Spartan Fire Restaurant Part 2

The actual section for his menu for his restaurant had nothing accompanying the writing. Kit thought that would change once he actually made a menu for the shop. The bonus section was what he had received from employing Snickers. He wondered what he would receive from the bonus, he hadn't received a notification yet to advise him of what he had gotten.

Kit eyes sparkled when he looked at the Spartan Fire Restaurant promotion requirements tab until he realised it wasn't currently available. Kit frowned, then hovered his finger over the writing to get more information.

Spartan Fire Restaurant Promotion Requirements

0/1 star promotion token

0/1,000 customer visits to Spartan Fire Restaurant

Chef Level: Novice/Beginner

Employees: 3/1 complete

Magic multiplier plate: 1/1 complete

Create a menu: 0/5 meals, 0/2 drinks

(Unavailable until Spartan Fire size: village)

Kit wanted to spit out a mouth full of blood when he looked at what he needed to promote his restaurant. No wonder 1 star shops were sparce in villages. The requirements to rank up weren't easy. His eye went back to the first piece of information on his screen.

"What on earth is a 1 star promotion token, is it the same as a town promotion token?"

"I know what that is." Twix replied to Kit's question. Kit took down his menu to focus on Twix.

"It's not the same as the small village token. 1 star tokens can only be used in shops to promote them. The tokens are small and will have a number on the inside depicting which promotion level they are for."

"They drop from killing certain monsters in the wild. They can also be found from monster drops in some dungeons. The higher the number of stars the lower the drop rate. You can purchase them from auction houses, but they're quite expensive. It would be easier to collect them yourself."

Kit could only stare at Twix with an open mouth. He hadn't thought raising his restaurant to a one star would be so hard. His eye twitched when he thought a 1 star would be the easiest to achieve out of all the star ratings.

"Twix please tell me you know where to find a 1 star promotion token."

Twix grinned at Kit's words. "Actually, I do know a monster that has a chance to drop a 1 star promotion token. It is only about a five day journey from here."

Kit was glad he hadn't worked himself up about the token. Twix had easily stopped his worry over this issue. The only other thing he had a concern over was the number of meals he needed for his restaurant menu. He needed five and he currently only had one.

He would have to work hard over the coming days to create more dishes. He would also have to work hard with Mars and Twix to raise Spartan Fire into a village to complete his restaurant promotion. His mind started to spin with all the things he needed to accomplish.

He was going to need to write a list to keep track of all the things he needed to do. That way he could check them off as he completed them and prioritise their importance. Kit sighed he was starting to realise he may have bitten off more than he could chew. A headache started to form from the new stress. Kit consoled himself that at least he could share the burden with his friends.

Kit didn't want to dwell on his ever growing list to complete, he had a restaurant to open! He opened his menu once again and looked at the last section. It had a blue button with the words Spartan Fire Restaurant blueprint written inside. He could not contain his budding curiosity, he clicked on the button.

Another screen appeared before his eyes. On one side was a 3D version of his restaurant. On the other side was a list of purchasing options for the restaurant.

Kit placed his finger on the restaurant in front of him and moved it around the screen. His view was changed as he moved the restaurant with his finger. Kit grinned as his 3D restaurant rotated with his finger's movement. He stopped playing with the miniature model and moved his gaze over to the purchasing screen.

Each item cost culinary points to unlock. Kit now knew why they were so important. Without a good supply of points, you wouldn't be able to unlock furnishings for a shop. Kit's mood started to lift as he thought about his stock of points.

Kit started to look at the tabs at the top of the purchasing screen. There were four tabs on the screen, kitchen, utensils, dining area and uniforms. The kitchen tab was currently on display he decided to start with the tab that was already open.

There were only five options available to purchase. Kit wasn't happy with the limited items on the screen. He put it down to the restaurant having no stars. As he looked at the five items available his annoyance lifted, he recognised all the items from Iris' kitchen.

He hovered his finger over the first item on the screen to see its information.

Small time freeze storage shelf: 50 culinary points.

Equipment has 3 trays available for storage. Trays can hold 50 meals each.

Upgrade available for purchase after unlocking restaurant promotion to 1 star.

Kit was very happy to see this item in the menu. He looked at the amount of culinary points needed to unlock the item. 'So little for a must have item. There must be a catch somewhere.'

Kit quickly selected the purchase option.



Small time freeze storage shelf unlocked.

Bonus activated: small time freeze storage shelf upgraded to medium time freeze storage shelf.

Kit felt a moment of surprise after purchasing his first item for his restaurant. He had been lucky enough to activate the bonus he received from Snickers to automatically upgrade an item. Kit was very pleased with his upgrade.

He continued to purchase the four remaining options for his kitchen. He unlocked a small magic refrigerator, fire pit, magic storage pantry and a Fire roaster. He spent another 200 culinary points to complete his purchase.

The limited options in the kitchen section left Kit with a feeling his restaurant would be very basic to begin with. 'How rustic was my restaurant going to be! At this rate I couldn't even call it a restaurant, it was more like a street stall with walls! How was this going to be the most luxurious restaurant in all of CAL.'

As Kit thought more about the lack of choices available, he realised this should be right. His restaurant was only in its infancy stage so the options would be limited. His disappointment disappeared as if it had never been there.

Once he was able to upgrade his restaurant to a 1 star, more items will be available to him. Right now, his restaurant was tiny even if he wanted a large number of items, they wouldn't fit inside the kitchen space.

The lack of choice might actually be a good thing. At least this way he can slowly get used to the equipment in the kitchen before adding new appliances. With that thought he moved on to the next tab.

A list of utensils replaced the kitchen items. Again, Kit had a moment of displeasure once again, he had a feeling this would be a reoccurring event when he entered each tab. He once again readjusted his thinking process.

'It will be more exciting to get better equipment if I start out with the basics.'

The items available for purchase were all basic items, there wasn't one magical item available under this tab. Kit's drive to promote the restaurant to 1 star increased, so he could get hold of some magic cooking equipment. Magic is the best after all!

Kit continued to browse the screen and brought some necessary items for a kitchen. He purchased a cutting board, fry pan, a large pot, urn, glass bottles, a stack of plates, a pile of cups, knives, forks and spoons came in a bundle of 30. At the end of his spending spree, he had only spent 60 culinary points.

Kit came to the conclusion that a basic restaurant could be purchased by most chefs if they chose to open one. All the items were set at a reasonable price. He had a funny feeling this wouldn't be the case once he upgraded.

Kit moved on to the dining area section. Kit started to curse when he saw the tables and chairs that were available. 'I know the restaurant is still a baby, but this was just too cruel!'

There was only one choice, and it was horrible! Kit had thought he would be able to buy tables and benches like at Iris' inn. Kit had been sorely mistaken.

What was in front of him was a table made from a barrel with a round piece of wood stuck on top. The chairs were actual wooden barrels. He didn't want to waste his culinary points on this awful table setting.

Kit's eye started to twitch when he thought about what Snickers was going to say. She was the restaurant manager after all, he didn't think she would be happy decorating the inside with this hideous sight. Kit sucked in a breath and forced himself to purchase the offending items. His only consolation was that they only cost 10 culinary points.

Kit looked at what was left on the screen. There was only a serving tray, table cloth, menu board and a front counter left to buy. Kit clicked all three to purchase, he only spent another 40 culinary points. He finally got to the last tab, he clicked on the uniform section.

There was only one item inside! This was the saddest section yet. A lonely apron was glaring at him from the screen. He looked at the stats available on the apron, it was the same as the one he already received from Iris. It was only 5 culinary points, so he unlocked it anyway. He realised he had brought all the things that were currently available to unlock inside his restaurant.

Kit smiled, now the exciting part came, all his previous disappointment went up in smoke. He could finally place the items inside his restaurant so he could officially open for business. Kit closed the menu then walked into his kitchen. He started to plan where he was going to place everything.

Kit's heart was singing with happiness as he glanced around the bare floor. He had never felt so alive, all he had to do was place his brought items and his restaurant could be open!

'CAL place a medium time freeze storage shelf here.'

[Request unavailable]

Kit frowned he had unlocked the storage shelf. He then remembered what had happened with his restaurant purchase. He had used points to unlock the blueprint, but he still needed to use crowns to purchase the item. Kit smiled once he had figured out his mistake.

When he opened the restaurant menu this time the blue button with Spartan Fire Restaurant written inside was flashing. Kit hovered over the button.

A Purchase all option appeared when he hovered over the button. The amount needed to complete the transaction was 687 bronze crowns. Kit didn't hesitate to select purchase all.


Please close Spartan Fire Restaurant and leave building to place items.