Clerical recruitment.

Before he could open his mouth Twix spoke for him.

"Grandpa remember Mars and Kit are CAL blessed. So, they will disappear sometimes."

"But why now? The grand opening is so close. I don't understand."

"Grandpa we don't have a choice. Actually, Mars and I are quite lucky because the time we have to disappear is scheduled." Kit filled the room in on how long they would be away and how long they would be in CAL.

Grandpa twisted his mouth in thought. "Well at least we will be able to work around that. But once Spartan Fire gets busier, having two founding members disappear will be difficult for Twix. That will leave all the responsibility to him."

Kit frowned he hadn't thought of this. "Then Grandpa can you take back your position?"

"No, I'm retired now. I want to enjoy my time fishing. The best thing to do would be to upgrade the town hall so we can advertise for some clerical staff. Then most of the admission paperwork can be done by them." Grandpa looked at Kit, then continued talking.

"Honestly I forgot all about the paperwork. I still have to process yours and Mars land titles officially. It didn't matter before about the administration stuff because no one really came here. Now with the village about to get busy it will be important to stay on top of things."

Kit felt the respawn arch go further down the priority list. He and Mars couldn't leave Twix with all the work. It now looked like they would have to prioritise the upgrade of the town hall first. They only had tomorrow to complete the upgrade, Kit hoped it went smoothly.

With the meal finished and with the adrenalin worn off Kit felt exhausted. He said his goodbyes to the table and left them all there to talk. He knew one of them would close the door to the restaurant on their way out.

When Kit arrived at his mud hut Snowball was waiting at the entrance for him. Kit smiled picked him up and went to his bed. As they settled in for the night he noticed Snowballs treasure pile had grown once again. Kit smiled at the little thief, then drifted off to sleep.

He awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. He looked around the room for Snowball, but the little ball of fluff had already vanished. Kit smiled, the little guy was very adventurous. Kit thought it might be beneficial to follow him one day to see where he went.

Kit got dressed then went out to find the others. Kit wanted to speak to them about upgrading the town hall. He found Twix and Grandpa outside Mars' door. As he approached, the pair turned towards him.

"Kit we were going to come and get you next. I'm cancelling the training for today. I think it's important for you to spend some time in the kitchen working on making some preparations for the grand opening."

"Thanks Grandpa but I actually wanted to get a start on the town hall upgrade today. I don't want to leave Twix with all the work. I think it's more important to get some help for Twix while Mars and I are away first."

Grandpa smiled at Kit's words. "I just knew you would be a good founding member. Ok, let's see about that first."

Mars walked out of his door and look at the three of them. "So, we are off to the town hall then?"


As they walked to the town hall Kit noticed that the golden rain had stopped. He couldn't wait to see that sight again. It would mean that they had promoted the village once again. Kit followed the group into the town hall.

Then he pulled up the menu to see what they would need to do for the upgrade.

Town hall upgrade requirements.

Spartan Fire government buildings/land 3/3

Road infrastructure 0/1

Residential buildings 43/100

Commercial buildings 1/3

Industry buildings 0/3

Administration employee 0/1

Clerical employee 0/2

Upgrade Building requirements: wood, stone, small light stones, purple floating crystals.

Kit wanted to spit blood when he saw the requirements to upgrade the town hall. Then he felt a little silly. Of course, such an important building wouldn't be easy to upgrade. Then his eyes landed on the clerical and administration staff. They could already hire someone!

Kit felt energised looking at the information. They could now move the town hall down the priority list. Kit was buoyant with happiness. With a happy heart Kit continued to glance over the rest of the information.

He realised that this building didn't require a token to upgrade. Was it because it was a government building? Kit asked Grandpa if he knew.

"Ahh yes, most buildings and structures won't need a promotion token. They will have a list of requirements to meet though. Basically, only private businesses need to find their own promotion token."

Hearing that Kit felt a lot better about Spartan Fire's growth. Having to find numerous promotion tokens would have been a grand feat. Kit continued to look over the information. He was curious about the building requirements. Two of the materials needed he hadn't even heard of before.

"Grandpa what are light stones and purple floating crystals?"

"The light stones are exactly what they sound like, they glow with a strong light. The purple floating crystals are a source of magic. They are used in simple magic creations, basically they are a source of magical fuel. I'm guessing at the next upgrade there will be some magical element to the building."

Kit felt excited at the idea of a magical building. He couldn't wait to see what it would entail. Kit's mind went back to their clerical problem.

"How do we hire a clerical employee?"

Kit was met with blank stares all around. Kit chuckled 'ok they were all clueless.' Kit decided to see if he could solve the problem by looking around the town hall screen. He soon found something that he thought might be the answer.

There was an employment section on the screen. Kit quickly clicked on the button. A list of vacant jobs appeared in front of Kit. He was quite surprised at how many were needing to be filled. He moved his finger to the town hall clerical employees. There were three positions empty, over on the side of the screen was a blue button with the word's recruitment written inside.

Kit clicked the button.

Clerical recruitment.

Basic clerical employee daily wage 40 bronze crowns.

Higher tiers unavailable. Please upgrade town hall for more options.

Send a recruitment notice.


Kit looked at the daily wage. The village was not currently making any income. If he employed a clerical employee, then they would have money slowly leaking out each day. It was not a large amount but if they didn't balance it with other income. It could become a problem.

Then Kit thought about leaving all the work to Twix. He sighed then clicked the yes button. They would have to figure out a way to counter balance the issue later. Kit was surprised when another screen popped up.

[Spartan Fire]

Please chose recruitment area.

Local area: 10 Spartan Fire points.

Forsaken state: 50 Spartan Fire points.

Fornax continent: 100 Spartan Fire points.

Global: 500 Spartan Fire points.

Kit blinked at the screen in thought. The local area was so small he didn't think they would have a good chance of finding clerical staff in the area. Kit chose to send a state wide recruitment notice. He pressed on the Forsaken state.

[Spartan Fire]

Please confirm Forsaken state recruitment notice.

50 Spartan Fire points will be deducted.


Kit chose yes then held his breath. All he could see was a recruitment in prosses flashing on the screen. He wounded how long it would take to fill the position.

"I just sent out a recruitment notification to the Forsaken state to fill one of the clericals positions. It's just, nothing seems to be happening."

Kit heard laughter from Grandpa. "Kit it will take time for someone to take the position. It is a big decision to move. We're not a big city, so getting staff will take time. Honestly it might take weeks before anyone even applies."

"What? Then what will Twix do while we're not here?"

"Kit, calm down. Right now, we're not busy and you and Mars will be back before the grand opening of the restaurant. Hopefully that will be enough time for someone to take the position."

Kit relaxed at Grandpa's words. He was right they still had time to prepare before the village hopefully got busy. While he was at the town hall Kit wanted to look at how many Spartan Fire points were needed to purchase the cemetery. He wanted to be able to build the respawn arch as soon as possible.

Kit opened the blueprints and looked for the cemetery under Spartan Fire government buildings/land tab.


20,000 Spartan Fire points to unlock.

Kit sighed it looked like they would be saving the town funds for a while to get the respawn arch.

"Can we purchase the cemetery now or do you think we need to get another building first." Kit inquired to the room.

"No, you can get it now. The respawn arch is important for Spartan Fires development. So we should get to work on the cemetery right away. I just wish Leonard was back already."

Kit was surprised at Twix words but also a little happy. He didn't want to run into Leonard anytime soon. He was worried the large man would try to kill him once again. He would need to think of a way to calm the man's anger towards him before they met again.

Kit was curious why he was not back though. "How long will he be gone for?"

"Oh, Snickers said it would take him a few days to return. She didn't want to deal with him being sticky. Those were her words not mine." Kit could clearly hear the amusement in Twix voice as he spoke.

"Honestly, Leonard is not so bad. He just has the mentality of a child sometimes. Though when it comes to anything to do with building, he is a genius. It's like he completely transforms into another person." Kit could tell Twix admired the large man's skills.

"Yes I have to agree his building skills are amazing." Kit thought of the fountain at the market. Even he had to admire his skills.

Kit went ahead and purchased the cemetery.



Cemetery now available to build in spartan fire.

Building requirements: Bones from a spiritual beast, wood, stone.

The building requirements made Kit's heart thump. He was anxious about the bones from a spiritual beast. He had no clue how they would collect something like that.

He remembered the large white bear from the White moon travelling pocket realm. He did not even think that Grandpa and Twix could handle something like that. On thinking of the white bear Kit felt like he had forgotten something.

'Pink pork! Bai yue! I forgot all about him.'

Did the white moon sphynx not say that he would appear once he acquired some land. Kit felt a little angry that he might have been deceived, then he thought about the contract. Kit decided he would ask Snowball if he had seen the cat. There was nothing he could do about it now anyway.

Kit noticed that the group was talking about the spiritual bones while he had been distracted.

"It won't be easy to collect something like that. I will talk to Clive about going up the mountain. He might be able to figure something out." Kit listened to Grandpa talking, luckily he didn't think he had missed out on anything important while he was distracted.

"There is also something else we need to talk about. I think you boys should consider building a warehouse. We need to have a supply of materials to complete buildings. So having a good stockpile on hand, so we don't have to wait for collection of items, would be good."

Kit felt frustrated. Each time he thought he was getting closer to completing the respawn arch it got further away from him. Kit seriously thought about Grandpa's idea. Then he looked at the cemetery. He guessed as they purchased more blueprints, they would need better materials than mud and straw.

As much as Kit didn't want to admit it, he thought Grandpa was right. Not everyone would be capable of collecting materials themselves. So having them on hand would be better. Then Kit thought that it might be a good way to make a bit of money too.

They could sell the materials to people who needed them. Kit smiled, it was always good to have something that would generate money.