervously.

"It's okay, I finished the quests. Now I just need to deliver a parcel to the man who gave me the letter. Hopefully this will be the last quest and we can leave soon." Mars smiled foolishly.

But Kit felt a sense of panic rising in their chest. "He seemed really angry though. Are you sure everything will be, okay?"

The door swung open again as Phi reentered the room with a box in hand. He thrust it at Mars. "Take this. Kit, I'll be leaving for a while to see someone in the capital."

Phi's face was still flushed with anger and Kit assumed it had something to do with the letter. They nodded, understanding that Phi needed some time alone. "Well, if that's all you need, you can go now." Phi waved them away dismissively.

"Thank you for your time, Instructor." Kit whispered before gently pulling Mars out of the room.

As they left the culinary guild, Kit heard a grunt from Phi in response. It was a small noise, but enough to let Kit breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Phi's anger hadn't been directed at them. He didn't want to make an enemy out of his instructor.

Once outside, Kit turned to Mars. "Do you want me to come with you to return the package? Or can I go set up my stall again today?"

"I can handle returning the package to Hank on my own. You can head back to the market and set up your stall." Mars assured them.

"Okay, see you later then." With a nod, Kit left Mars to complete their task and headed towards the western gate to set up their stall for the day. As usual, it went by smoothly and he finished early to go pick up the barrels he had ordered from the market.

Curt walked over to Kit's stall as he was packing up for the day. "Did you forget about me again, Kit?" Curt asked with a teasing tone. Kit winced at the reminder; his brain was always fried after a long day of work. He handed Curt a bottle of beer, knowing it would make him smile.



Reputation with guard Curt increased: 10 reputation points.

"Would you be willing to trade another bottle for some useful information that I overheard?" Kit didn't hesitate and immediately passed over another beer.



Reputation with guard Curt increased: 10 reputation points.

"Good job, my friend. There's nothing quite like a cold mug of Sweet Meadow beer after a long day's work," said Curt with a friendly pat on Kit's back. "You must be new to the culinary world, am I right?" Kit nodded in response to Curt's question.

Curt gave Kit a thorough once-over before continuing, "When I was a young boy, there used to be a street vendor who sold this drink called Moon juice magic. It was all anyone could talk about because of its impressive effects. However, sadly, the vendor passed away before he could share his recipe with anyone else."

Kit's heart raced as he wondered if Curt would reveal the secret behind the legendary Moon juice magic. His anticipation grew as Curt spoke again, "I once asked him what made the drink so magical. He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, that the moon fruit was blessed by the moon berry fairies. Many have tried to replicate the drink, but none have succeeded. In my opinion, those fairy creatures hold the key to its magic."

Curt rubbed his chin as he thought, "No one has ever laid eyes on a moon fairy. But it's definitely worth trying to recreate the drink. Even if it's not exactly the moon juice magic, something similar would still be a hit."

Kit's desire to make the drink intensified after hearing the story. "Curt, where can I find this moon fruit?"

"That's the tricky part. It's only found in a moving grove. However, there happens to be a moon sphinx guarding the grove right now, so it's stationary. The moon sphinx fell in love with the vendor's drink and has been waiting for someone else to make it." Curt happily shared this information.

"If you manage to make the drink, you have a good chance of winning over the moon sphinx. That's another reason why people strive to create the Moon juice magic. You can find the grove outside the western gate in the forest."

"Thank you so much for telling me, Curt!" Kit exclaimed.

"No problem. If you succeed in making the drink, I want a free bottle for giving you the information," Curt chuckled.

"Deal!" snapped Kit.

Curt smiled at Kit and walked away. Kit couldn't wait to go to the grove and find the moon fairies. Luckily, there was still daylight left for him to explore. He wondered if Mars had finished his tasks yet; he didn't want to venture into the forest alone.