Yes! We are a team.

Kit decided to pick up the barrels he had ordered yesterday then head back to the inn to find Mars. Kit quickly headed to the market to find the middle aged man. On his way to the stall, he passed a glass maker vendor and picked up some more glass bottles.

As he approached the woodworkers stall, he was greeted by Monroe.

"I thought you would have been here first thing this morning. I was worried you wouldn't be coming."

Monroe went over to a wooden chest and handed over five wooden barrels to Kit. His eyes sparkled at his new purchases. He noticed each barrel had a tap attached. Kit was even more happy with the new barrels. He wouldn't have to worry about using a ladle to get the liquid out.

"Thank you, Monroe these are great."

Kit thought about the Moon juice magic he was going to try to create. He wondered if Monroe could make a juice barrel. He asked Monroe if that was possible.

"Mmm I always have some in stock. You heard about the moon juice I take it."

"Yes, I'm going to give it a try."

"Don't get too excited ok. Many have tried, not one person has been successful yet. I'm only telling you this, so you won't be too disappointed if you fail."

Kit nodded in understanding. If he didn't try, then he had definitely failed. He would rather try his luck than not even give it a go because it would be hard.

"The juice barrels are only 200 bronze crowns."

Kit handed over the money. He had made 3 silver and 850 bronze crowns from his stall today, so he didn't feel the pinch in his pocket handing over the money today. He had also gained another level in his sub class, he was now a level 6 chef. He was happy with his progression.

Monroe went back to the wooded chest and returned with another wooden barrel. Kit thought it would be the same as the alcohol barrel. He was surprised to see this barrel also had a tap attached to the bottom of the barrel. Kit happily put the barrel in his pouch.

"Lad, you have given me so much business today I will give you some advice. To enter the grove, you will first need permission of the moon sphynx. The entrance is found around some large boulders. There is a barrier around the grove preventing entry, the moon sphynx controls the barrier. I don't know how to persuade the sphynx. I can only help this much."

"Thank you, Monroe that is more than enough help."

Kit hurried to the Inn. He couldn't wait to head out to find the grove. Once he reached the Inn he rushed upstairs to his room. Mars was playing with Snowball on the bed when he entered.

"Kit there you are. We went to the western gate to find you, but you had already left."

"Sorry Mars, I finished the stall early. I needed to pick up a purchase I had ordered yesterday. Mars I got some information off a guard about a drink that used to be sold in town. It was quite famous and had good stats. I want to try to make it."

Kit filled Mars in on all he had learned about the Moon juice magic drink.

"That's great, we can head out now if you like. I've finished the chain quests. Before we go, I have a surprise for you."

Mars pulled out a familiar box. It was the box instructor Phi had given to Mars. Kit raised his eyebrows at the surprise.

"How did you get that?"

"There was an option to do one more quest after I went back to Hank. I figured I had already done so many quests already what was one more. I got this as the reward."

Mars had a big grin on his face. Kit figured Mars already knew what was inside.

"Mars why are you giving it to me though?"

"I can't use it. I didn't sell it because I knew you would need it."

Mars placed the box into Kits hands. He opened the box to see what Mars was so happy about. Inside was a plain white porcelain plate. They already had plates that came with the camping kitchen Kit was curious why Mars would think he would want another plate.

Kit used identify on the plate to see if there was something special about the plate.

[Magic multiplier plate]

Every chef's dream is to own one. Multiple's meals by the level of the chef.

Kit felt his heat pound when he read the description. This was amazing he thought it would be a long time before he would be able to afford something as important as this. Kit ran his fingers over the smooth porcelain, it was cold to the touch.

Kit felt like he didn't deserve a friend like Mars. How could he just hand over something so important so casually. If he sold this plate Mars could have made quite a bit of money. Kit felt emotional over receiving this gift.

He didn't know how to properly thank Mars, a simple thank you was not enough. Kit didn't know what he could do to repay such a wonderful gift.

"Mars this is too much. I don't even know how to repay you."

"Kit what are you talking about. We are friends, if you received something that I needed I'm sure you would give it to me, yes?"

Kit could only nod his head. Mars was right if had gotten an item Mars would need, he would have given it to Mars without batting an eye lid. Kit hugged the plate to his chest.

"Thank you, Mars this is wonderful."

"No problem, we are a team."

Kit laughed at Mars reply.

"Yes! We are a team. Have you thought of a name for us yet?"

Kit couldn't help teasing his friend. Mars scrunched his face in reply.

"Let's head out to the grove before it gets to dark."

Kit picked up Snowball and took the sling from Mars. They headed out the door to go to the western forest.

Kit put Snowball on the ground as the approached the forest.

"Mars, you have been outside the town already. Do you know what we will have to be on the lookout for inside the forest?"

"I haven't been into the forest yet, but all the monsters I have encountered outside of the town haven't been difficult to deal with. This should be no harder than the grove that was full of the Apelops."

Kit gave a sigh. He wasn't looking forward to being covered in blood. That was the only downside of adventuring. He hoped one day he could get a set of clothes that would prevent blood from staining them.

Kit eyes ran over the trees that were inside the forest. They were covered in dense green leaves, they were the size of a two storey house. The ground had thick soft grass with clovers scattered throughout. The smell of soft wood hung in the air.

Kit could hear birds chattering in the distance. This forest had a peaceful atmosphere. Even though he didn't get a bad feeling about going inside the forest, Kit still removed his sword from his sheath before they entered.

The memory of dying from the tiny blue birds was still a sore point for Kit. He wouldn't be caught unaware again. He moved cautiously as he entered the forest. Mars was chuckling at his actions beside him. Kit ignored Mars, he wasn't the one who had died.

"Snowball, I need to find a moon sphynx. Do you think you can find it for me?"

Snowball gave a yip, then put his nose to the ground. Once he found a scent he was happy with, he started to follow the smell. Kit could see his little nose twitching as he walked. Kit hoped Snowball could understand what he was saying and didn't lead them to a bunch of monsters instead.

Kit and Mars followed Snowball deeper into the forest. The noise from the bird's twittering had started to fade. He had a feeling they would come across some monsters soon. Mars must have come to the same conclusion, he finally pulled his sword out.

Mars suddenly stopped and held his finger to his mouth in a keep quite gesture. Kit stilled and listened to the sounds around him. He heard a soft trampling of feet on the ground getting closer. A small creature rounded the trunk of the tree in front of them. It looked like an echidna. It had green spikes covering its body and a long snout.

When it spotted them, it growled. Small sharp teeth could be seen in its long snout. If they had not been paying close attention the animal would have blended in with the forest floor. Kit heard a number of hurried steps heading towards them after the animal had made a noise.

Kit counted seven more of the animals as they came out from behind the tree. Kit used identify on one of the small monsters.

[Green forest spike]

Small forest dweller, level 20.

HP 2,300.

Kit was surprised at the level of the small monsters. When he had first seen them, he thought they would be easy to kill. He was reassessing the situation. There was eight of the level 20 monsters in front of him.

Kit thought it might be better if he ran and tried to avoid the strong creatures. He was still only level 10! Before Kit could voice his opinions to Mars, the fighting maniac gave a laugh and sprang towards the monsters. Kit should have known Mars would never give up the chance to engage in a fight.

Kit groaned and crossed his fingers he didn't die an embarrassing death once again. The familiar surge of adrenalin rushed through his body, and he lurched forward towards the closest green forest spike.

He slashed downwards aiming for the face instead of the body. Kit felt the face would be the weak point, it was the only place not covered in spikes. Blood splattered his pants, he felt the blade slice the flesh of the monster. His arm jolted from the impact.

- 85 damage

Kit quickly pulled his sword back into a strike position once again. The surrounding green forest spikes didn't let him fight one on one. They started to attack his legs. Snowball charged in to help Kit, he nipped at the monsters' nose and then would dart out of their reach. Kit started to lose health from their timed attacks against him.

- 80 damage

- 80 damage

Kit dodged an incoming attack and pulled back. He ran a small distance away from the small creatures. He opened his pouch and drank some water. He watched the three small monsters in front of him. Snowball joined him at his side as if waiting for Kit to decide how to continue.

As Kit watched the monsters, he realised they were not fast on their feet. He decided he would attack and retreat. They were too powerful for him to engage without retreating. He still had to work on his dodge ability before he would be able to nimbly avoid direct hit and still attack without retreating.

Kit lunged forwards once again and struck the green forest spike, he then manoeuvred his sword to quickly strike the remaining two. After he made contact, he would then dodge backwards. Kit was celebrating that he didn't take any damage.

He continued to strike then dodge backwards. With the help of Snowball, he was able to continue to deal damage without taking any himself. They kept fighting until he had killed all three green forest spikes.


[Green forest spikes killed]

Reward: 3,000 experience, 20 x green forest spike quills.


[Congratulations, you are now Level 11]


[Congratulations, you are now Level 12]

Kit felt elated after seeing the notification he had gained two levels. He had been so focused on raising his cooking level he had forgotten he need to level up his swordsman class as well. When they defeated Swift feet, he had not been far off reaching another level. Kit guessed that was why he had gained two levels this time.

Kit thanked Snowball for his help and happily told Mars about the improvement to his levels. Kit picked up the quills and examined them. They looked like the tips from the quill he used to write with. He wondered if this what it was made from. 'Hopefully these will get a nice price back in town.'

Kit gave Snowball some pats for his help, then asked him to keep searching for the moon sphynx. Snowball started sniffing around until he picked up the trail once again. They met a few more green forest spikes as they followed snowball. Kit was happy to add more quills to his collection.

As they walked Kit noticed Snowball was starting to get excited. He started to yip and scurry from one spot to the next burying his nose in the ground. Snowball suddenly dashed off through the trees. Kit couldn't see the little black ball of fluff, but he could hear his excited yips.

They followed the sounds to a large collection of boulders. They looked out of place amongst the trees and soft grass. The large dusty pink rocks looked like they had been piled hazardously on top of each other by giants. Kit thought if he pushed them too hard, they would all collapse.

Snowball was standing at a gap in between two of the enormous stones. Once Snowball saw they had caught up he dashed between the gap of the boulders. Kit would have to get down on his hands and knees to follow Snowball into the group of large rocks.

"Are we going to follow him or call him back out?"